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Multiple objects tracking finds its applications in many high level vision analysis like object behaviour interpretation and gait recognition. In this paper, a feature based method to track the multiple moving objects in surveillance... more
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      Computer ScienceObject Tracking (Computer Vision)Motion Object TrackingVideo Surveillance
Our aim is to estimate the perspective-effected geometric distortion of a scene from a video feed. In contrast to most related previous work, in this task we are constrained to using low-level, spatio-temporally local motion features... more
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      EngineeringOptimization (Mathematical Programming)Computer ScienceAlgorithms
Reducing the number of Wallet payments on vehicles to automated process will reduce traffic jam and save time which is the most aspect covered by this project
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      Object Tracking (Computer Vision)Motion Object TrackingTrackingTracking Vehicles in Real Time
We present the first public exhibition that uses HTC Vive and TouchDesigner to projection-map moving objects in real-time in 3D space. Our case study is an exhibition of the media artwork " The Playground ". During this exhibition we... more
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      New MediaNew Media ArtMotion Object TrackingDigital design
"This book provides several flight-validated formulations and algorithms, fortified by thousands of hours working with real GPS and inertial data. The material, not yet widely used only due to its originality, is beginning to appear in... more
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      Estimation and Filtering TheoryRadarGlobal Navigation Satellite SystemsInertial navigation
Saggio su interazione uomo macchina, usabilità, valore euristico dell'arte, le più diffuse tecnologie d'interfaccia, mems, gesture recognition. Contiene i seguenti case studies: smart laser scanner, physical motion interface,... more
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      Human Computer InteractionUsabilityGesture StudiesMEMS
In the presented paper Real time object is tracked from real time video. So, many algorithm are available to track an image but KLT tracker which is proposed by Kanade, Lucas and Tomasi is widely used for object tracking. To track an... more
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      Image ProcessingObject Tracking (Computer Vision)Motion Object TrackingTracking Vehicles in Real Time
This work presents the design and development of a wind tracker (MOKHTAR) with implementation of Zigzag and Spiral algorithms for detecting the wind source. For odor tracking research the Wind tracking is important. A novel wind flow... more
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      RoboticsWind EnergyWind EngineeringMotion Object Tracking
The problem of recursively approximating motion resulting from the Optical Flow (OF) in video thru Total Least Squares (TLS) techniques is addressed. TLS method solves an inconsistent system Gu=z , with G and z in error due to... more
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      RoboticsControl Systems EngineeringAerospace EngineeringRobotics (Computer Science)
Multiple objects tracking finds its applications in many high level vision analysis like object behaviour interpretation and gait recognition. In this paper, a feature based method to track the multiple moving objects in surveillance... more
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      Object Tracking (Computer Vision)Motion Object TrackingVideo SurveillanceObject Tracking
Multi-sensor object detection and tracking on a highway scene with radar measurements is presented. The estimation algorithm is the random finite set based Bernoulli filter, working in the Bayesian framework. The recursion for calculating... more
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      Motion Object TrackingState Estimation
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      GPS ApplicationsMotion Object TrackingTarget TrackingGPS
In example-based human pose estimation, the configuration of an evolving object is sought given visual evidence, having to rely uniquely on a set of sample images. We assume here that, at each time instant of a training session, a number... more
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      Computer VisionMachine LearningFuzzy set theorySoft Computing
This paper builds a novel extracting method by sequentially read frame by frame images or video feed without consuming all of the resource of the equipment. This method calls a function between temporal change of brightness at a target... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingPattern RecognitionObject Tracking (Computer Vision)
This paper is an innovative attempt has been made using Attanassov’s Intuitionistic fuzzy set theory for tracking moving objects in video. The main focus of this proposed work is taking an account for handling uncertainty in assignment of... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyFuzzy LogicObject Tracking (Computer Vision)
Real time pedestrian tracking could be one of the important features for autonomous navigation. Laser Range Finder (LRF) produces accurate pedestrian data but a problem occurs when a pedestrian is represented by multiple clusters which... more
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      EngineeringAutonomous RoboticsObject Tracking (Computer Vision)Motion Object Tracking
