Morphological theory

85 papers
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Morphological theory is a branch of linguistics that studies the structure, formation, and classification of words in a language. It examines how morphemes, the smallest units of meaning, combine to create complex words and how these structures relate to syntax and semantics.
In this proposed study we are to investigate the variations in the geometry of the stenosis that exists at the bending regions in the left coronary artery with the basis of idealized 3D simulated artery models. Understanding the effects... more
In this study, I parameterize the five tests proposed by Stevens (2005) for characterizing an element as an affixoid and formulate ten criteria for prefixation. Using these criteria, I analyze the morphological status of the initial... more
EN: Prefixoids are the left-most elements attaching to roots or stems, which emerge from lexemes, and behave like derivational or inflectional affixes tending to slightly grammaticalize to a limited extent, showing an increase in... more
The present study investigates the relationship between morphological structure and word meaning with respect to the associative vs. dissociative account of derivational morphology in Modern Greek. To this end, we conducted an online... more
The article deals with irregularities in the morphological make-up of Italian verbal forms, focusing on perfect and past participle forms. It aims to account for root-based contextual allomorphy in the framework of Distributed Morphology... more
The use of expressions something similar/something like that/and the like is a pervasive feature of spoken natural language, and thus must be accounted for if we hope to develop a semantic account of dialogue. These expressions exhibit an... more
In this Special Issue, we explore how Diachronic Construction Morphology (DCxM) can best provide a framework for understanding morphological change in typologically diverse languages. We are particularly interested in similarities and... more
Taking into account some general definitions of compounds found in the pertinent linguistic literature and their frequent syntactic features (such as fixed order and recursiveness) we have analysed and investigated semantic... more
Morphology and Syntax are very important studies in learning English. Morphology learns about how the words are structured and how they are put together from smaller part. It can be considered as the grammar of words. Meanwhile, Syntax... more
In Construction Morphology (CM), a compound is treated as a construction at the word level with a systematic correlation between its form and meaning, in the sense that any change in the form is accompanied by a change in the meaning.... more
In the present study, we attempted to specify the constructional schemas relevant to the compounds made by the present stem ‘sāz’ in Persian within the framework of the construction morphology (Booij, 2010). To this end, 150 compounds... more
The paper borrows the concept of (non)concatenation from morphology and applies it to wordformation patterns both within and outside the scope of derivational morphology, arguing at the same time for a broader, lexicological approach to... more
Quoi de plus simple que la réduplication ? /olɨ/ « il est content », /olɨolɨ/ « il est très content » (exemple émérillon rapporté par F. Rose 1). Sous son apparence de simplicité, le phénomène soulève néanmoins nombre de questions, au... more
This paper provides evidence that the inveterate way of assessing linguistic items' degrees of analysability by calculating their derivation to base frequency ratios may obfuscate the difference between two meaning processing models: one... more
Word formation in Albanian studies represents many problems that have been identified not only in university level but even in the pre-university one. This paper intends to examine the concept of the head as part of the word formation... more
don't look at compounds in this paper, a complex topic with a large literature. The meaning of compounds is virtually never semantically compositional, requiring pragmatics, at a minimum, to determine the relevant relation between their... more
This collection of papers on phrasal compounds is part of a bigger project whose aims are twofold: First, it seeks to broaden the typological perspective by providing data for as many different languages as possible to gain a better... more
In this paper, we compare Modern Greek nominal compounds to their Turkish counterparts and reveal that Modern Greek nominal compounds under investigation are morphological while Turkish ones are syntactically built. Based on this, we... more
We present evidence from two picture-matching experiments that native adult speakers of American English order and interpret sequences of nouns modified by adjectives and relative clauses containing adjectives in line with the RECURSIVE... more
This collection of papers on phrasal compounds is part of a bigger project whose aims are twofold: First, it seeks to broaden the typological perspective by providing data for as many different languages as possible to gain a better... more
Learners in secondary schools ought to be provided with a learning environment which results in effective reading skills. Nature of class facilitates achievement in reading skills through group work, scaffold, motivation and enacting... more
The morpho-syntactic structure of Semitic languages, traditionally seen as based on abstract root morphemes, has been analysed by some as being fully word based. Others have proposed a root-based system which allows for wordbased... more
Cet article a fait l'objet d'une présentation lors de la Journée Phonologie : théorie et variation (Toulouse, 26 novembre 1999) organisée par J. Durand et L. Molinu. Je remercie les participants à cette journée de leurs observations et de... more
Так оставьте ненужные споры! Я себе уже все доказал-Лучше гор могут быть только горы, На которых никто не бывал. На которых еще не бывал.
