Multi-Objective Optimization
Recent papers in Multi-Objective Optimization
In this paper, a Goal Programming (GP) model is converted into a multi-objective optimization problem (MOO) of minimizing deviations from fixed goals. To solve the resulting MOO problem, a hybrid metaheuristic with two steps is proposed... more
Genetic algorithm (GA) and differential evolution (DE) are metaheuristic algorithms that have shown a favorable performance in the optimization of complex problems. In recent years, only GA has been widely used for single-objective... more
Purpose -This is the first part of a two-part paper. The purpose of this paper is to report on methods that use the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to investigate an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) and memory-based approach referred to as... more
This work presents the development of a proof-of-concept generative design tool for the AEC industry, named Aplysia. Aplysia has the capability to provide the designer with the ability to produce emergent design solutions from... more
MOFPA--Multi-objective flower pollination algorithm. This demo solves a bi-objective ZDT function of D=30 (dimensions), which can be extended to solve other multi-objective optimization problems. It is relatively straightforward to extend... more
Many problems having single or multiple objectives are routinely solved using GA methodologies. This paper is devoted to the simultaneous weight and deflection optimization of cantilever beam by using a modified Non-Dominated sorting... more
This paper presents an evolutionary based technique for solving the multi-objective based economic environmental dispatch by considering the stochastic behavior of renewable energy resources (RERs). The power system considered in this... more
In this paper, we focus on computing a consistent traffic signal configuration at each junction that optimizes multiple performance indices, i.e., multi-objective traffic signal control. The multi-objective function includes minimizing... more
Environmentally conscious construction has become a subject of research during the last decades. Even though construction literature involves plenty of studies that emphasize the importance of environmental impact during the construction... more
Production of marketed commodities and protection of biodiversity in natural systems often conflict and thus the continuously expanding human needs for more goods and benefits from global ecosystems urgently calls for strategies to... more
Nowadays, considering the importance of the energy issue, it has become a major concern of economic topic. According to the energy balance sheet data, more than one third of the total energy consumption in Iran is consumed in the building... more
The central nervous system uses stereotypical combinations of the three wrist/forearm joint angles to point in a given (2D) direction in space. In this paper, we first confirm and analyze this Donders’ law for the wrist as well as the... more
In this paper, a metaheuristic optimizer, the multi-objective water cycle algorithm (MOWCA), is presented for solving constrained multi-objective problems. The MOWCA is based on emulation of the water cycle process in nature. In this... more
This presentation explains the fundamental ideas of the bat algorithm (BA), which also contains the links to the free Matlab codes at Mathswork file exchanges and the animations of numerical simulations (video at Youtube).
Paper regards a performance increase of an actual off-road (4x4) rally car (FIA–T1) through multiobjective optimization of damping characteristics of wheel suspensions in the car model with 7 degrees of freedom. Focus is put to find the... more
with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection or dissimilar... more
Paper presents an innovative method for finding the best setup of: race driver actions, vehicle motion trajectory, and vehicle chassis parameters for a closed-loop maneuver. Formulated " miMa " simulation model of driver-vehicle-road... more
This paper provides an in-depth review of the optimal design of type-1 and type-2 fuzzy inference systems (FIS) using five well known computational frameworks: genetic-fuzzy systems (GFS), neuro-fuzzy systems (NFS), hierarchical fuzzy... more
This work presents the development of a proof-of-concept generative design tool for the AEC industry, named Aplysia. Aplysia has the capability to provide the designer with the ability to produce emergent design solutions from... more
The multi objective optimization problems can be found in various fields such as finance, automobile design, aircraft design, path optimization etc. This paper reviews some of the existing literature on multi objective optimization... more
This paper explores the concepts of multi-criteria optimization in architecture and discusses two different methodological approaches: goal-oriented tech-niques and methods based on computational morphogenesis. The aim of the paper is to... more
The traffic of vehicles in urban areas has many problems that include the increase of traffic congestion and psychological stress of drivers leading to high rate of accidents, considerable time losses, and high rate of vehicle emissions.... more
Cognitive ability predicts mathematics performance. However, there are other factors like study habits and psycho-sociological characteristics which also influence students’ performance. With these factors, this study aspires to obtain a... more
Strategies, models, and algorithms facilitating such models are explored to provide transportation network managers and planners with more flexibility under uncertainty. Network design problems with non-stationary stochastic OD demand are... more
Traditionally, gas turbine has attracted the attention of many engineers due to having aerial applications. These turbines have complex non-linear systems and particular restrictions that affect the flight quality and security.... more
Since asset returns have been recognized as not normally distributed, the avenue of research regarding portfolio higher moments soon emerged. To account for uncertainty and vagueness of portfolio returns as well as of higher moment risks,... more
This presentation explains the fundamental ideas of the standard Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA), which also contains the links to the free Matlab codes at Mathswork file exchanges and the animations of numerical simulations (video at... more
This paper considers a single machine scheduling problem, with the objective of minimizing a linear combination of total tardiness and waiting time variance in which the idle time is not allowed. Minimizing total tardiness is always... more
The multiobjective firefly algorithm (MOFA) is a nature-inspired optimization algorithm. This demo solves the bi-objective ZDT3 functions with D=30 (dimensions), and the obtained Pareto Front is displayed. It is relatively straightforward... more
A two-stage optimization method is proposed for optimal distributed generation (DG) planning considering the integration of energy storage in this paper. The first stage determines the installation locations and the initial capacity of... more
Combining simulation models and multi-objective optimization can help solving complex land use allocation problems by considering multiple, often competing demands on landscapes, such as agriculture, (drinking) water provision, or... more
The inclusion of expert knowledge in data-driven streamflow modeling is expected to yield better performances in modeling and more reliable estimates of river quantities. Modular techniques designed to work on different flow regimes and... more
Multi-objective optimization of power converters is a time-consuming task, especially when multiple operating points and multiple converter topologies must be considered. As a result, various steps are often taken to simplify the design... more
Planning requirements in terms of energy efficiency and daylighting strongly contribute to shaping the layout of cities. Direct solar access is the main requirement of the right to light in Estonia. Direct sunlight hours on building... more
Selecting an adequate set of inputs is a critical step for successful data-driven streamflow prediction. In this study, we present a novel approach for Input Variable Selection (IVS) that employs Binary-coded discrete Fully Informed... more
The project is a real-world case study where we advised our client in the selection of a viable and well-performing design from a set of computationally generated options. This process was undertaken while validating the algorithmic... more
I submit that epistemic progress in key areas of contemporary academic philosophy has been compromised by politically correct (" PC ") ideology. First, guided by an evolutionary account of ideology, results from social and cognitive... more
• The strength of linear programming is that it allows decision makers to allocate scarce resources to the organizations. A difficult task in employing linear programming is quantifying the trade-off between multiple incompatible and... more
Electric discharge machining (EDM) has verified to be an alternate approach for machining complex and critical shapes on workpiece. In this work described EDM of AISI P20 tool steel in which best process environment (optimal) has been... more