Motherhood Studies
Recent papers in Motherhood Studies
Why do women in contemporary western societies experience contradiction between their autonomous and maternal selves? What are the origins of this contradiction and the associated ‘double shift’ that result in widespread calls to either... more
Special issue of Hecate: Interdisciplinary Journal of Women's Liberation
This article examines seventeen children poems by Sylvia Plath written in the years 1960-63, in relation to the poetics of romantic love. Drawing on motherhood studies (Klein, 1975; O’Reilly, 2010; Rich, 1976; Winnicott, 1956, 1965,... more
This is a forward to Andrea O'Reilly's new book Matricentric Feminism: Theory, Activism, Practice (Demeter Press, 2016) "Mothers are, O’Reilly contends, the unfinished business of feminism. Perhaps this is why there is still such... more
Planning for a Baby: Pregnancy with IBD: Motherhood with IBD: Our aim is to provide an understanding of the experience of women with... more
The mother-son narratives told by the paternal grandmother Ayşe in Emine Sevgi Özdamar's Das Leben ist eine Karawanserei, which draw on two versions of the mythic mouth-vulva analogy, perpetuate more often than undermine phallocentric... more
This is the introduction to Birthing a Mother (an ethnography about gestational surrogates and intended mothers) as well as the first chapter on the surrogate's experience of the surrogacy process.
Abstract: By appropriating both medical and communication technologies, the gender- reveal party has recently emerged as a ritual performance centered on a dramatically staged disclosure of the sex of a gestating fetus. The... more
The study of motherhood has had an uneasy and ambivalent relationship to feminism and feminist theory. Ranging from radical feminist rejection of motherhood on the perceived basis of its inherent oppression of women, and the view that... more
Dahvana Headley's novel The Mere Wife explores different approaches to maintaining selfhood. This essay argues that the novel perceives selves – and artistic works – as simultaneously absolutely individual and profoundly composite,... more
This article takes as its starting point the paradoxical representation of mothers in popular culture. On the one hand the mother is constructed as central to the physical and emotional development of the child; on the other, she is... more
This article explores the treatment of unmarried mothers by the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) at the Cape of Good Hope during the VOC period (1652-1795) in the belief that by concentrating on this exceptional group of people much is... more
Recent scholarship has revealed a wealth of maternal imagery in the Middle Ages: God as mother, Jesus suffering as a woman in childbirth, bishops nursing their flocks. From the earliest texts, Christians, both men and women, have used... more
‘Untamed will liberate women - emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It is phenomenal.’ (Elizabeth Gilbert, author of City of Girls and Eat Pray Love) For many years, Glennon Doyle denied her discontent. Then, while speaking at a... more
This dissertation examines discursive practices about the highly sensitive person (HSP) from the perspective of knowledge production, categorization and community formation. In contemporary Sweden it has become increasingly common to talk... more
Reconciling Art and Mothering, an anthology of twenty-four illustrated essays, brings together contemporary voices about mothering as a complex topic for artistic practice.
