Since 2023, primary education in the Slovak Republic has undergone significant changes in terms of goals, content, as well as teaching methods, forms, and assessment of student learning outcomes. The aim of these changes in primary... more
Slovak people have emigrated to Great Britain and countries all over the world since time immemorial and nowadays when Slovakia joined the European Union in 2004, hundreds of thousands of Slovaks began to emigrate to Western European... more
This study examines the impact of self-regulation strategies on academic performance and attitudes toward learning English as a foreign language. Self-regulation, which involves cognitive, metacognitive, and behavioral strategies, has... more
The Necessity of English for Specific Purposes at the Law Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan
English for specific purposes (ESP) constitutes the minority of courses in the English language disciplines at Kazakhstani Universities. Among possible explanations are that it is costly, time consuming and an intellectually challenging... more
National bibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet unter <http abrufbar. ISBN 978-3-937241-28-9 Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der Grenzen des... more
Explorations of attrition attempt to gain insight into linguistic representations in the brain and to understand what supports the consolidation of information in memory so that language knowledge is retained, even after long periods of... more
This paper draws on the European Union's (EU's) multilingualism language policy which highlights the importance of learning foreign languages. Considering the importance of motivation in foreign language learning (FLL) the differences in... more
Despite consensus on the important role of grammar instruction, there are debates about teaching it. Teachers' perceptions about grammar and how it should be taught influence their teaching. Classroom observations indicate that... more
Self-assessment, as one type of alternative assessment, with the increased attention to learner-centered curricula, needs analysis, and learner autonomy has gained popularity in recent years. The aim of this study was to investigate the... more
Student engagement is vital in ESL education, with various pedagogical approaches emphasizing its importance. This research reviews literature on learner engagement in ESL and EFL classrooms, while also collecting data on students'... more
This study investigates the effects of English Medium Instruction (EMI) on African educational systems, focusing on the barriers to education that students encounter due to limited English proficiency in countries where English is not the... more
This study explores the relationship between 15-year-olds results in the PISA 2018 assessment of global competence and citizens’ political views. In particular, we look at the correlations of 18 EU nation-states citizens’ political... more
The main goal of modern second language (L2) pedagogy is to engender appropriate communication skills among its learners. Hence, willingness to communicate (WTC) in L2 emerged as an important variable in recent years. Several factors have... more
Languages differ in their preferences for particular intensifying constructions. While intensifying adjectival compounds (IACs) (e.g. ijskoud, ice-cold) are productively used to express intensification in Dutch and English, in French this... more
This article attempts to realize the dominant approach in developing the academic curriculum of language degree and French literature in Iran. It concentrates on analyzing the content of the curriculum approved by the Ministry of Science,... more
This article attempts to realize the dominant approach in developing the academic curriculum of language degree and French literature in Iran. It concentrates on analyzing the content of the curriculum approved by the Ministry of Science,... more
This article presents the results of a study that investigated the effectiveness of the Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) method in improving the grammatical skills of a group of 67 (N=67) English language learners in the first year of... more
Training plays an important part in supporting educational reform in Oman. This report looks at the effectiveness of the 2005 Primary Teachers' Course (PRIT) for cycle 1 (grades 1-4) in preparing and supporting English teachers in... more
This paper presents the findings of a pilot study carried out among American students coming to the Czech Republic for one semester within their study abroad programme at Charles University, Prague, taking Elementary Czech Course as a... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the EFL teachers‟ expectations, voices and their ideas on their dynamic process of teaching. To this end, some discrepancies may have an influence on EFL teachers‟ beliefs and their practices in... more
The teaching of English as a second/foreign language to Arab students has received considerable attention during the past decade. The use of English as a medium of instruction in the Arabian Gulf has become prominent but has only recently... more
The current study investigates how foreign language enjoyment (FLE), foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA) and attitude/motivation (AM) of 360 learners of English, German, French and Spanish in a Kuwaiti university was shaped over the... more
