The paper contributes to the typology of encoding motion events by highlighting the role of the verbal root meaning in lexicalization of motion. We focus on lexical semantics of the verbs of falling, which we study on a sample of 42... more
This chapter explores typological similarities and differences in motion event descriptions among three Germanic languages, English, German, and Norwegian by examining data from Experiment A developed in the NINJAL Project on Motion Event... more
The present volume is an outcome of collaborative efforts of experiment-based, cross-linguistic research on the linguistic representations of motion events. The phenomenon of motion is ubiquitous in the world. Your family members walk... more
In terms of Formosan languages (a primary branch of Austronesian languages spoken on the island of Taiwan), while issues like tense, aspect and mood (TAM) has been intensively discussed, the topic of 'modality' has not been explored in... more
Reaction to Edward G. Estrera's presentation titled "The Verbal Morphology of Tëduray"
This paper presents a general survey of borrowing within the Malayic language family, in which both the source and the recipient languages are either varieties of Malay/Indonesian, or other closely-related Malayic languages. The survey... more
In this study, the comparable effectiveness of two pedagogical approaches in teaching L2-learners of Italian the perfective/imperfective aspectual alternation in past tenses is tested. The first is a Cognitive Grammar (CG)-inspired... more
Comparaison entre le coréen et le français • Selon Talmy (1985, 2000), le coréen et le français sont des langues à cadrage verbal. • Mais le coréen permet des constructions à verbes sériels, comme le chinois. • Nos analyses portent sur... more
The verb-framed vs. satellite-framed language dichotomy (Talmy, 1985) is the most common framework used in the crosslinguistic investigation of motion event expressions. According to the classification, French is a verb-framed language,... more
In this thesis, I study how languages change in situations where languages or groups of speakers are in contact with each other. As language change is inherently caused by interaction between individuals, I use a technique from... more
Until the advent of Kayne's (1994) Antisymmetry hypothesis, word order patterns such as SOV and VOS were generally seen as the result of a trivial linear ordering of X° and its complement, or X' and its Specifier. For VOS languages, such... more
lo que hace que ciertas empresas: supermercados, automoción y telefonía móvil sobre todo, traduzcan sus anuncios del inglés al español para vender mejor sus productos a la población hispanohablante. Así, se estudian aquí ejemplos de... more
Do children come to the language-learning situation with a predetermined set of ideas about motion events that they want to communicate? If so, is the expression of these ideas modified by exposure to a language model within a particular... more
The Linguistic Encoding of Motion Events in Chinese-- with Reference to Cross-dialectal Variation -1
INTRODUCTION • Aims: Chinese has been classified by Talmy (1985:106-7) as a satellite-framed language (S-language), in which the satellites correspond to what are usually called ‘directional complements’ (hereafter designated ‘D’).... more
This paper discusses a productive compounding pattern, which combines preposition 往 wang (or wǎng) ‘towards’, with a path-expressing element P, either a monosyllabic localizer, e.g. wǎnglǐ 往里 ‘in’, or a path verb, e.g. wǎnghui 往回 ‘back’... more
The thesis deals with wh-questions and left periphery in Saisiyat. We focus on the topics regarding the interpretation and the syntactic distribution of wh's. The interrogatives in Saisiyat are grouped into two types: nominal and... more
This research aims to explore the interactions between DP ellipsis, island effects, and theta-role assignment. I try to provide a consistent explanation under the framework of the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1993). The ellipsis phenomenon... more
RESUMEN: Continuando nuestro proyecto de recuperación de la memoria de aquellas mujeres que nos precedieron en el tiempo y en la investigación de las lenguas propias de Aragón, parte del cual dimos a conocer en María Moliner y las... more
group of scholars, especially across the gap which has heretofore divided researchers of mainland Southeast Asian languages and the Austronesian languages of the Pacific; needed publication of descriptive, theoretical, and historical... more
Recent studies have identified neural correlates of language effects on perception in static domains of experience such as colour and objects. The generalization of such effects to dynamic domains like motion events remains elusive. Here,... more
Traditionally, 'morphemes' are complex consisting morphophonological properties and syntactico-semantic properties. But in realizational theories such as Distributed Morphology which is syntactic approach to word formation, morphemes are... more
