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Arming uninhabited vehicles (UVs) is an increasing trend. Widespread deployment can bring dangers for arms-control agreements and international humanitarian law (IHL). Armed UVs can destabilise the situation between potential opponents.... more
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      RoboticsStrategy (Military Science)Moral and Ethical Issues in Science
Many researchers believe that the proper identification of psychology variables depends on using accurate tools that function beyond cultural, political and social attachments for measuring the psychological features in human societies.... more
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      Business EthicsEthicsApplied EthicsMoral Psychology
Evidence-based practice has become an important approach to social work practice. This paper highlights some of the ethical dilemmas which may be implicated by this approach, and encourages social workers and social work researchers to... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryBusinessManagement
Depuis maintenant plusieurs décennies, les transformations de l’État providence associées à une précarisation croissante de la société ont profondément redessiné les contours du travail social. Ces évolutions exposent les professionnels... more
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      Social WorkPolitical ScienceUndocumented ImmigrationMoral and Ethical Issues in Science
This is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to join The Alan Turing Institute. The Alan Turing Institute (ATI) is the UK’s new national institute for data science, established to bring together world-leading expertise to... more
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      Business EthicsEthicsNormative EthicsMeta-Ethics
An important distinction can be made between the science, technology, and society (STS) movement of past years and the domain of socioscientific issues (SSI). STS education as typically practiced does not seem embedded in a coherent... more
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      Science EducationCognitive developmentSocial ProblemsScience
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      Eastern European StudiesEthicsMoral and Ethical Issues in Science
The scientific societies of the world are currently faced with the phenomenon of human Embryonic Stem Cell Research and its capacity to change the hitherto approach to cures and treatments. The problems of harvesting these stem cells and... more
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      Stem cell and Regenerative medicineMoral and Ethical Issues in Science
Within social psychology, fieldwork in conflict settings is still not commonplace, despite recent calls for more researchers to engage in fieldwork to understand conflict dynamics. With this article, we wish to emphasize the importance of... more
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      SociologyPsychologyPeace and Conflict StudiesConflict
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      History of ScienceScience, Technology and SocietyMoral and Ethical Issues in Science
Absolutist systems of ethics have come in for harsh criticism by moral philosophers on a number of fronts. The Principle of Double Effect was formulated by Catholic ethicists to overcome such objections. Its key lever is making a critical... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy of ActionNormative EthicsMoral Theology
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      LawCriminal LawCriminal JusticeComparative Law
Responding to the demands of the technology-driven global economy, engineers increase their technical competencies, improve cross-cultural communication skills, and become more innovative, entrepreneurial and flexible (Continental, 2006).... more
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      EngineeringElectronic EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMechanical Engineering
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      PhilippinesMoral and Ethical Issues in Sciencescience and technology studies (STS)Controversy
This chapter frames RRI as an emerging governance approach in the EU regulatory context. We argue that reference to fundamental rights makes RRI a distinctive approach to responsibility compared to other existing paradigms and that human... more
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      Moral and Ethical Issues in ScienceResponsible innovationResponsible Research and Innovation
The problem of the restoration of the paintings in particular, all objects of art in general, is more serious than to intervene or not on of chromatic level, if "refresh" or not image or the entire object. It is the problem of counterfeit... more
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      Moral and Ethical Issues in ScienceLaw and Ethics in Forensic ScienceEsthetics
Questo documento è una sisntesi dell'impatto delle nuove tecnologie sulla professione di psicologo e informa e contiene le nuove linee guida della professione psicologica attraverso le nuove tecnologie di comunicazione
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      CyberpsychologyMoral and Ethical Issues in ScienceNew TechnologyProfessional issues and ethics in counselling and psychology
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      EthicsResearch EthicsMoral and Ethical Issues in ScienceEthics and Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Engineering
Genetic engineering, or genetic modification, uses a variety of tools and techniques from biotechnology and bioengineering to modify an organism’s genetic makeup. Transgenics refers to those specific genetic engineering processes that... more
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      EthicsMoral and Ethical Issues in ScienceGenetic EngineeringSpecies boundaries
We thank C. S. I. Jenkins and Neil Levy for their thoughtful comments on our article about love and addiction (Earp, Wudarczyk, Foddy, & Savulescu, in press). While we do not have room for a comprehensive reply, we would like to touch on... more
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      Business EthicsHistoryCultural HistoryBiochemistry
Bismillahirrohmaanirrohim, Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Puji syukur kami haturkan kehadirat Allah SWT, semoga kita semua selalu dalam bimbingan-Nya. Shalawat serta salam semoga tercurah kepada Nabi dan Rosul terakhir Muhammad SAW. Dalam... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionMoral Psychology
İnsanların dünyadaki hayatlarında birarada yaşamak zorunda oluşları, aralarında “ortak iyi”ler oluşturma veya bulma çabalarına sebep olmuştur. Ortak iyi ’nin kapsamı ve fonksiyonları kavramsal olarak ahlak ilimine/bilimine karşılık... more