Covid-19 has a severe impact on the way we teach and learn today. As the global pandemic has severely impacted our education sector, adaptation is much needed in the way we teach and learn as we adapt to the new normal. This comparative... more
The current study uses a pseudo-longitudinal design to investigate the trajectory of three lowerorder dimensions of Foreign Language Enjoyment (FLE): FLE Teacher, FLE Personal and FLE Social (Botes et al., 2021) as well as 11 items/scales... more
Knowing and analyzing the "culture of learning and teaching" in a coursebook or series of course books can contribute to teachers' and students' success in the educational and pedagogical goals and objectives. Cultures of learning and... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the applicability of Certificate of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) in the Turkish context and the necessity for Turkish teachers to obtain it. For this qualitative... more
Although many claims about the necessity to restructure teacher education, not least pre-service training at universities, are aroused here and there, few attempts are made to update teacher education programmes that are responsive to the... more
Known as what educational contexts do not teach, null curriculum has been considered one of the most significant types of curricula due to its absence, being left out or overlooked. This non-existent curriculum brings an important... more
Recently, there is a surge of interest in a wide range of learner emotions in the SLA field, underlining a holistic perspective of language learning emotions. The present study examines the relationships between the three prevalent... more
School-based teaching placements have a central place in Initial Teacher Education [ITE]. The classroom teachers to whom student teachers are assigned play a role in shaping students' practice and may impact on these students' learning,... more
Teaching approaches and techniques shape classroom practices and ultimately contribute to students’ learning and achievement. While abundant research exists on how such practices impact student learning in EFL classes around the world,... more
The relation between Swiss German dialects and Standard German has been subject to public and scholarly debates for over 100 years. Among the most frequently discussed points are the appropriateness of spoken Standard German in different... more
The aim of this study is to determine secondary school teachers' views about the refugee students. In this direction, the secondary school teachers' views about refugee students' attention, and attitude toward their subject, refugee... more
This paper explores agency in a collectivist culture to investigate whether, and if so how, school-children experience agency as supportive to learning to speak English in the classroom of a collectivist culture. It draws on Ryan and... more
This paper reports on an inquiry that examined groups of New Zealand students’ motivational shifts related to learning Chinese before and after relocation to China. In the inquiry, we encouraged 15 participants to write reflective... more
This chapter addresses English language education and writing pedagogy in secondary schools in Bahrain and explores the impact of societal factors on the operational delivery of education programs that have been borrowed from another... more
This paper investigates young learners" attitudes towards learning English as a foreign language (EFL) under different learning conditions. It reports on the findings of a quantitative study conducted between two comparable groups of... more
Previous research on the foreign language (FL) learner has yielded a rich body of knowledge on personality, individual differences, and conceptions of the self as a measure of motivation. While these contributions have greatly enriched... more
This study was conducted to examine the impact of formative and summative assessment in the professional development of Iranian EFL Instructors at universities. Moreover, an attempt was made to figure out whether the formative assessment... more
This paper investigates young learners’ attitudes towards learning English as a foreign language (EFL) under different learning conditions. It reports on the findings of a quantitative study conducted between two comparable groups of... more
Die Region um den Bodensee weist eine Vielzahl verschiedener Sprachvarietäten auf, mit denen Kinder im Spracherwerb, Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen in Kita, Kindergarten und Spielgruppe sowie Lehrerinnen und Lehrer konfrontiert sind.... more
The study set out to investigate the impact of language anxiety on the tertiary ESL undergraduate students' communicative competence at the three selected universities in Lesotho. Present research point to language anxiety as a hindrance... more
This paper explores the motivations of American college students to study Arabic. A sample of 229 students enrolled in Arabic classes in six colleges were administered a survey. Theywere given a list of 29 reasons to study Arabic, each... more
The purpose of the research project described in this paper is to examine the salient features of motivation driving tertiary level learners of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in the Israeli student population at Bar Ilan University.... more
Attitudes toward a foreign language and the motivation to learn a language have been of interest to many educators and researchers. However, the majority of research has been conducted with language learners. There is a lack of literature... more