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Cette recherche a été rendue possible grâce au financement du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH), subventions de développement Savoir. Les auteures souhaitent remercier Maxine Visotsky-Charlebois pour sa... more
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      PsychiatryPovertyChildren and FamiliesLaw and Society
Chapter in Stay-at-Home Mothers, Dialogues and Debates.

(apologies for pdf quality. Also see under books).
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    • Motherhood
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryFeminismNeoliberalism
La maternità, secondo le diverse tradizioni religiose dell'Oriente islamico e del Continente asiatico, è il tema attorno al quale si sono confrontate studiose di letteratura, diritto, antropologia e storia delle religioni che hanno fatto... more
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      ReligionBuddhist StudiesReligion and SexualitySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Le présent article vise à appréhender la gestation pour autrui (GPA) sous l’angle de l’accès aux origines et à mettre en exergue les difficultés et les questions susceptibles de se poser lors de la recherche de ses origines par un... more
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      Children and FamiliesAdoptionChildren's RightsSurrogacy
Never entirely analyzed until now, the pictorial iconography of Maria Carolina looks more vivacious and interesting than that of her sister Marie-Antoinette, queen of France, both for its various languages from different countries, as the... more
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      IconographyPortraitsHabsburg StudiesPortraiture
The archetypal Death Mother symbolizes women whose behaviour or feelings threaten the lives of their children. Western culture, however, believes that women evolved to love their children instinctively and selflessly, and that women who... more
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      AnthropologyJungian psychologyAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodHistory of Childhood and Youth
‘Becoming on YouTube: Exploring the Automedial Identities and Narratives of Australian Mummy Vlogging’ examines 37 Australian mummy vloggers on YouTube and explores how these women construct and present their automedial identities and... more
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      AutobiographyVirtual EthnographyYoutubeVlogging
A tribute to Sonya Michel and her influential scholarship, this essay argues that, to understand the transformation of gender ideology in the twentieth-century United States, we need to appreciate the power of " anti-maternalism. " As I... more
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      Motherhood and Public DiscourseIdeologies of MotherhoodMotherhoodMaternalism
ABSTRACT: Since the eighteenth century, the feeling of guilt has been as tied to motherhood as the ideals of dedication and love. Recently, discussions concerning motherhood have increased, including on social networking sites. These... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheSigmund FreudMotherhoodMídias Sociais
Why do women in contemporary western societies experience contradiction between their autonomous and maternal selves? What are the origins of this contradiction and the associated ‘double shift’ that result in widespread calls to either... more
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      Social TheoryGender StudiesPolitical PhilosophyWomen's Studies
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Tracey Emin has undergone an extraordinary metamorphosis from a young, unknown artist into the 'bad girl' of the Young British Art (yBA) movement, challenging the complacency of the art establishment in both her work and her life. Today... more
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      DiasporasContemporary ArtSexualityPerformativity
This particular research is a section from my upcoming book called: “Are We (America) The Greatest and Safest Country in the World?” The book will amaze you with factual data which will contradict many of our preconceived notions that... more
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      European StudiesHealthIsraelIdeologies of Motherhood
In rekto:verso (1 september 2020) klaagt Anne Van den Dool de schaamtecultuur aan rond bewuste kinderloosheid en twijfels of spijt over moederschap. Ze verwijst naar het recente werk van drie auteurs: Sheila Heti, die in Moederschap haar... more
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      FeminismMotherhood and Public DiscourseFatherhoodAdrienne Rich
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      SociologySociology of FamiliesSexual and Reproductive HealthCapitalism
Academic setting could generate transference and counter transference between students and professors. An academic environment is also a group or individual psychotherapy setting, and the role of motherhood or gender in this psychodynamic... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesQueer StudiesFamily studies
Special issue of Hecate: Interdisciplinary Journal of Women's Liberation
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryAustralian StudiesAustralian society
Since the advent of digital and mobile communication technologies, scholars have been investigating how these technologies are changing experiences of migration and mobility. In the field of gender and migration, researchers have shown... more
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      SociologyMigrationAustraliaSocial Media
One morning in March this year, I was woken up by a message on Wechat from an old school girlfriend 'L' in China. It was a crowdfunding appeal for her mother. It read:
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      FeminismContemporary ChinaMotherhood
This paper contradicts interpretations of James Bond’s M, played by Judi Dench, as a feminist triumph. Through a focus on aging, it argues that the initially powerful M is ultimately reinscribed into patriarchy. In Dench’s eight films, M... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesFilm StudiesPopular Culture
The text discusses the activities of fathers' rights groups in contemporary Poland, examining how activists frame the problem, their claims and expected outcomes. Authors focus on the specificity of the fathers’ rights activism in... more
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      Gender StudiesFamily studiesFamilyFeminism
The term ‘Third Culture Kid’ (TCK) is commonly used to denote children living in a host culture other than their passport culture during their developmental years. However, its meaning in relation to other terminology referring to a... more
