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An epidemiological study of Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) suggests that the prevalence may be two to three times higher than the figure of 3 ± 5% often cited. In addition, the data suggest that both underdiagnosis and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAnxiety DisordersAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderMotor Control
Many aspects of attention decline with aging. There is a current debate on how aging also affects sustained attention. In this study, we contribute to this debate by meta-analytically comparing performance on the go/no-go Sustained... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSustained AttentionMotor Control
The main aim of this paper is to provide some practical guidance to researchers on how statistical power analysis can be used to estimate sample size in empirical design. The paper describes the key assumptions underlying statistical... more
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      Sport PsychologyHealth SciencesSports MedicineStatistics
speed control using pic microcontroller
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      Electrical EngineeringMotor Control
Recent years have witnessed a growing number of published reports that point out the need for reporting various effect size estimates in the context of null hypothesis testing (H0) as a response to a tendency for reporting tests of... more
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      Sport PsychologyHealth SciencesSports MedicineStatistics
The influence of a person’s brain type and the segmental coordination used in free throw basketball shooting was evaluated by video analysis. Fifteen subjects were classified using a brain typing inventory with 16 categories. Markers were... more
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      KineticsInformed ConsentMotor ControlCollege Students
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      ScienceMotor ControlMultidisciplinarySignal Transduction
A study of the fundamental principles upon which manipulation dexterity is based cannot help mixing robotic and neurophysiological concepts. A preliminary step in this study consists of trying to understand the complexity of manipulation... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMotor ControlComputer ModelBiological
Musician's dystonia is a task-specific movement disorder, which manifests itself as a loss of voluntary motor control in extensively trained movements. In many cases, the disorder terminates the careers of affected musicians.... more
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      GeneticsMusicPersonalityChronic Pain
falls, standing balance and obstacle avoidance performance, and balance confi dence scores. Results: The number of falls in the exercise group decreased by 46% (incidence rate ratio (IRR) 0.54, 95% confi dence interval (CI) 0.36-0.79)... more
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      Program EvaluationPsychologyGerontologyMotor Control
trol and were sufficient for regaining balance within one gait cycle. The adaptive attenuation of proximal postural activity over repeated trials suggests that the nervous system overcompensates for a novel balance threat in the first... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyBehaviorMotor ControlGait
Llantas sellomatic TVS Remora con labrado en espina de pescado similar a las motos de competencia para un mejor agarre y con rines de aleación de aluminio.
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    • Motor Control
The aim of this paper is to present a new fuzzy control scheme for real time drive efficiency improvement by the adaptive flux reduction at light loads during steady states and by the optimum flux recovery during transient states. The... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringFuzzy LogicFuzzy Logic ControlMotor Control
An important goal in rehabilitation engineering is to develop technology that allows individuals with severe motor impairment to practice arm movement without continuous supervision from a rehabilitation therapist. This paper describes... more
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      RoboticsBiomedical EngineeringBiomechanicsMotor Control
This article focuses on raising concern that anxiety-performance relationship theory has insufficiently catered for motoric issues during, primarily, closed and self-paced skill execution (e.g., long jump and javelin throw). Following a... more
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      PsychologySport PsychologyMotor ControlSport And Exercise Psychology
Recent research in instrumental conditioning has focused on the striatum, particularly the role of the dorsal striatum in the learning processes that contribute to instrumental performance in rats. This research has found evidence of what... more
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      Decision MakingMotor ControlPrefrontal CortexExecutive Function
Children with cerebral palsy (CP) have difficulty controlling and coordinating voluntary muscle, which results in poor selective control of muscle activity. Children with spastic CP completed ankle selective motor control exercises using... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceCyberpsychology
What role does habit formation play in the development of sport skills? We argue that motor habits are both necessary for and constitutive of sensorimotor skill as they support an automatic, yet inherently intelligent and flexible, form... more
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      Sport PsychologyPhilosophical PsychologySports & Exercise PychologyHuman Motor Behavior
Kinematic recordings in a reach and drop task were compared between 12 preschool children with autism without mental retardation and 12 gender and age-matched normally developing children. Our aim was to investigate whether motor... more
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      PsychologyAutismAutism Spectrum DisordersMotor Control
In spite of the detailed anatomical knowledge available, the functional significance of the cerebellar wiring diagram is still obscure. Since there arc no variations in the anatomy throughout the whole cortical plane, it is plausible to... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceElectrophysiologyMotor Control
EMG responses elicited by sudden onset of free fall and a startling auditory stimulus were investigated in healthy subjects while lying on a couch with their eyes closed. Muscle responses were recorded from masseter (V cranial nerve),... more
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      ElectrophysiologyMotor ControlBlinkStartle Reflex
Future life pictures humans having intelligent humanoid robotic systems taking part in their everyday life. Thus researchers strive to supply robots with an adequate artificial intelligence in order to achieve a natural and intuitive... more
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      Motor ControlCognitive ArchitectureEveryday LifeArtificial Intelligent
Background: Muscle jerks and their cortical correlates usually occur abruptly and arrhythmically in patients with positive or negative myoclonus. However, there have been several reports in which oscillatory pre-myoclonic cortical... more
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      EngineeringMotor ControlElectroencephalographyMuscles
