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Wheelchair users can find accessing digital content on large multi-touch tables particularly difficult and frustrating due to their limited reach. We present work in progress that is exploring the potential of enhancing touch table... more
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      AccessibilityAssistive/Adaptive TechnologyAssistive TechnologyHCI
This lecture forms part of the 'Next Generation User Interfaces' course given at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
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      Information SystemsEngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware Engineering
Multi-touch tables are increasingly being used in public spaces such as museums, art galleries, and libraries to help engage the public and provide access to collections. Design- ing applications for this type of environment where a wide... more
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      Human Computer InteractionInformation TechnologyDesignUsability
.In this paper we present a new tool, NumberNet, designed to promote within and between group collaboration in a mathematics classroom. The activity builds on a standard individual mathematics activity (Explode-A-Number; Atkinson, 1992),... more
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      Educational TechnologyTechnology Enhanced LearningTeaching mathematics for conceptual understanding in the technology based environmentMulti-touch tables
In this paper we describe the design and development of a multi-touch surface and software that challenges current approaches to the production and consumption of comics. Authorship of the comics involves drawing the 'top level' of the... more
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      Human Computer InteractionHuman FactorsTheoryComics
This exploratory study is about the design, development and evaluation of an interactive application on multi-touch table, in order to enhance students' learning of algebraic generalization in a collaborative learning environment.... more
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      Interactive Multimedia ApplicationsMulti-TouchTeaching AlgebraMulti-touch tables
Over the past few years, multi-touch user interfaces emerged from research prototypes into mass market products. This evolution has been mainly driven by innovative devices such as Apple's iPhone or Microsoft's Surface tabletop computer.... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringHuman Computer Interaction
Multi-touch tabletops have noteworthy and promising affordances for co-composition as an activity in co-located and collaborative learning. In this paper we describe the use of co-composition as a guide in design of a multi-touch... more
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      Mobile LearningEmbodimentComputer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)Multimodality
El presente trabajo presenta el diseño y desarrollo de un ambiente de aprendizaje colaborativo basado en mesas multi-touch. Así mismo el ambiente de aprendizaje cuenta con un conjunto de librerías de software (API) que apoya el proceso de... more
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      Educational TechnologyEnvironmental EducationSoftware ArchitectureMulti-touch tables Esta obra cuenta con derechos reservados, prohibida su reproducción parcial o total, a través de cualquier medio físico o electrónico sin permiso escrito de los editores.
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      Educational TechnologyEnvironmental EducationSoftware ArchitectureMulti-touch tables
The status quo for co-located groupware is to assume that "social protocols" (standards of polite behavior) are sufficient to coordinate the actions of a group of users; however, prior studies of groupware use as well as our own... more
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      Information VisualizationConflict ResolutionHCICollaborative Learning
We introduce a new multi-touch table “shoaling” application that we have been working on with the new Library of Birmingham (UK). This application contains shoals of assets taken from the Library’s collections that flock and swim around... more
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      Human Computer InteractionInformation TechnologyDesignUsability
Multi-touch tabletops have noteworthy and promising affordances for co-composition as an activity in co-located and collaborative learning. In this paper we describe the use of co-composition as a guide in design of a multi-touch... more
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      Mobile LearningEmbodimentComputer Supported Collaborative Learning CSCLMultimodality
Multi-touch tables can help facilitate and improve collaborative interactions yet many users with physical disabilities (e.g. wheelchair users) find it extremely difficult to interact with large tables. This paper presents... more
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      Human Computer InteractionInformation TechnologyDesignUsability
Multi-touch tabletops have noteworthy and promising affordances for co-composition as an activity in co-located and collaborative learning. In this paper we describe the use of co-composition as a guide in design of a multi-touch... more
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      Mobile LearningEmbodimentComputer Supported Collaborative Learning CSCLMultimodality
The status quo for co-located groupware is to assume that "social protocols" (standards of polite behavior) are sufficient to coordinate the actions of a group of users; however, prior studies of groupware use as well as our own... more
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      Information VisualizationHCICollaborative LearningMulti-touch tables
Description The SynergyNet classroom was designed to integrate multi-touch tables into a typical classroom environment. The data to be presented in this symposium are concerned with how students working on a collaborative mathematics... more
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      Educational TechnologyClassroom environmentMulti-TouchMulti-touch tables
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      Mobile LearningEmbodimentComputer Supported Collaborative Learning CSCLMultimodality
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full... more
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      Educational TechnologyComputer Supported Collaborative LearningComputer Supported Collaborative Learning CSCLCollaborative Learning
This paper presents two studies that examine emergent leadership in children’s collaborative learning groups. Building on research that finds that leadership moves are distributed among group members during learning activities, we... more
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      Educational TechnologyComputer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)Collaborative LearningElementary Education