Il volume "Elena Ferrante. Parole chiave" si rivolge allo stesso pubblico trasversale e composito a cui ha parlato, in ogni parte del mondo, il ciclo dell’Amica geniale. L’Introduzione situa la scrittrice all’interno dell’immaginario... more
The full version of this paper may be found in Matricentric Feminism: Theory, Activism, and Practice, Demeter Press
This paper considers how We Need to Talk about Kevin disturbs and deconstructs the patriarchal mandates of essentialization, naturalization, and idealization. In patriarchal motherhood, it is assumed (and expected) that all women want to... more
In this chapter, I offer suggestions toward creating a theoretical space in which a fundamentally new conception of good motherhood can appear. To this end, I present a metaphilosophical discussion about the relations between ethics and... more
Döda mammor och ensamstående pappor: föräldraskap i tecknad film Mammor i tecknad film lever farligt. De blir skjutna, (Bambi, Micke och Molle), dödade med spjut (Björnbröder), uppätna (Hitta Nemo); de drunknar (Ice Age), eller bara dör... more
This book analyzes Nancy Chodorow’s canonical book The Reproduction of Mothering, bringing together an original essay from Nancy Chodorow and a host of outstanding international scholars—including Rosemary Balsam, Adrienne Harris,... more
The article analyzes themes of black motherhood through the lens of disability in Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower (1993) and Parable of the Talents (1998). It positions the series' protagonist, Lauren Olamina, as a maternal... more
This chapter investigates and problematises representations of motherhood in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games-trilogy. The novels depict a range of maternal models, some traditional and conservative, some transgressive. If, as has been... more
Three distinct but interrelated cultures developed around the Aegean Sea during the Bronze Age, which spanned the third and second millennia BCE: Minoan, centered on the island of Crete; Mycenaean, centered on mainland Greece; and... more
Male chauvinism is the belief that men are morally superior to women. Female chauvinism is the belief that women are morally superior to men. Both depend on the assumption of essential or natural gender differences between men and women... more
In crime fiction, murder is a threat to society that must be neutralized and disposed of. In the case of serial killers, this is usually accomplished by depicting the killer as a unique aberration that can be neatly contained and removed.... more
The lived experiences of graduate student mothers and their unique challenges in comparison to working or faculty mothers are explored through their own words utilizing the theoretical perspective of Dorothy E. Smith. Their jobs as... more
The motherhood iconography, appeared long time ago in the western civilization, has shaped the collective imaginary on stereotypes, male perspectives, social and political conventions. This paper focuses on art images of the XIX and XX... more
Critics have tended to dismiss feminist analyses of Cormac McCarthy’s works as misguided, labelling investigations of potential narrative misogyny in his novels as irrelevant. In this article I argue that such investigations are, on the... more
Stone, Lancaster University, UK Does the experience of being the mother of a daughter differ in kind from that of being the mother of a son? Do mothers feel systematically different towards girls and boys? If so, what are some features... more
This dissertation explores narrative strategies of self-identity in autobiographies by six pioneering women writers, each of whom lost what has traditionally been woman’s place: her home. The accounts of emigration, expatriation, and... more
The aim of this thesis is to present, explore, and interpret the experiences of women who mother children with disabilities. The experiences of motherhood and mothering children with disabilities are seldom rendered visible in social... more
This PhD thesis presents an anthropological analysis of informal education activities among two French autochthonous communities: the Wayana-Apalaï people, living in French Guiana, and the Enata people, in French Polynesia. Thanks to the... more
Curated exhibit at Manhattan College. Talk will connect the theory of mess, feminist art, and motherhood to larger sociological issues. Oct. 8th 12:30 Manhattan College. Exhibit is located in O'Malley Library Aug-Dec 15, 2014
Dominant cultural ideologies of motherhood define the nature of mother love. Recent developments in motherhood studies, and the work of a small number of feminist philosophers and scholars of motherhood, have challenged the tenets of... more
The present century has witnessed the rapid proliferation of hypermediated communication, one instance being the phenomenon of self-publishing personal internet websites called blogs. The ease of construction and access that characterize... more
Please note the conversation is NOT in final format. The final/complete conversation may be found in my edited collection Maternal Thinking: Philosophy, Politics, and Practice, Demeter Press, 2009. The book also contains 15 plus chapters... more
What could our professional lives, personal lives and social structures look like if caring for another — be it a child, spouse, parent or for yourself — were not thought of as at odds with a professional life, but as an important part of... more
Singer-songwriter Björk, the most famous Icelander since explorer Leif Eriksson, has been met with both praise and criticism, almost always directed at her difference – from Westerners, pop musicians, adults, even from humans. Known for... more
This article contrasts the theories of ego formation put forward in Jacques Lacan’s ‘The Mirror Stage’ and Donald Winnicott’s ‘The Mirror Role of the Mother,’ and discusses their methodological implications for the field of American... more