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The epithelium of the secondary palate from embryonic mice (12-14 days of gestation) was enzymatically separated from the palatal mesenchyme and was cultured in association with mesenchyme from the embryonic tongue, incisor, and salivary... more
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Coralline algae are one of the most important constructors of biogenic habitats. In the Mediterranean Sea, the dominant coralline algae species form crusts comprising formations known as coralligène, considered as very important fishing... more
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      MediterraneanMorphologyBiological SciencesHabitat Mapping
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Boris Vounchev’s monograph consists of an introduction, five chapters, conclusions, appendices and a rich bibliography, containing over one hundred titles, mainly in English and Greek, but also in Bulgarian and French.
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      MorphologyLinguisticsModern Greek LanguageContrastive Linguistics
A phylogeny based on nrITS1 and trnL-F sequences resolves the Lejeunea tumida species group polyphyletic with individuals belonging in two clades either side of the basal-most node within Lejeunea. It is impossible for the Lejeunea tumida... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsPlant EcologyPlant Biology
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsPhonologyLanguage Variation and Change
Nowadays the main usage of the word "heuristic" is mostly the adjective in the sense of "guiding discovery" or "improving problem solving." The greek mathematicians used two ways to find a solution: They began by assuming the problem... more
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      AlgorithmsHeuristicsMorphologyGödel's Incompleteness Theorems
Earlier descriptions of the Indo-Pacific red alga Portieria hornemannii lacked detailed information on its vegetative and reproductive development and morphology. An in-depth treatment is presented on the development of the uniaxial... more
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      Plant BiologyAquatic botanyMorphologyPhylogeny
The corpus of narratives produced in Germany since 1943 about the battle of Stalingrad appears as a multifaceted "grand narrative" in which historiographical and mythical morphology coexist. The Nazi myth of Stalingrad contributed to... more
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      European HistoryGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureTrauma Studies
This book presents the essential morphological and syntactic features of the Romanian language.
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      SyntaxMorphologyRomanian Language
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistory
This article proposes a new formal reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) nouns containing the suffix *–oi–. I argue that both primary and non-primary derivatives in this class had stress alternating between the derivational suffix... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonologyGreek Language
Currently used in many countries in the world, vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) applications include soil and water conservation systems in agricultural environment, slope stabilization, mine rehabilitation, contaminated soil and... more
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      Environmental EngineeringWastewater TreatmentMorphologySlope Stability
[GL] A Gramática práctica da lingua galega é unha guía de contidos lingüísticos concibida para favorecer a comunicación e a identidade cultural dos falantes do noso idioma e destinada a todas aquelas persoas que deexen ampliar o seu... more
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      LexicologyPhonologyPhoneticsGalician Studies
"Latijnse morfologie" bevat een volledige bespreking van de verbuigingen en vervoegingen van het klassieke Latijn. Ook talrijke relevante uitzonderingen en bijzonderheden die in vele schoolboeken onvermeld blijven, komen aan bod.... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureMorphologyLatin Language and Literature
Nella sezione dedicata alle morfologie territoriali, in riferimento alla tipologie delle case basse ad alta densità (low-rise high-density houses) , viene citata la lezione la lezione "Housing, densità e qualità" tenuta nel Laboratorio di... more
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      MorphologyArchitecture TypologyIntegrated value and risk managementHigh rise/density Urban Developments
RESEÑA MIGUEL, ELENA DE (ed.): Panorama de la lexicología, Barcelona, Ariel, 2009
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      Languages and LinguisticsLexicologySpanishMorphology
Course Objectives: (i) To allow students to gain a sufficient amount of Explicit Knowledge of Traditional English Grammar concepts (ii) To provide students with the tools necessary for understanding Language Structure. The course is... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologySyntaxMorphology
Natural Language Processing is a programmed approach to analyze text that is based on both a set of theories and a set of technologies. This forum aims to bring together researchers who have designed and build software that will analyze,... more
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      Information RetrievalPhonologyInformation extraction (Literature)Machine Translation
This is a PDF copy of the first volume of my grammar of San Ildefonso Tultepec Otomi. As distribution of Plaza y Valdés is not as good as one would desire, I post it here for academic convenience.
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      LanguagesSyntaxMorphologyMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
The role of morphology in reading aloud was examined measuring naming latencies to pseudowords and words composed of morphemes (roots and derivational suffixes) and corresponding simple pseudowords and words. Three groups of Italian... more
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During the 1990s, a long historical cycle of Bucharest came to an end. From the mid-19th century on, industry became an important economic and cultural presence in Bucharest's landscape. During the last 10-15 years it began to contract.... more
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      Industrial OrganizationRomanian HistoryUrban HistoryUrban Anthropology
This article provides an overview of Proto-Indo-European noun morphology.