When referring to this thesis, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given e.g. AUTHOR (year of submission) "Full thesis title", name of the School or Department, PhD... more
This paper presents a cross-linguistic study in progress that uses eye-tracking techniques to investigate how language-specific properties affect cognition. The motion domain shows systematic cross-linguistic variation in how frequently... more
With respect to complex motion events, such as in (1), Talmy argues that the framing motion event ("moving into the cave") which expresses the core relationship (Path) between the moving Figure and the Ground, and the co-event... more
This paper analyzes the translation of Manner-of-motion in a Swedish>Spanish parallel corpus of crime novels by Henning Mankell (and more specifically, a selection of the Wal-lander series). Since Swedish is a satellite-framed language,... more
This paper draws on an approach that conceptualizes L2 learning difficulty in terms of implicit and explicit knowledge. In a study with L1 Mexican Spanish university-level learners (n=30), their teachers (n=11) and applied linguistics... more
This study explored the relationship between implicit and explicit knowledge of 13 second language (L2) English grammar points and the relationship of each type of knowledge with language learning aptitude and working memory capacity in... more
This paper is the first detailed description of the exceptionally rich subsystem of verbal inflections that express imperfective aspect in Tacana, an endangered and underdescribed language from the Takanan family. The unusually high... more
Recent research has shown that the use of modal verbs in English has changed, in some cases quite dramatically (
This paper offers an overview of Sumbawa deixis in the Sumbawa Besar dialect, a language spoken in the western part of Sumbawa Island in Indonesia. Personal deixis distinguishes the three common persons: number (singular and plural) is... more
Setting the scene-the cognitive semiotics of motion The present paper argues that the lexico-grammar of spatial Motion (as a supercategory for dynamic movement and static location, cf. Talmy 1985) cannot be understood except as an... more
The present article explores the benefits that a corpus stylistic approach can provide to the study of literary translation. The focus is on identifying specific strategies in translation and in what way they interact with the constraints... more
This study aims to identify the language dimensions contained in textbooks. The language dimensions studied were viewed from the linguistic aspects which included phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and discourse grammatical... more
This paper describes the function and distribution of the main morphological markers of voice and valency in the Oceanic language Äiwoo: the undergoer-voice suffixes-i,-nyi(i),-ive,-eâ, and-nâ, and the circumstantial voice clitic =Cä. It... more
national taiwan university Causatives have been subjected to intensive scrutiny by linguists in recent years. Cross-linguistic studies suggest that the formation of causatives re³ects the real world perception of cause-result relations,... more
What does one learn when one acquires the grammar of a language? Most child language researchers would probably say that one learns systems of grammatical morphology and synbactic constructions, as described in terms of the researcher's... more
This study examines how properties of path (the trajectory of motion) and manner (how an action is performed) components of motion events are reflected in linguistic and nonlinguistic motion event conceptualization in a path-focused... more
Previous research has shown that native language can have an effect on speakers’ general cognitive processes for example when it comes to figure-ground orientation (Tajima & Duffield, 2012), source evidence information (Tosun et al. 2013)... more
Examining written narratives in Cebuano, Payne (1994, also cited in Croft 2001) claims that Cebuano Patient-Focus (PF) gi-verb constructions that have an O-A word order have been reinterpreted as Passive constructions, since the Os are... more
This paper investigates the preferred argument structure in Tsou, and the extent to which such a preference pattern is shaped by the interaction among mention type, valency role and activation status. Two significant findings emerge from... more
The language of motion events is a system used to specify the motion of objects through space with respect to other objects. Recent research has shown that languages differ in the relative saliency of manner or path they focus on in... more
The non-agent focus constructions in Formosan languages can be fruitfully interpreted as a species of the applicative construction which functions to derive transitive clauses from intransitive or transitive clauses. The O argument NPs in... more