Moving Image

298 papers
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Moving image refers to a visual medium that displays a sequence of images in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion. This encompasses various formats, including film, video, and digital media, and is studied in fields such as film studies, media studies, and visual culture.
Media" Thomas Elsaesser situates industrial films within a broader research agenda concerned with non-fiction film and provides a series of theoretical handles that may prove useful in future research. In "Record, Rhetoric,... more
The consideration about film documents has evolutioned during the almost one hundred and twenty years of history of film: from being considerated as a mere merchandise which once used could be thrown out to be considerated part of a... more
Film-cultural processes of change in today’s network society, especially that of relocation, draw attention to an increasingly personalized and active film experience. Against this background, a transdisciplinary, application-oriented... more
Journée d'étude : Chorégraphies du Genre. Le 'cinéma corporel' de Maria Klonaris et Katerina Thomadaki (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 23/01/2023)
In design, sensual experience, where the sense of touch is coupled with vision, plays an important role in building designers’ internal knowledge. Therefore, many design schools put emphasis on perceptually grounded experience, especially... more
Rather than a fixed object, a finite representation of infinity, this paper argues that God is a process.
The moving image production process has a structure that depends on the universal rules of physical science, is sensitive to technological innovations and focuses on the viewer experience. Digitalisation processes in the fields of series... more
Introduction Given the rapid process of industrialization, expansion of agriculture, increased reliance on fossil fuels, and the intensification of climatic conditions, air quality has rapidly deteriorated in recent years. One of the... more
Since the mid-20th century, artificial intelligence technologies, which have their roots in neuroscience and the discovery of neural networks, have created a rapidly growing competitive field on a global scale. Systems based on artificial... more
In the past period of development, the genre of audiovisual arts, in its evolution of transmission and interpretation of auditory images and landscapes, has overcome a huge distance from silent sound space to the most complex phonographic... more
This thesis identifies approaches to film-making which stimulate a relationship of active involvement between the cinematic image and the viewer through the evocation of tactility and embodied memory, thus inviting the viewer’s whole body... more
Background: Meeting with health care gets short before and after the operation. The difficulty at the day surgery is that preparation and information take place in close proximity to the operation. Health professionals must not only take... more
The Moody Institute of Science (MIS) was founded in 1945 by the Moody Bible Institute and Irwin A. Moon as an evangelical group that used science demonstrations to preach to the masses. A California pastor who had been using science... more
The Moody Institute of Science (MIS) was founded in 1945 by the Moody Bible Institute and Irwin A. Moon as an evangelical group that used science demonstrations to preach to the masses. A California pastor who had been using science... more
Where does knowledge begin? Let's take the example of a mountain. For a subarctic Norwegian, what could be a more mundane view than that of a mountain that you see every day. Still, steady, seemingly unmoving. Can a local, not famous,... more
Статья об эстетических аспектах герменевтики и о невозможности отождествления обычной герменевтики с эстетикой.