This is the second set of five articles selected from the workshop on affix ordering in typologically different languages that Stela Manova and Bogdan Szymanek organized at the 13th International Morphology Meeting in Vienna in February... more
Urban morphology studies put forward how different elements work together and change the shape of the city, and provide information to understand the contrasts and coexistence of the city between continuity and change. The antecedents of... more
The vital significance of settlement morphology is typically overlooked in the design professions, often resorting to abstract configurations lacking any conceivable relationship with the site's underlying morphology. As the introduction... more
The implication of curriculum 2013, the song is one of the topics to achieve the goal of learning. Learning through song emphasizes that the teacher should know the best song choice based on the axiology and semantic meaning. Not all the... more
Our paper investigates how zero-affixed verbal forms (specifically, denominal and deadjectival verbs) are processed by native speakers of Italian during visual word recognition. More specifically, we verify whether, and possibly to what... more
Urban morphology is a thriving field of enquiry involving researchers from a wide diversity of disciplinary, linguistic and cultural backgrounds. While this diversity has helped advance our understanding of the complexity of urban form,... more
When a new form is inserted in an existing townscape, its consonance within the urban fabric is dependent on the level of attention paid to the evaluation and management of its architectural elements. However, despite the established... more
A standard analysis of coordination assumes the coordination schema XP → XP CONJ XP mapping onto a hybrid f-structure – containing both a set of f-structures and the nondistributive CONJ and (resolved) agreement features: ... (1) Jose... more
The developmental nature of second language acquisition research has resulted in various and at times seemingly contradictory theories, methods and approaches. In 2005, Rod Ellis published his Principles of Instructed Language Learning,... more
The Deverbal Nominal Construction of modern Italian belongs to a class of phenomena that present interesting theoretical challenges given their ambiguous status between morphological compounding and syntax. In this paper, we combine... more
La formation des gentilés, particulièrement sensible aux contraintes d'euphonie, permet de mettre en évidence, pour le français, deux manifestations complémentaires de la contrainte dissimilative. L'une, négative, tend à éviter la... more
This article suggests an analysis of the N after N construction, exemplified by question after question, along the lines of the tripartite parallel theory advanced by Jackendoff (1997, 2002). It will be observed that the construction... more
Dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing atau bahasa kedua seringkali dijumpai kesulitan yang dilakukan oleh pembelajar. Kesulitan tersebut antara lain disebabkan oleh adanya perbedaan antara bahasa asing yang dipelajari (L2) dengan bahasa ibu... more
The aim of this study is to present a unified analysis of the dative structures. The study relies on data from English and Arabic that support "the single meaning approach". According to this approach, both prepositional dative... more
Iconicity is the motivated relationship between an affix and its position. Two affix-order strategies are recognized: template morphology (stipulated fixed order whereby affixes are assigned to slots) and layered morphology (step-by-step... more
Anderson (2008) emphasizes that the space of possible grammars must be constrained by limits not only on what is cognitively representable, but on what is learnable. Focusing on word final deletion in Yidiny (Dixon 1977a), I show that the... more
The support is gratefully acknowledged. S. Manova, Towards a Theory of Conversion in Slavic 2 2. Theoretical framework NM (Dressler et al. 1987; Dressler 1990 & 2000) is a cognitively-oriented theory of morphological organization looking... more
The composition of richly-inflected words in morphologically complex languages can be a challenge for language learners developing literacy. Accordingly, Lane and Bird (2020) proposed a finite state approach which maps prefixes in a... more
A basic design feature of language is duality of patterning, the existence of a meaningless level of elements that combine to create meaningful morphemes and words (Hockett 1960). Although the signs of sign languages have iconic origins,... more