Recent papers in Movement
interaction infant − Oxytocin shapes parental motion during father Supplementary data ml An infant-oriented parental repertoire contributes to an infant's development and well-being. The role of oxytocin (OT) in promoting affiliative... more
The main objective of this work is the evaluation, by means of the finite element method (FEM) of the mechanical stability and long-term microstructural modifications in bone induced to three different kinds of fractures of the distal... more
10. DC cultures were generated as described (5, 22). Immature I-A kϩ DCs grown from C3H/HeN, C3H/HeJ, and CBA/J (Jackson Labs, Bar Harbor, ME) marrow suspensions were pulsed with HEL (1 to 3 mg/ml) with or without LPS (1 to 10 ng/ml, E.... more
Dance as a topic for systematic anthropological investigation was established in the 1960s. As the Western category of dance did not always work in a cross-cultural perspective, bounded rhythmical movements were identified, as well as... more
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of kinesiophobia, quality of life, and home exercise programs on women with upper extremity lymphedema. Methods: A total of 62 women with lymphedema after breast cancer... more
Background and objective: Several cognitive-behavioral factors contribute to the persistence of pain disability in patients with chronic back pain. Fear-avoidance beliefs and fear of movement/(re)injury in particular have been shown to be... more
Thirty patients with 49 snapping hips and patellar malalignment underwent surgical release of the iliotibial tract contracture over the trochanteric area. Minimal follow-up was 2 years (average 4.6 years, range: 2-9 years). Eight patients... more
I measured the knee extension torque, produced by eight hemiparetic patients during repeated knee extension-flexion reversals and during separated knee extension-flexion dyads, to determine the effect of "reversal of antagonists" on knee... more
We studied the e¡ect of stimulus predictability on the alpha and beta changes observed in central regions during stimulus-induced movement paradigms. Six young volunteers were instructed to extend briskly their dominant wrist as soon as... more
CITATIONS 128 READS 103 8 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: searching for psychobiological factors for psychopathology View project Projet RISC: Evaluation of the need... more
This pilot study obtained preliminary data on the effects of acupuncture treatment combined with a standard inpatient stroke rehabilitation program on poststroke motor recovery and physical function. Thirty-two patients with acute stroke... more
Our objective was to understand the impact of motor and nonmotor symptoms of patients with early and middle stage Parkinson's disease (PD) on their spouses' caregiver strain and depression. A sample of 219 spouse caregivers of PD patients... more
Mechanical sit-to-stand devices assist patient transfers and help protect against work-related injuries in rehabilitation environments. However, observational differences between patient's movements within devices compared to normal... more
factors contributing to in vivo eccentric moment generation.
The usefulness of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of thalamic nuclei in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) has recently been advocated. We report on a 14-month follow-up study of a patient with intractable GTS in whom bilateral DBS of the... more
The fate of black carbon deposited on the soil surface after burning of harvesting residues is poorly understood. In this study we quantified horizontal as well as vertical transport of total pyrogenic carbon and its chemically most... more
Objective: Studies of synchronous physiological responses to startle stimuli between monozygotic twins and other paired subjects have suffered from methodological flaws such as post-hoc specifications of "connectedness" criteria. The... more
We employed positron emission tomography to examine the functional anatomy of the exploratory-motor aspect of spatial attention. Subjects moved their right hand under nonexploratory (control) versus exploratory (active) conditions.... more
Previous studies in patients with Parkinson's disease have reported that a single session of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) can improve some or all of the motor symptoms for 30 to 60 minutes. A recent study suggested... more
This paper aims to develop an improved understanding of the critical response of structures to multicomponent seismic motion characterized by three uncorrelated components that are deÿned along its principal axes: two horizontal and the... more
A randomization method is developed for the calculation of covariation between multiple variables that are linked nonlinearly to a dependent variable. Covariation is a phenomenon often invoked in the study of movement coordination to... more
In a randomised prospective controlled trial of 52 patients aged 16 to 65 we compared early non-weightbearing ankle mobilisation with ankle immobilisation following surgical treatment of bimalleolar ankle fractures. At 3 months there was... more
BACKGROUND: Sydenham's chorea (SC) occurs in 26% of patients with rheumatic fever (RF). Despite usually being described as a self-limited condition, few reports indicate that SC may persist in rare subjects.
Objective. To investigate prospectively whether painrelated fear predicts future perceived disability and participation in patients with acute low back pain (LBP).
Motor improvements in chronic stroke recovery accrue from coupled protocols of bilateral movements and active neuromuscular stimulation. This experiment investigated coupled protocols and within-limb transfer between distal and proximal... more
Abnormal postures of the trunk are a typical feature of Parkinson's disease (PD). These include Pisa syndrome (PS), a tonic lateral flexion of the trunk associated with slight rotation along the sagittal plane. In this study we... more
We have initiated a genetic analysis of the zebrafish visual system to identify novel molecules involved in vertebrate retinal function. Zebrafish are highly visual; they have four types of cones as well as rod photoreceptors, making it... more
We investigated the possibility of controlling reaching movements on the sole basis of central mechanisms, i.e., without peripheral feedback on hand and target positions. A deafferented subject (GL) and control subjects reached with the... more
Purpose: External beam accelerated partial breast irradiation requires accurate localization of the target volume for each treatment fraction. Using the concept of target registration error (TRE), the performance of several methods of... more
The movement and physiological demands of international and regional men's touch rugby matches.
This paper considers the problem of automatically learning an activity-based semantic scene model from a stream of video data. A scene model is proposed that labels regions according an identifiable activity in each region, such as... more
An important goal in rehabilitation engineering is to develop technology that allows individuals with severe motor impairment to practice arm movement without continuous supervision from a rehabilitation therapist. This paper describes... more
We undertook this investigation to determine the interrater reliability of manual tests of elbow flexor muscle spasticity graded on a modified Ashworth scale. We each independently graded the elbow flexor muscle spasticity of 30 patients... more
Recent systematic reviews (Wilson et al., 2013, Dev. Med. Child Neurol., 55, 217; Adams et al., 2014, Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., 47C, 225) suggest that a common underlying problem in developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is the... more
However, these studies are generally based on global measures that describe functional limitations, but do not describe the quality of the movement difficulties . Movement timing refers to the ability to independently produce and perceive... more
Children with cerebral palsy (CP) have difficulty controlling and coordinating voluntary muscle, which results in poor selective control of muscle activity. Children with spastic CP completed ankle selective motor control exercises using... more
In this paper, we present two new articulated motion analysis and object tracking approaches: the decentralized articulated object tracking method and the hierarchical articulated object tracking method. The first approach avoids the... more