The aim of this research is to establish a dialogue between moving image devices, considered as precursors of cinema, and the representation of space in order to evaluate the physical orientations of inventors who transformed their... more
Review ofSlow Emergency Siren Ongoing: Accessing Handsworth Songs, Sarah Hyden (ed) (2022) event and book
Queen (1951). 4 Film reviewers praised Latuko for its authentic, color footage and synchronous sound, claiming it represented "a novel African document" 5 and a "dizzying antidote to most ordinary film fare." 6 AMNH officials were... more
Released in 1995, Telephones was the precursor to a lot of Christian Marclay's video collages, such as Video Quartet (2002), Crossfire (2007), The Clock (2010), 48 War Movies (2019), Subtitled (2019) and Doors (2022). Scenes were sampled... more
This on-line article 'Challenge to Fascism: Glasgow's May Day' (1938) is about Helen Biggar's (1909- 1953) final film. The article gives a full synopsis of the film and looks at Biggar's upbringing to explain why she... more
Escucha este silencio. Es una reflexión personal sobre el antes y el después, la percepción, la naturaleza, el tiempo y la complejidad que encierran los términos observar y representar. La profundidad de la luz de invierno conteniendo... more
This paper investigates CASTING, Yiyun Kang's site-specific projection mapping installation at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, U.K., and the acquisition of the piece by the V&A in the following year. It identifies how CASTING... more
This practice-based research investigates how projection mapping develops a distinctive relationship between screen, moving image, and space in projected moving-image art. Despite projection mapping’s growing popularity, little in-depth... more
This paper investigates CASTING, Yiyun Kang's site-specific projection mapping installation at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, U.K., and the acquisition of the piece by the V&A in the following year. It identifies how CASTING... more
The occasion of this special issue on experimental moving images allows us to conduct an experiment of our own. As we have learned, there is a large and diverse community of scholars, makers, archivists, technicians, programmers, and... more
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My first undergraduate filmmaking class circa 1968 at Harvard had fifteen students; fourteen of them were men-boys, reallyand I was the one female. It was the only film production class at the entire university. The professor, Robert... more
Tekst był publikowany w: "ArtPapier" 2007, nr 18(90). Obaj artyści nie są debiutantami na weneckim Biennale, imprezie uznawanej przez jednych za najważniejsze miejsce konfrontacji współczesnych artystów, a przez innych za przykład... more
Background: Meeting with health care gets short before and after the operation. The difficulty at the day surgery is that preparation and information take place in close proximity to the operation. Health professionals must not only take... more
Text seznamuje s okolnostmi zavádění barevné televize v Československu. Zabývá se nejen technickou a organizační stránkou celého projektu, ale také estetickými nároky, které s sebou tato nová zobrazovací forma přinesla. Popularizační... more
The discipline of film studies has, since the late 1960s and early 1970s, been a burgeoning academic and intellectual field of inquiry. This article seeks to provide a map of the local and international flows of Australian film theory and... more
This pamphlet was done for the the online symposium THE DANCE OF DISORDER which took place in Nov 2020. The symposium was done in the frame of the artistic research project Nonknowledge, Laughter and the Moving Image, led by Annika... more
This pamphlet was made in the frame of "The Sleep Over Experiment", a non public event which took place over the course of a night where 20 artists, researchers, writers and students were invited to participate in a series of openly... more
E.I The Blob (2018 -) is a noise making interactive “image-organism” sensitive to sound and touch,created to explore new ways of thinking, being and acting with the Moving Image. It plays a central role in the artistic research project... more
В статье рассматриваются некоторые положения и выводы книги Стива Нолана «Фильм, Лакан и предмет религии: психоаналитический подход к анализу религиозного фильма», посвященной обзору концепций ряда североамериканских авторов, которые... more
Актуальность темы обусловлена тем, что изучение бессознательной деятельности человеческой психики и его роли в культурном развитии человечества много лет остаётся в авангарде психологической науки в связи со специфической ролью, которую,... more
Термин «экранный документ» был введен С. Дробашенко [1986], в научной традиции актуальность его использования подтверждена работами Г. Прожико [2004]. Введен термин для обозначения широкого пласта экранной культуры, куда входит самая... more
K základům interdisciplinární teorie tradice, jejíž vypracování je cílem mezinárodního projektu Centra ekumenické teologie TF JU v Českých Budějovicích, je jistě nutná i solidní teorie dějin jako teorie časoprostoru, v němž se traditum... more
Celebrating Women and Reflecting on the COVID 19 Lockdown Experience; Empowering Voices through a Micro Film Festival In this paper I present a report, on how we organized and brought to life a micro film festival with the intention of... more
El apagón analógico: el British Film Institute y la educación en los tres últimos decenios ❖ Cary Bazalgette. Former responsible of Media Education Development in the British Film Institute (London, UK)
En este artículo se plantean los elementos clave de las estrategias de educación en el cine llevadas a cabo por el Instituto Británico del Cine (BFI) en las escuelas británicas durante los veinticinco últimos años de la era analógica.... more