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      EducationChildren and FamiliesPolitical ScienceIdentity (Culture)
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      SpiritualitySpiritual IntelligenceMaternal HealthMaternal and Child Health
In literature, as in life, mothers get blamed for just about everything. They are held responsible for being overly attentive, or not attentive enough; for providing bad examples, or establishing impossible standards; for staying with... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsDisability StudiesLiteratureJapan
The Museum of Motherhood (M.O.M.) is an exhibition and education center dedicated to the exploration of family – past, present, and future. M.O.M.’s mission is to start great conversations, feature thought-provoking exhibits, and share... more
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      SociologyWomen's StudiesWomen's HealthWomen and Culture
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      ViolenceSexual and Reproductive HealthPovertyBrazilian Studies
A commitment to healthy family foodways is a means of demonstrating responsible individualism and self-care. In the current UK foodscape “good” food is usually “healthy” and feeding the family “healthy” food has high symbolic and cultural... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesCultural SociologyAnthropology of Food
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      Social MovementsCommunicationMotherhoodMotherhood Studies
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderWomen's StudiesIsrael Studies
As its own micro institution, the family provides the day-to-day context in which roles and relationships are repeatedly (re)established, reinforced, and (re)negotiated. Consequently, parent-child interaction becomes a fertile site for... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychologyPragmaticsApplied Linguistics
This article examines seventeen children poems by Sylvia Plath written in the years 1960-63, in relation to the poetics of romantic love. Drawing on motherhood studies (Klein, 1975; O’Reilly, 2010; Rich, 1976; Winnicott, 1956, 1965,... more
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      Attachment TheoryContemporary PoetryDonald W. WinnicottSylvia Plath
Historienne du genre et des champs culturels, féministe, francophile, Marilyn Yalom est chercheuse à l’université de Stanford. Son premier séjour en France date de 1952, lors d’un échange universitaire avec Wellesley College. Son histoire... more
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      Gender StudiesFrench StudiesSexuality and chivalry/courtly loveHistory of Sexuality
We compare employment rates of mothers and childless women over the life course across the birth cohorts from 1940 to 1979 in Austria. By following synthetic cohorts of mothers and childless women up to retirement age, we are able to... more
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      MotherhoodLabor MarketPart Time EmploymentAustria
This study contemplates one facet of academic motherhood through the use of artful research approaches in qualitative research to examine the (im)balance of being a mother writing academic works while raising and caring for a young child,... more
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      Popular CultureAcademia ResearchQualitative ResearchArts-based methodologies
This paper historically examines how Coatlicue is a mirror and map in the tumultuous culture of the Aztecan colonization period. As a mirror, she reflects women as powerful, fertile, and sacrificial in Aztec culture while being a... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesFeminist TheoryAztecs
Using qualitative in-depth interviews with U.S. women, we examined how and why women make the decision to remain childfree. First, we show how women's decision-making pathways were the result of complex factors. Second, we illustrate why... more
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      ParentingAutobiographyLife Writing (Literature)Motherhood
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      Feminist TheoryMaternityFeminismoCuerpo
Nie da się ukryć: feminizm ma kłopot z macierzyństwem. To doświadczenie, które podważa nasze przekonania dotyczące woli i podmiotowości. A zwłaszcza o „wyborze”. Pracować czy poświęcić uwagę i czas wychowaniu? – większość kobiet stoi tu... more
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      WomenFeminismPolandIdeologies of Motherhood
This is a forward to Andrea O'Reilly's new book Matricentric Feminism: Theory, Activism, Practice (Demeter Press, 2016) "Mothers are, O’Reilly contends, the unfinished business of feminism. Perhaps this is why there is still such... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminismIdeologies of MotherhoodTheories of Motherhood
In the Hungarian pedagogical literature only few studies deal with the pedagogical analysis of paintings whose theme is childhood, except for Béla Pukánszky's (2001), Katalin Péter's (1996 and Orsolya Endrődy-Nagy's (2010, 2013) studies.... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyVisual StudiesIconography
מתוך גיליון 20 שנה לאחותי תנועה פמיניסטית מזרחית - האמהות שלנו
בעריכת שולה קשת וליאת ארלט-סידס
בהפקת בת-שחר גורמזאנו גורפינקל
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      MotherhoodEthno Nationalism
In de gezondheidszorg en ethiek rondom zwangerschap en geboorte is de aandacht vaak gefocust op het kind: het kind dat gewenst wordt, het kind dat in de baarmoeder groeit en zo gezond mogelijk ter wereld dient te komen, het kind dat... more
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      ObstetricsMedical EthicsMidwiferyIdeologies of Motherhood
As I lie on the couch, my chin rubbing against the peach fuzz hair on top of Evangeline's head, I fight back the sting of tears threatening to fall from my eyes. How could something so small, so fragile be prone to depression? I worry... more
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      Mental HealthDepressionMotherhood
En los últimos años hemos vivido y estamos viviendo un conjunto de transformaciones en las formas de reproducción y filiación que han sido acompañadas por similares transformaciones en los estudios so- bre ellas desde la... more
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      Anthropology of GenderAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodMothering and SociologyMotherhood
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      Mythology And FolkloreLatin American StudiesFolkloreWomen's Studies