Recent papers in Mourning
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Lament in Greece has been historically linked to notions of cultural continuity and national belonging. As a literary genre or mode of performance, but also as a rhetorical trope, it has had a constitutive role in shaping national... more
Here are the preliminary materials and first two chapters from my most recent book: Grief Worlds: A Study of Emotional Experience. All chapters of the final published manuscript are freely available via MIT Press Direct:... more
The loss of the beloved, the fear or experience of it, either because of death or other reasons has been a repeatedly occurring theme in the work of Julian Barnes. In Before She Met Me, the fear of loss forms the subconscious of a... more
This chapter examines Nan Goldin’s Cookie Portfolio, the well-known series of photographs of her good friend Cookie Mueller from the beginning of their relationship (1976) until Mueller’s death (1989), in order to answer several... more
In this essay we will explore how contemporary models of grief and continuing bonds with the dead help us understand the emergence of new religious traditions. Our thesis is that what we have learned about grief and continuing bonds with... more
has been one of the most prominent Gothic writers up to this time.
This article examines Derrida’s insistence on the contretemps that breaks open time, paying particular attention to Politics of Friendship and the way in which this book envisages the ‘untimely’ as both interrupting, and making possible,... more
Background: Grief, as a universal human experience, follows certain stages as described in different (at times overlapping) models, by various researchers. However, the completion of certain emotional tasks and processes is required for... more
Do dreams take place in history? Or are they phenomena that take place outside history, on the margins of historical sense and truth? This paper has to do with dreams that take place in the space of the uncanny, where the familiar becomes... more
Final paper for Child Psychology.
Il senso del segreto si compone di approfondimenti tematici su cinque filosofi che hanno indagato la questione del segreto e della segretezza, attraverso un confronto – spesso esplicito, talvolta latente – con l’opera di Marcel Proust. Da... more
it’s the pregnant woman’s fault—exploiting culturally pervasive frames of anticipated guilt and intensive motherhood to put women on guard with ‘‘strident moral undertones’’ (p. 9). Many pushing pre-pregnancy care had and still have the... more
Based on the research on continuing bonds (CB) with a deceased person to date, the reports of clinicians, and the contemporary theory of attachment, two dimensions of CB were distinguished: (i) a concrete CB, essentially characteristic of... more
Adrian died from a heroin overdose in March 2020. One week into Coronavirus social distancing, his mother couldn't arrange a funeral-Tori couldn't receive guests in her home. I couldn't fly to Providence to sit with my friend and weep.
ABSTRACT: This lecture, which forms part-1 of two parts, includes a discussion and illustration of the following topics: (1) How the Ancient Egyptians conceived of the tomb and its component parts; (2) How a typical middle-upper class... more
"The Pearl, a Crayon, and a Lego," Essays in Medieval Studies 15 (1998): 8 ms pp. Available online at <>.
Reticulated amid the lines of T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land is the collapse of traditional, classical culture, convoluted by the rise of consumer culture. Eliot’s fragmented poem which seeks to merge the past and present with the predicted... more
This essay describes contemporary cultural practices related to death, dying and bereavement in Judaism, Mayan Indian and Christian traditions. Twelve types of loss that a client might experience. Three influential innovators of loss... more
En este artículo se hace una indagación por las relaciones entre violencia, arte y prácticas simbólicas. Para tal fin, se reflexiona sobre la persistencia del cementerio, las tumbas, los féretros y sus metáforas, tanto en el arte... more
Short article from the Apocryphal Technologies special issue of continent on digital death and startup culture
Τα είδη κατάθλιψης και το δυσεπίλυτο πένθος κατά την ψυχαναλυτική θεωρία.
Different types of depression and pathological mourning process under the scope of psychoanalytic theory. The language used is Greek.
Different types of depression and pathological mourning process under the scope of psychoanalytic theory. The language used is Greek.
This essay is on the aesthetic sociality of black life as presented in the film Moonlight. I theorize the momentariness of intimacy as opening up a space of affective relations that circulate around loss and blackness, distinct from... more
Reflecting on the role that writing played in the recovery, the author describes the mourning process after loss of her husband during the Virginia Tech massacre on April 16, 2007. She analysis how her traumatization was intensified by... more
Rizpah, Daughter of Aiah: Concubine and Mother, Silent and Brave Yael Shemsh, Bar-Ilan University In 2 Samuel 3:6–11, Rizpah is presented as an object, a tool in the power struggles between men. Her voice is not heard and she never... more
This is the keynote address given to the Tennessee Association of Pastoral Therapists, an organization of pastoral psychotherapists, on August 14, 2009, in Nashville, TN, USA. It is a reflection by the author upon the continued... more
En el presente trabajo se lleva a cabo un análisis de uno de los textos más influyentes de la literatura mexicana reciente, Antígona González (2012) de Sara Uribe. En un primer momento, se expone el contexto social, político y estético en... more
Traduction 2004 révisée: Jacques Aubert (Télémaque), Pascal Bataillard (Protée, Lotophages, Eumée), Michel Cusin (Nestor), Sylvie Doizelet (Charybde et Scylla), Patrick Drevet (Hadès, Nausicaa), Bernard Hoepffner (Eole, Circé,... more
In Memoires for Paul de Man Derrida articulates a new model of mourning as an ongoing conversation with the dead who are both within us and beyond us and continue to look at us with a look that is a call to responsibility and... more
Dans ce livre, le deuil, présenté couramment comme un repli sur soi et un chemin de solitude, est conçu dans les termes d'une action. Ceux qui restent met l'accent sur le rapport aux normes qui s'établit et se construit dans le deuil, du... more
This article draws on Robert Solomon's distinction between grief and mourning to examine the old question of whether Stoicism's approach to the emotions is wholly 'unsympathetic'. It argues that, if mourning, including public... more
From its invention onwards photography attributed with the ability to reveal the invisible and miraculous. During the nineteenth century Spiritualists used the medium in order to communicate the deceased, and these photographs were unique... more
Aus dem Französischen von M. A. Sieber und J. L. Villforth,
mit Anmerkungen von Rainer Stillers
mit Anmerkungen von Rainer Stillers
We will die one day, sooner or later. Traditionally, we approach death from a stoic perspective (Gawande, 2014, p.170). Dead bodies are covered up and quickly whisked away as if there is a shameful connotation affiliated with viewing... more
Building on research conducted on funerals in the Celestial Church of Christ, an African prophetic Church very popular in southern Benin, this paper engages the debated issue of "syncretism".
This particular work sets out to analyse horror’s relation to grief due to the genre’s proximity to death and secondly, to propose a new theory that establishes the 21st-century horror films to be directly about the process of mourning.... more