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Purpose The concept of Takaful has a long history. It is linked with the era of Prophet Muhammad 1,400 years ago. The globalization and development of socio-economic systems have made business activities more complex in response to... more
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      Waqf AccountingNomination in TakafulWaqf Model in TakafulShariah issues in takaful
The problem of poverty and unemployment is not a recent issue in Indonesia, an effort to emphasize poverty and unemployment re-emerged. The government has been tried to overcome it in various ways. However, this condition is too hard to... more
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      AccountingEkonomiEkonomi IslamMudharabah
Profit sharing (Mudharabah) is a monetary instrument of Islamic finance as interest is a monetary instrument of conventional economics. Both have extreme one another paradigm. Results have a theoretical basis for the profit and loss... more
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    • Mudharabah
This thesis aims to determine how much influence policy-contract agreement the Islamic bank financing (murabahah, istishna, mudharabah, and musyarakah) against the profitability of Islamic banks. Profitability used in this thesis is the... more
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      ProbabilityRoe DeerMudharabahMURABAHAH
Dana pihak ketiga adalah dana yang diperoleh dari individu individu yang ada di masyarakat, dalam arti masyarakat sebagai individu, perusahaan, pemerintah, rumah tangga, koperasi, yayasan, dan lain-lain baik dalam mata uang rupiah maupun... more
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      MudharabahDana Pihak KetigaWadiah
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris dan menganalisis pengaruh zakat, qardh, murabahah, mudharabah, musyarakah, dan corporate social responsibility (CSR) terhadap kinerja keuangan (ROA) Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia... more
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      AccountingBankingIslamic StudiesIslamic Banking
The aim of this paper is to study is to review the performance of Asset based (Mudharabah) and commodity based (Murabaha) Islamic securities on a yearly basis in the Islamic Inter-Bank Money Market (IIMM) in Malaysia. The money market is... more
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      Islamic FinanceIslamic Capital and Money MarketMudharabahMurabaha
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      Islamic BankingMudharabahBank Umum Syariah
In Islam, all decisions, activities, policies, strategies and interactions in the economy are related to human relationships. In the Islamic financial system, the syariah rules are considered in all economic activities including... more
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This paper introduces a Markov chain model for Islamic micro-financing, especially mudarabah and murababah contracts. Mudarabah and murabahah are two Islamic micro-financing contracts that have enormous potential in creating a balance... more
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      Mathematical EconomicsIslamic FinanceMarkov chainsMudharabah
By July 2015, with the full implementation of the Islamic Financial Services Act (IFSA 2013) imposed by regulatory authorities in Malaysia, investment accounts by Islamic banks in Malaysia will no longer be protected by the national... more
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      MalaysiaIslamic BankingMudharabah