Data broadcasting services are required to provide user interactivity through connecting additional contents such as object information to audio-visual contents. H.264/AVC-based metadata authoring tools include functions which identify... more
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      Computer VisionReal-time SystemsObject Tracking (Computer Vision)Motion Object Tracking
This paper addresses the problem of tracking moving objects of variable appearance in challenging scenes rich with features and texture. Reliable tracking is of pivotal importance in surveillance applications. It is made particularly... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringRobotics
Using a low cost Inertial Measurement Sensor (IMU) to estimate an accurate orientation of human body is a challenging work. Several approaches has been proposed to minimize the sensor error as the Particle filter (PF) which has gain a... more
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      Motion Object TrackingMotion estimationParticle filtersNonlinear Signal Processing
In contrast to most scientific disciplines, sports science research has been characterized by comparatively little effort investment in the development of relevant phenomenological models. Scarcer yet is the application of said models in... more
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      Information TechnologySports MedicineComputer VisionTechnology
Conventional tracking solutions are not able to deal with abrupt motion as these are based on a smooth motion assumption or an accurate motion model. Abrupt motion is not subject to motion continuity and smoothness. We address this... more
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      Object Tracking (Computer Vision)Motion Object TrackingVisual tracking
In this paper, we show that we can apply probabilistic spatiotemporal macroblock filtering (PSMF) and partial decoding processes to effectively detect and track multiple objects in real time in H.264|AVC bitstreams with stationary... more
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      Computer VisionReal-time SystemsObject Tracking (Computer Vision)Video Compression
Differential optical flow methods allow the estimation of optical flow fields based on the first-order and even higher-order spatio-temporal derivatives (gradients) of sequences of input images. If the input images are noisy, for instance... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingMotion AnalysisObject Tracking (Computer Vision)
Search for a ball that has undergone hidden motion rapidly improves during the second year of life (Dev. Psychol., 2000; 36:394-401). In three experiments we investigated whether the poor performance of younger toddlers was due to... more
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      Developmental PsychologyCognitive developmentProblem solving (Cognitive Psychology)Search behavior
The multi-target tracking system is a new challenge for researchers in order to improve the radar system performances, since the measurements taken are generally subjected to a complex association of data, to additive noise which... more
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      Motion Object TrackingTarget TrackingRadar SystemsMIMO radar systems
In this paper, we introduce a novel iterative motion tracking framework that combines 3D tracking techniques with motion retrieval for stabilizing markerless human motion capturing. The basic idea is to start human tracking without prior... more
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      Computer VisionMotion Object TrackingMotion Capture
In this paper we are interested in analyzing behaviour in crowded public places at the level of holistic motion. Our aim is to learn, without user input, strong scene priors or labelled data, the scope of "normal behaviour" for a... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringApplied Mathematics
Introduction System Description Pose Estimation and Tracking Simulation and Experimental Results Conclusions
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      EngineeringComputer VisionMachine LearningRobot Vision
Introduction System Description Pose Estimation Analysis Obtained Results Conclusions
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      RoboticsComputer VisionMachine LearningRobot Vision
The study described in this thesis was performed within the School for Cardiovascular Diseases (CARIM) and supported by a grant of the Transnational University of Limburg 5 Contents General Introduction Chapter 1: Role of nuclear... more
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      Image AnalysisImmunohistochemistryMotion AnalysisConfocal Microscopy
We present a vision system based on a monocular camera to track the 3D position and orientation of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) during the landing process aboard a ship. The proposed method uses a 3D model-based approach based on a... more
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      RoboticsComputer VisionObject Tracking (Computer Vision)Motion Object Tracking
Our aim is to estimate the perspective-effected geometric distortion of a scene from a video feed. In contrast to all previous work we wish to achieve this using from low-level, spatio-temporally local motion features used in commercial... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringComputer Science
Since the groundbreaking work of the Kalman filter in the 1960s, considerable effort has been devoted to various discrete time filters for dynamic state estimation, especially including dozens of different types of suboptimal... more
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      Estimation and Filtering TheoryObject Tracking (Computer Vision)Motion Object TrackingTarget Tracking