Objectives: We investigated intra-and inter-evaluator reliability to quantify spasticity based on the tonic stretch reflex threshold (TSRT) and the correlation between TSRT and resistance to stretch. Methods: Spasticity was evaluated in... more
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      EngineeringMotor ControlStrokeElectromyography
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomechanicsVideo GamesMotor Control
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitionMotor Control
Parkinson disease is a progressive neurological condition characterised by hypokinesia (reduced movement), akinesia (absent movement), tremor, rigidity and postural instability. These movement disorders are associated with a slow... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringMotor ControlPhysical Therapy
... Sensory information comes from a Laser Range Finder also developed by the author [6]. Range data are made up of hundreds of 2D relative coordinate points of targets in the field of view of the sensor camera, already filtered and... more
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      Computer ScienceMotor ControlMotion PlanningComputer Hardware
This work investigates the design of a new method to evaluate the importance of visual elements taken into account by a handball goalkeeper facing a thrower. Virtual reality was used to design and reproduce standardised situations in a... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive ScienceMotor Control
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      NeurologyMotor LearningMotor ControlDevelopmental Coordination Disorder
The present paper proposes a technical analysis method for extracting information about movement patterning in studies of motor control, based on a cluster analysis of movement kinematics. In a tutorial fashion, data from three different... more
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      ControlMotor ControlMovementBasketball
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      Job SatisfactionMotor ControlWork EnvironmentSelf Efficacy
Flex fuel vehicles can be powered by any mix whatsoever of gasoline and ethanol. Special software for fuel identification and motor control is its main feature. Beginning in 2003, today already 23% of the Brazilian fleet and 95% of new... more
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      Motor ControlInterviewsAbsorptive CapacityEthanol
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSport PsychologyBiomechanics
Recent advances in the fields of cerebral blood flow analysis, single cell brain recordings and human motor performance have elaborated the unique characteristics of movement disturbance in Parkinson's disease. These lines of research... more
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      EngineeringMotor ControlPhysical TherapyHuman Movement Science
Optimal control models of biological movements introduce external task factors to specify the pace of movements. Here, we present the dual to the principle of optimality based on a conserved quantity, called “drive”, that represents the... more
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      PsychologyOptimal ControlMotivation (Psychology)Human Motor Behavior
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceVisual perceptionNonlinear dynamics
Survivors of spinal cord injury need to reorganize their residual body movements for interacting with assistive devices and performing activities that used to be easy and natural. To investigate movement reorganization, we asked subjects... more
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      Motor LearningPrincipal Component AnalysisMotor ControlSpinal Cord Injury
Research on the focus of attention has begun exploring the physiological changes that underlie the difference between internal and external foci of attention. However, previous electromyography studies have used dynamic tasks, making it... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyAttentionMotor ControlElectromyography
Introduction: The term “cross-education” describes the perfomance improvement, both in motor control and strength, of a limb after training the opposite. Despite its current interest, there is no consensus on many concepts of the transfer... more
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    • Motor Control
Introduction: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a group of sporadic or familial disorders, characterized by upper and lower motor neuron involvement, with variable progression. Areas covered: The authors present the role of exercise in... more
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      Exercise PhysiologyRehabilitationMicroRNABiomarkers
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      Mechanical EngineeringMotor ControlPhysical TherapyGait
The aim of the experiment was to identify the control mechanisms involved in a goal-directed task by manipulating the temporal constraints. Subjects were required to catch, with one hand, table tennis balls projected by a ball-projection... more
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      Motor ControlMovementTemporal ConstraintsGoals
Purpose. Motor skills can be learned in an explicit or an implicit manner. Explicit learning places high demands on working memory capacity, but engagement of working memory is largely circumvented when skills are learned implicitly. We... more
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      Sport PsychologyImplicit learningHuman Motor BehaviorMotor Learning
This paper reports data from recent studies on integrative jaw–neck motor control in healthy subjects and disturbed jaw–neck behaviour in whiplash-associated disorders (WAD). The results show that neck function is an integral part of... more
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      ZoologyDentistryBiomedical EngineeringMotor Control
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      ZoologyDentistryBiomedical EngineeringMotor Control
Eight subjects with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) (47.13 ± 7.83 years) and 8 matched controls (46.29 ± 7.27 years) manipulated a test object fitted with an accelerometer and force sensor, both before and after hand muscle fatigue. Grip... more
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    • Motor Control
While the neuropsychological effects of high manganese (Mn) exposure in occupational settings are well known, the effects of lower levels of exposure are less understood. In this study, we investigated the neuropsychological effects of... more
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      AttentionMotor ControlManganeseAffect
In this paper a very low speed sensorless vector control of synchronous reluctance motor with a novel startup scheme is presented. The estimation of speed and rotor angle is based on extended programmable cascaded low pass filter (EPCLPF)... more
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      Permanent Magnet Synchronous MachinesMotor ControlVector controlSensorless Vector Control
Στην έρευνα αυτή εξετάσθηκε αν η επιδεξιότητα στο ποδόσφαιρο επηρεάζει την απόδοση και τη µάθηση µίας νέας δεξιότητας η οποία απαιτεί την διαρκή προσαρµογή της στάσης του σώµατος σε δυναµικές οπτικές πληροφορίες. Στην πειραµατική... more
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      Human Motor BehaviorMotor LearningMotor Control