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That glorious theophany which took place in the spring of 1820 and which marked the opening of the dispensation of the fullness of times is called the First Vision… This transcendent vision was the beginning of latter-day revelation; it... more
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      MormonismChristian Apologetics
With two new publications, the Museum of Mormon History in Mexico has firmly established itself as a leading venue for the production of Mormon history in Mexico. The Spanish translation and English commentary on Part 1 of F. LaMond... more
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      Latin American StudiesMexican StudiesRace and RacismPolitical Science
Early Mormonism rejected, over a remarkably short period of time, Christian marriage’s traditional role as a defense against carnality. When the medieval Christian church systematized the sacraments, it created a fork in the road of... more
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      MormonismMarriage (History)Ritual Practices
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      Textual ScholarshipAncient TextsAncient myth and religionMormonism
Mormon Women’s History: Beyond Biography demonstrates that the history and experience of Mormon women is central to the history of the Church and to histories of American religion, politics, and culture. Yet the study of Mormon women has... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryMormonismMormon History
A review of Abraham in Egypt by Hugh Nibley.
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      MormonismBook Reviews
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      MormonismMormon History
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      MormonismMormon HistorySatanismSatanism Scare
The question, “Is Jesus a man, God, or both?” is the most important question anyone can look to answer in this life because to answer it wrongly results in an eternity separated from God.
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      New TestamentTrinityEvangelicalismMormonism
Presented at the 2016 Mormon History Association Meeting in Snowbird, Utah
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      MormonismMormon History
The LDS Church History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah houses extensive archival materials documenting the LDS Church’s expansion in postcolonial Sub-Saharan Africa. These records, including journals, correspondence, local church records,... more
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      ReligionHistoryAfrican StudiesAmerican Studies
The United States has long grappled with the question of how to maintain an appropriate combination of religion and politics in the public sphere. The current electoral cycle is no different, as Presidential candidates attempt to... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)ReligionSociologyCultural Studies
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      MormonismNazi Germany
the messages of God given to the prophet Joseph Smith at 135 different times over nearly 15 years, 1830-1844. Here they're divided into 3 volumes, the way of many other ancient and modern books of scripture. There are many other... more
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    • Mormonism
Pentecostalismo histórico. Empezó a fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del siglo XX, principalmente en Estados Unidos, a partir de la agrupación de iglesias protestantes. Son trinitarios y fueron rechazados por la importancia que le daban... more
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      Applied MathematicsEgyptologyPapyrologyMormonism
Jewish and Christian theologies of suffering respond to human pain in multiple ways. The most popular ones defend God’s goodness and power by ascribing value to the human experience of suffering. Less popular, but equally traditional,... more
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      TheologyTalmudProcess TheologySimone Weil
This autobiographical account details the author's upbringing in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in southern Idaho and outlines how his encounters with history and science undermined his faith. Dr. Thomas W Murphy... more
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      AnthropologyTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureEvangelicalismMormonism
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      MormonismMormon HistoryBook of Mormon Textual HistoryMormon studies
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      PhenomenologyAncient myth and religionMormonismPhenomenology of Space and Place
Once we begin to think critically about what drives the current craze — our “need to know” where we came from — we encounter contradictory, paradoxical and oxymoronic ideas. Though some may connect the surge in interest in our personal... more
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      GeneticsGenealogyMormonismFamily history
"co-authored with Paul Owen

This is the paper that made me notorious in certain circles."
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      MormonismMormon Apologetics
Mormons are particularly concerned about missionary work, putting much effort into converting non-Mormons into their faith. The proposed text attempts to focus on the goals of the missionary activity of this quasi-Christian new religious... more
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      New Religious MovementsMissiology and Mission TheologyMormonismJoseph Smith
This article follows James Strang's integration of Mormon esotericism (i.e. temple rites) into his brand of Mormonism in the late 1840s, demonstrating influences of and responses to Joseph Smith's Council of Fifty.
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      New Religious MovementsAmerican HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesRitual
The following article is a response to Greg Trimble, an LDS blogger who wrote a blog post entitled: "51 Questions that Might Lead You to Mormonism."
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    • Mormonism
Recorded by Spanish Catholic priests in the New World.

Renumbers quite well, reflecting the knowledge of the Spanish of the numbering plans, in the mid-1800s, if not the 1500s.

