Motor Learning
Recent papers in Motor Learning
Gender differences have been shown across many domains, and motor skills are no exception. One of the most robust findings is a significant sex difference in throwing accuracy, which reflects the advantage of men in targeting abilities.... more
To uncover qualitative and quantitative patterns in a data set is a challenging task for research in the area of machine learning and data analysis. Due to the complexity of real-world data, high-order (polythetic) patterns or event... more
Purpose This study explores the importance of production frequency during speech therapy to determine whether more practice of speech targets leads to increased performance within a treatment session, as well as to motor learning, in the... more
The theory of direct perception holds that perception is specific to properties of ambient energy arrays. This article explores a similar approach to perceptual and perceptual-motor learning: Change due to learning is portrayed as... more
Motor learning is an essential part of human behavior, but poorly understood in the context of walking control. Here, we discuss our recent work on locomotor adaptation, which is an error driven motor learning process used to alter... more
This study examines young volleyball players' learning of increasingly complex attack gestures. The main purpose of the study was to examine the predictive role of a cognitive variable, working memory capacity (or ''M capacity"), in the... more
Survivors of spinal cord injury need to reorganize their residual body movements for interacting with assistive devices and performing activities that used to be easy and natural. To investigate movement reorganization, we asked subjects... more
The striatum is very much involved in learning motor sequences particularly in the consolidation phase, predicting that motor learning is affected in Parkinson's disease (PD). We conducted a literature review on this question and showed... more
Differencial learning in tennis in the example of the service
This study developed an on-field anticipation training intervention with the aim of improving novice goalkeeper penalty kick performance. Eighteen participants were allocated to either one-player (OP); or three-player (TP) training. The... more
Purpose. Motor skills can be learned in an explicit or an implicit manner. Explicit learning places high demands on working memory capacity, but engagement of working memory is largely circumvented when skills are learned implicitly. We... more
Στην έρευνα αυτή εξετάσθηκε αν η επιδεξιότητα στο ποδόσφαιρο επηρεάζει την απόδοση και τη µάθηση µίας νέας δεξιότητας η οποία απαιτεί την διαρκή προσαρµογή της στάσης του σώµατος σε δυναµικές οπτικές πληροφορίες. Στην πειραµατική... more
Voluntary physical activity and exercise training can favorably influence brain plasticity by facilitating neurogenerative, neuroadaptive, and neuroprotective processes. At least some of the processes are mediated by neurotrophic factors.... more
An external focus of attention is considered superior to an internal focus for learning and performance. However, findings specific to changing the task difficulty are inconsistent. The present study used a reciprocal aiming task to... more
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of errorless, error full and scaling equipment practice methods on learning of basketball free throw skill in children. 50 Boy students, 10–12 years old With a history of exercise three... more
Despite the fact that developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is characterised by a deficit in the ability to learn or automate motor skills, few studies have examined motor learning over repeated trials. In this study we examined... more
In this paper, we describe our experience in designing a virtual environment-based (VE) telerehabilitation system, and the results of a clinical study of the first 11 subjects with stroke to use the system. Our telerehabilitation system... more
Sensory information is critical to correct performance errors online during the execution of complex tasks and can be complemented by augmented feedback (FB). Here, 2 groups of participants acquired a new bimanual coordination pattern... more
With the use of the PNF concept a variety of sub goals can be achieved. These range from improvement of strength up to functional activities. In this way one can work on every level of the ICF with the PNF concept. In searching... more
Purpose: People without neurological impairments show superior motor learning when they focus on movement effects (external focus) rather than on movement execution itself (internal focus). Despite its potential for neurorehabilitation,... more
Una atenta observació de les activitats aquàtiques de caire educatiu mostra que aquestes pràctiques es fonamenten, principalment, en constructes que no són propis de la pedagogia, ans provenen de l'antropologia i/o de les cultures... more
Joseph Pilates (1880±1967) created a system of ®tness exercises that are still practiced in a more or less modi®ed form. Within the last two decades, there has been a signi®cant increase in the popularity of such Pilates-inspired (PI)... more
Motor behavior is modulated by dopamine-responsive neurons in the striatum, where dopaminergic signaling uses G-protein-coupled pathways, including those that result in the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). The RIIbeta... more
The development of performance, such as learning a new motor skill, can be represented in a performance curve. The shape of the performance curve is both of theoretical and practical relevance. Here, the author studied the interday... more
CITATIONS 20 READS 66 6 authors, including:
AbstractÐMotor learning abilities on the rotorod and motor skills (muscular strength, motor coordination, static and dynamic equilibrium) were investigated in three-, nine-, 15-and 21-month-old Lurcher and control mice. Animals were... more
This paper describes an interdisciplinary research project aimed at developing and evaluating effective and user-friendly non-contact robot-assisted therapy, aimed at in-home use. The approach stems from the emerging field of social... more
In this paper, the current "state of the art" for virtual reality (VR) applications in the field of motor rehabilitation is reviewed. The paper begins with a brief overview of available equipment options. Next, a discussion of the... more
Introduction: Cognitive-perceptual skills are important for successful performance in many tasks. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of quiet eye training and anticipation training on performance of hockey goalkeepers.... more
La formazione dell'insegnante in educazione fisica, richiede non solo l'analisi degli ambiti d'intervento, dei contenuti e delle modalità organizzative, ma anche la conoscenza delle modalità di insegnamento per promuovere l'apprendimento... more
OBJECTIVE: The aim was to study effects on motor skills and self-esteem of an extension of the Swedish school subject Physical Education and Health (PEH) and motor training during nine school years. DESIGN AND METHOD: An intervention... more
Purpose. Motor skills can be learned in an explicit or an implicit manner. Explicit learning places high demands on working memory capacity, but engagement of working memory is largely circumvented when skills are learned implicitly. We... more
This study was a case series design. The objectives of the study were to investigate the ability of a motor learning intervention to change aberrant pelvic floor and diaphragm kinematics and respiratory patterns observed in subjects with... more
The quality of teaching technique employed by the teacher basically influence student's interest and learning outcome. In recent times, it has become obvious that the conventional learning pattern can no longer meet the need of digital... more
The purpose of this study is to review literature related to the use of non-locomotor movement in teaching instrument posture and bow technique to beginning string students.
There is a surge in new, innovative digital tools and applications, also for the use in PE. We restrict ourselves to discussing two popular application categories that are currently widely used by PE-teachers in the Netherlands.... more