An important constraint on motion processing is the maximum number of directions that can be perceived at the same time. When transparent-motion stimuli are constructed based solely on direction differences, prior studies demonstrate that... more
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      AttentionMotion perceptionMotion Object Tracking
It is presented a vision system based on a standard RGB digital camera to track an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) during the landing process aboard a ship. The developed vision system is located on the ship's deck and is used to track the... more
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      EngineeringComputer VisionMachine LearningRobot Vision
Vision-based tracking systems enable the optimization of the productivity and safety management on construction sites by monitoring the workers' movements. However, training and evaluation of such a system requires a vast amount of data.... more
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      ProductivityConstructionMotion Object TrackingOccupational health and safety
The ocean is a mysterious world that is not easy to reach. However, people have a curiosity for this strange deep world and would like to know what kind of marine creatures live in the deep ocean, especially children. Also, we are not... more
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      Marine BiologyHuman Computer InteractionEducationInteractive and Digital Media
System Description
Pose Estimation Analysis
Obtained Results
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      RoboticsComputer VisionMachine LearningRobot Vision
System Description
Pose Estimation and Tracking
Simulation  and Experimental Results
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      Computer VisionMachine LearningRobot VisionObject Recognition (Computer Vision)
In the presented paper Real time object is tracked from real time video. So, many algorithm are available to track an image but KLT tracker which is proposed by Kanade, Lucas and Tomasi is widely used for object tracking. To track an... more
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      Image ProcessingObject Tracking (Computer Vision)Motion Object TrackingReal-Time Embedded System, Image Processing, and Pattern Recognition
The need to estimate a particular quantile of a distribution is an important problem which frequently arises in many computer vision and signal processing applications. For example, our work was motivated by the requirements of many... more
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      EngineeringApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithms
In human motion analysis, the joint estimation of appearance, body pose and location parameters is not always tractable due to its huge computational cost. In this paper, we propose a Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter for addressing the... more
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    • Motion Object Tracking
Since the groundbreaking work of the Kalman filter in the 1960s, considerable effort has been devoted to various discrete time filters for dynamic state estimation, especially including dozens of different types of suboptimal... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceEstimation and Filtering TheoryObject Tracking (Computer Vision)
Background: The nuclear lamina provides structural support to the nucleus and has a central role in defining nuclear organization. Defects in its filamentous constituents, the lamins, lead to a class of diseases collectively referred to... more
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      Image AnalysisImmunohistochemistryMotion AnalysisConfocal Microscopy
This paper deals with the problem of tracking multiple objects in outdoor scenarios for the prospective of intelligent vehicles. The input of the proposed algorithm is the result of a stereovision obstacle detection algorithm. The aim is... more
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      Object Tracking (Computer Vision)Motion Object Tracking
Background: The nuclear lamina provides structural support to the nucleus and has a central role in defining nuclear organization. Defects in its filamentous constituents, the lamins, lead to a class of diseases collectively referred to... more
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      TelomeresImage AnalysisImmunohistochemistryMotion Analysis
This paper presents a novel patient location solution using an RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) fingerprinting method, integrated into an ambulatory patient monitoring device. Results show that patients can be located in a... more
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      Antennas & Radio Wave PropagationWireless CommunicationsMotion Object Trackingwifi, Wimax, 4G technology
We present a framework which allows resistance training practitioners to employ a recently proposed neuromuscular model in actual training program design. The first novelty concerns the monitoring aspect of coaching. A method for... more
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      Human Computer InteractionInformation TechnologyComputer VisionTechnology
Pel-recursive motion estimation is a well established method for finding the displacement vector-field (DVF) between adjacent image frames. The motion due to the optical flow in image sequences is estimated recursively. In this paper, we... more
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      Image ProcessingMotion AnalysisMotion Object TrackingFotogrametría