Mainly records the generations and deeds of the kings.
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      Maya ArchaeologyMormonismRoman Catholicism
A text recovered from the Pearl of Great Price archives, intended to be a book within Joseph Smith's library. Another edition of the lost Book of Lamech. Follows the Book of Lamech found in the Dead Sea scrolls at the Salt Sea Academy.... more
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      MormonismJoseph SmithAbrahamPearl of Great Price
While the Book of Mormon recounts a variety of miracles, two miraculous events have special significance, the illuminated night and associated signs and wonders and the appearance of a new star in Mesoamerica previous to the birth of... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityNew Testament and Christian OriginsAncient Persia
Review of Simon Southerton. Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2004. 270 pp. Appendices, glossary, index. Paper $24.95. ISB 1-56085-181-3. While Southerton's honesty... more
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      Native American StudiesMolecular BiologyPolynesian StudiesAmerican Religion
This is a somewhat longer version of the paper read at the "Latter-day Saints and the Bible" session at the Society of Biblical Literature annual convention, November 22, 2014. It is adapted from a section of my Ph.D. dissertation, “The... more
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      MormonismSERMON ON THE MOUNTBook of Mormon
the Mormon prophet of the Chicago area appears to have received 2 lengthy messages divided into 31 revelations, naming it the Word of the Lord. The messages were followed by more messages of the book of the Word of the Lord given to 2... more
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      First World WarMormonismModern-day prophets
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints – the mainstream Mormon Church – has been seeking to establish itself in the People’s Republic of China since the 1980s. Unlike other religious movements of Christian and foreign origin,... more
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      MormonismGlobal Mormonism
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      Architectural HistorySecond Temple JudaismCatholic TheologyMormonism
Joseph Smith died before the practice of sealings had been wholly unfolded and implemented. In particular, what Brian Hales calls the “vertical” sealing of parents to children (as opposed to the “horizontal” sealing of men and women as... more
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      Liturgical StudiesMormonismMormon HistoryMormon studies
19 messages of Frederick Larsen, the late president-prophet of the Remnant Church of the Latter Day Saints, in Independence, Missouri. Turned out real nice Basically prophetic messages that they add to the book of Doctrines &... more
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      MormonismModern-day prophets
With the publication of its first book, the Museum of Mormon History in Mexico is helping to initiate an era in which international Mormon history is produced and published in local languages by local people. Fernanco R. Gómez Páez,... more
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      MormonismMormon HistoryMexicoChristian Anarchism
Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland, who sat on the Court from 1922 to 1938, is the only Justice to come from Utah. He grew up in a Mormon and, although he was never baptized a Mormon, he became a popular political figure in the... more
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      Supreme CourtMormonismMormon History
Critics have demonstrated how Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga reinforces the notion that the appropriate roles for women are those of wife and mother. Viewed from a literary historical perspective, however, the Twilight saga can also be... more
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      Women's StudiesJohn MiltonMormonismTwilight Saga
Terryl L. Givens, professor of English at the University of Richmond, Virginia, enters the stormy field of Book of Mormon studies with an examination of why generations of believers and skeptics have taken the Book of Mormon seriously.... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMormonismMormon HistoryBook of Mormon Textual History
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsMysticismMormonism
Within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), the rejection of sexualized bodily display has been institutionalized and dogmatized, reflecting a gendered paradigm in which modesty functions as a necessary element in... more
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      Cosmology (Anthropology)MormonismFeminism and ReligionSartorial Communication
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      MormonismMormon studies
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      Islamic PhilosophyMedieval IslamIslamic StudiesIslamic History
The book is about the way military chaplains handle religious diversity among the enlisted they serve and within their own corps. It is based on extensive in-depth interviews with more than 30 active duty chaplains, so their successes,... more
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      SociologyConstitutional LawAmerican CatholicismSociology of the Military
ABSTRACT: Space, time, cosmos, and architecture are interconnected with the realm of the sacred. At present the modern world and its architecture of newness, speed, information, and consumerism appears to be losing its sense of sacredness... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionSpace and PlaceCosmology (Anthropology)
2021 Best Book Award, John Whitmer Historical Association. Finalist for Best Book in "Excellence in the Study of Religion, Textual Studies" by the American Academy of Religion. Finalist for Best Book in Religious Non-Fiction, the... more
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      History of EducationOrality-Literacy StudiesAmerican ReligionMormonism
This article documents one strain of Mormon thought concerning the Woman of Endor narrative in 1 Samuel 28, in which the woman was interpreted as a prophetess enabled to raise the dead through her spiritual gifts. Church leaders... more
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      New Religious MovementsReception StudiesTheologyAmerican Religion
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      New TestamentMormonismMormon studiesNew Testament Studies