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstruction
Universal Grammar is the System of Principles, conditions and rules which are elements or properties of all human languages. All human beings share part of their knowledge of languages. U G is their common possession regardless of which... more
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      SyntaxMorphologyEnglish GrammarEnglish language teaching
Colloquial Arabic of Egypt provides a step-by-step course in spoken Egyptian Arabic -the most widely understood dialect in the Arab world. Combining a user-friendly approach with a thorough treatment of the language, it equips learners... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsSyntax
The intestine of poultry plays a significant role in the health and production through enzymatic and microbial digestion of feed as well as absorption of nutrients. The current study was designed to explore the gross and histological... more
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Résumé Introduction. Adansonia digitata L. est une espèce à usages multiples en Afrique qui présente une forte variabilité morphologique. Nos travaux ont cherché à caractériser et à mesurer cette variabilité morphologique dans différentes... more
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      BiologyMorphologyPlant MorphologyFruits
Exposure to mercury in the environment continues to be a significant worldwide concern, especially for developing embryos and fetuses. While extensive research effort has focused on the effects of mercury on the developing nervous system,... more
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      MicrobiologyPlant BiologyTaxonomyMorphology
Transparency technique to demonstrate cartilage and skeleton has been used from years 70. This consists basically of the muscle digestion through an enzyme (trypsine), and the staining of cartilage and skeleton using alcian blue and... more
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      MorphologyBats (Mammalogy)
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      PhysiologyZoologyMorphologyTransmission Electron Microscopy
Lignin powder, obtained from an abundant and low cost source, straw, through a low environmental impact process, the steam explosion, is used for the preparation of blends with low-density polyethylene (LDPE), linear low-density... more
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      EngineeringMorphologyPolymer BlendsPolymer
Peacocks, Pavo cristatus, defend small display sites and aggregate to form leks. Observations of one lek, consisting of 10 males, showed that there was considerable variance in mating success. The most successful male copulated 12 times... more
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      BiologyMorphologyMate selectionAnimal Behaviour
With the increase of human activity and corresponding increase in anthropogenic sounds in marine waters of the Arctic, it is necessary to understand its effect on the hearing of marine wildlife. We have conducted a baseline study on the... more
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Streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus is known to cause a reduction of both conduction velocity and axon caliber in sciatic nerves and also a decrease in muscle fiber size. The present study investigates whether the distal parts of the... more
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In the past several years, there has been a trend in the sunscreen/ cosmetics industry to replace micron-sized titanium dioxide (TiO 2) particles with nanoscale materials. The increased use of nanoscale TiO 2 has resulted in questions... more
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      NanoparticleScanning Electron MicroscopyMorphologyTitanium
and Transplantation (SIUT) from April 2007 to March 2008. The study was approved by the ethical review committee of SIUT. Two hundred consecutive patients of NS, both children and adults, were included in the study. Patients' demographic... more
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      Complement activationMorphologyAdolescentMedicine
The effects of specific exercise program on anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities of preschool children.
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    • Morphology
Diabetes mellitus is a frequent and serious metabolic illness all over the world and plants have been a desirable source of medicine recently. Diabetes has unpleasant effect on male reproductive system and it may lead to male infertility.... more
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    • Morphology
Most plant roots are associated with glomalean fungi forming arbuscular rnycorrhizas (AM) and a wide range are also colonized by ascomycetous dark septate endophytes (DSE). Bromeliaceae species can be epiphytic, rupicolous or terrestrial... more
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      MicrobiologyPlant BiologyMedical MicrobiologySymbiosis
Many children walk barefoot in South Africa. Unshod (barefoot) or partially shod (thong-type sandals) leisure behaviour may persist in adulthood. This study investigated whether unshod childhood results in adult increased forefoot width.... more
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      GeneticsObesityComplementary and Alternative MedicineMorphology
A new approach for studying the effect of temperature on anodic oxide growth on aluminium is presented in this paper. Using an in-house developed electrode holder, anodizing is performed under conditions of applied and controlled... more
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      EngineeringScanning Electron MicroscopyMorphologyComparative Study
öTo elucidate the role of dendritic morphology in signal transfer, the passive propagation of somatic and dendritic potentials was compared in multi-compartment models of three interneuron subpopulations in the CA1 region. Nine... more
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One of the current challenges for application of PEM fuel cell is to find corrosion resistant, electrically conductive, light weight, cost competitive bipolar plate material. Low temperature carburization (LTC) of stainless steels is a... more
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      EngineeringCorrosion ScienceScanning Electron MicroscopyMorphology
The instability of supported liquid membranes has been a major impediment to practical applications. To address this shortcoming, we have developed a method to form semi-permeable polyamide skin layers in situ on supported liquid... more
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      EngineeringMembrane ScienceMorphologyStability
Rubbery-glassy block copolymer dispersions are an attractive solution for toughening rigid thermoplastics like polystyrene without affecting optical transparency. An interesting facet of the copolymers used is molecular disorder,... more
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SANTANA, W. A.; MELO, C. M.; CARDOSO, J. C.; PEREIRA-FILHO, R. N.; RABELO, A. S.; REIS, F. P. & ALBUQUERQUE-JÚNIOR, R. L. C. Assessment of antimicrobial activity and healing potential of mucous secretion of Achatina fulica. Int. J.... more
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    • Morphology
Abstrat-Mammalian cells can be cultured and therefore studied in vitro. Normally, the cells' morphology and other static properties are observed with the aid of a light microscope. A method is described here that allows observation of the... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMicroscopyElectrochemistryCell Adhesion