Motor Control
Most downloaded papers in Motor Control
En esta práctica se miden mediante cálculos matemáticos o por medición de otros parámetros los valores necesarios para analizar un motor de CD.
Three phase voltage source inverters supply variable voltage and frequency to alternating current machines. Pulse width modulation (PWM) is often used to transfer supply voltage from direct current (DC) into three-phase alternating... more
capstone project final report
This research was funded by, and implemented within, a UK national research organisation, while the author was the KE and Impact Evaluation Manager responsible for assessing impact on a £15m UK government-funded research programme. This... more
This project aims to develop a BLDC motor controller and assemble it by using friction drive technique to the bicycle. One focus of this objective was designing a motor controller and traction system easy to apply on bicycles. A number of... more
El motor de c. c. es una máquina eléctrica que transforma la energía eléctrica de c. c. en energía mecánica rotatoria. Está formado por un rotor que contiene el devanado inducido y un estator donde se instala el devanado inductor. El... more
This paper presents the implementation of motor speed control using Proportional Integral Derrivative (PID) controller using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Proportional Integral Derrivative (PID) controller is the technique used to... more
The aim behind the development of the project is to limit the current at starting of motor and to develop the high starting torque. There are different methods of starting of 3-phase Slip-Ring induction Motor. However, we selected the... more
Component and subsystem models used to evaluate the performance of a low-lift cooling system are described. An air-cooled chiller, a hydronic radiant distribution system, variable-speed control, and peak-shifting controls are modeled. A... more
Largely aided by the findings of the so-called ‘mirror neurons’ the attention to motor activity in action observation has exploded over the last two decades. The idea that we internally ‘mirror’ an observed action by covertly reproducing... more
Component and subsystem models used to evaluate the performance of a low-lift cooling system are described. An air-cooled chiller, a hydronic radiant distribution system, variable-speed control, and peak-shifting controls are modeled. A... more
Skripsi dari apparaku Bornok Sihombing, yang kami build bersama.
2012 ABSTRAK Motor Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) atau motor tanpa sikat arus searah merupakan salah satu jenis motor DC yang biasa digunakan untuk sepeda listrik, motor listrik, maupun mobil listrik. Penggunaan motor BLDC lebih banyak... more
Mirror neuron research has come a long way since the early 90’s, and many theorists are now stressing the heterogeneity and complexity of the sensorimotor properties of fronto-parietal circuits. However, core aspects of the initial... more
The discovery of so-called ‘mirror neurons’ - found to respond both to own actions and the observation of similar actions performed by others - has been enormously influential in the cognitive sciences and beyond. Given the self-other... more
Some devices convert electricity into motion but do not generate usable mechanical power as primary objective and so are not generally referred to as electric motors. Most electric motors operate through the interaction of magnetic... more
According to the Mines and Energy Minitry of Brazil the national industry spends 43,7% of all energy of the country, electrical motors are the responsible for 68% of all energy spend of the industries, what means that it is equivalent... more
In the well-known rubber hand illusion (RHI), watching a rubber hand being stroked while one's own unseen hand is synchronously stroked, induces a relocation of the sensed position of one's own hand towards the rubber hand . Rubber hands... more
Williams syndrome (WS) is a genetic disorder which results in an uneven cognitive profile. Despite superior language compared to other syndromes in the phenotypic outcome, toddlers with WS are as delayed in their language onset and early... more
Ada berbagai macam jenis motor yang digunakan pada dunia industri. Secara umum diklasifikasikan menjadi dua yaitu motor searah dan motor bolak-balik. Pada era sekarang umum dijumpai motor bolak – balik karena mudah dalam mencari sumber... more
This paper presents the detailed account on the control design for input tracking of a buck converter driven dc motor. Proportional-Integral (PI), Proportional-Integral-type Fuzzy Logic controller (PI-type FLC) and Linear Quadratic... more
Implementación de un controlador PI a un motor de CC. para el control de velocidad-
This thesis presents a novel hierarchical learning framework, Reinforcement Learning Optimal Control, for controlling nonlinear dynamical systems with continuous states and actions. The adapted approach mimics the neural computations that... more
Purpose. Motor skills can be learned in an explicit or an implicit manner. Explicit learning places high demands on working memory capacity, but engagement of working memory is largely circumvented when skills are learned implicitly. We... more
Efeitos da fisioterapia em paciente portador de Mucopolissacaridose UNITER-SONO Distúrbios de Sono em Crianças, Adolescentes e Adultos Neurologia e Psicologia
Evidence exists that the observation of actions activates the same cortical motor areas that are involved in the performance of the observed actions. The neural substrate for this is the mirror neuron system. We harness this neuronal... more
This field experiment investigated the relative merits of approaching the penalty kick with either a keeper-independent or keeper-dependent strategy. In the keeper-independent strategy, the shooter selects a target location in advance and... more
Parkinson disease is a progressive neurological condition characterised by hypokinesia (reduced movement), akinesia (absent movement), tremor, rigidity and postural instability. These movement disorders are associated with a slow... more
Expert interceptive actions are grounded in both perceptual judgment and movement control, yet research has largely focused on the role of anticipation. More recently, the emergence of ecological psychology has provided movement... more
This paper discusses the application of motor control theory and motor control learning to therapy interventions of children with motor delays. Attached to the first paper, is another article applying motor control theory to the Birth to... more
17 right-handed patients (11 women, six men, aged 38-59 [mean 48·6] years) met diagnostic criteria for major depression, psychotic subtype (DSM-III-R). None had bipolar affective disorder, but all had a history of relapsing unipolar major
Einführung in die neuronalen Grundlagen der motorischen Kontrolle. Dieses Kapitel erläutert, wie geplante Handlungen vom Nervensystem in koordiniertes und zielgerichtetes Verhalten umgesetzt werden. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg... more