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      EthicsNormative EthicsMoral PsychologyAxiology
- Result of “the Onlife Initiative,” a one-year project funded by the European Commission to study the deployment of ICTs and its effects on the human condition - Inspires reflection on the ways in which a hyperconnected world forces the... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness EthicsComputer ScienceInformation Science
This paper aims to understand how the Qur’an prescribes relations between humans and animals. I discuss the Qur’anic epistemologies of morality and bring them into conversation with esoteric claims of hypernomian versus baseline morality.... more
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      Islamic EconomicsEthicsNormative EthicsApplied Ethics
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      Business EthicsEthicsEducationMoral and Ethical Issues in Science
This paper presents the concepts of beneficence, responsibility and accountability in procurement management through an examination of ethical theories and their application to managerial challenges which typically confront procurement... more
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      Moral and Ethical Issues in ScienceMoral and Ethical Issues in ScienceEngineering Ethics
This paper presents the concepts of beneficence, responsibility and accountability in procurement management through an examination of ethical theories and their application to managerial challenges which typically confront procurement... more
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      Moral and Ethical Issues in ScienceMoral and Ethical Issues in ScienceEngineering Ethics
In information societies, operations, decisions and choices previously left to humans are increasingly delegated to algorithms, which may advise, if not decide, about how data should be interpreted and what actions should be taken as a... more
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      Business EthicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsParallel Algorithms
bioetika kedokteran gigi untuk standarisasi hukum kepraktikan dalam praktik klinik kedokteran gigi
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    • Moral and Ethical Issues in Science
The goal of the book is to present the latest research on the new challenges of data technologies. It will offer an overview of the social, ethical and legal problems posed by group profiling, big data and predictive analysis and of the... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyFree Will, Moral ResponsibilityDigital Divide
Bilim tutarlı özelliklere sahiptir. Olgusal, mantıksal, nesnel, eleştirici, genelleyici ve seçicidir. Bilim insanı, belirlenmiş olan ilkeler doğrultusunda hareket ederek bilimsel bilgiyi üretir. Bilimsel bilgi bir tarafıyla da bilim... more
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      EthicsOttoman HistoryTurkish HistoryMoral and Ethical Issues in Science
Moral Science a science of human soul; it's a mirror of one's inward mind, one's ethics. Moral science inculcates values in mankind and value education is very vital from childhood. Value means primarily to prize, to esteem, to appraise,... more
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      Higher EducationValuesMoral and Ethical Issues in Science
Recent research suggests that romantic love may be literally addictive. Although the exact nature of the relationship between love and addiction has been described in inconsistent terms throughout the literature, we offer a framework that... more
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      Business EthicsHistoryCultural HistoryPharmacology
A brief and succinct account on what the techniques for collecting data are, how to apply them, where to find data of any type, and the way to keep records for an optimal management of cost, time and effort.
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and MethodologyData Collecting and AnalyzingData Mining
The study tried to investigate the ethical awareness and issues among secondary school educators and students in Maguindanao Division of the Department of Education in the Philippines. Findings revealed low agreement of respondents to... more
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    • Moral and Ethical Issues in Science
Una breve panoramica in merito alle principali filosofie animaliste contemporanee.
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      Animal StudiesEcofeminismFeminismAnimal Rights/Liberation
This theme issue has the founding ambition of landscaping Data Ethics as a new branch of ethics that studies and evaluates moral problems related to data (including generation, recording, curation, processing, dissemination, sharing, and... more
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      Business EthicsEngineeringComputer ScienceAlgorithms
Recent research has relied on trolley-type sacrificial moral dilemmas to study utilitarian versus nonutili- tarian modes of moral decision-making. This research has generated important insights into people’s attitudes toward instrumental... more
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      ReligionHistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
Learning analytics holds increasing potential for student agency and autonomy, highlighting a need for ethical discourse at all levels of higher education institutions. Topics central to this dialogue include student awareness of... more
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      Future StudiesAlgorithmsEthicsEducational Technology
In this chapter, we introduce the notion of “moral neuroenhancement,” offering a novel definition as well as spelling out three conditions under which we expect that such neuroenhancement would be most likely to be permissible (or even... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryPharmacologyNeuroscience
Since approval of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016, it has been widely and repeatedly claimed that a 'right to explanation' of decisions made by automated or artificially intelligent algorithmic systems will be... more
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      Business EthicsEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesComputer Science
The World Conferences were established as global forums for discussion of ideas, policies and empirical findings related to the responsible conduct of research. The Conferences aim to galvanise the global effort to strengthen the... more
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    • Moral and Ethical Issues in Science
Four members of the Dawoodi Bohra sect of Islam living in Detroit, Michigan have recently been indicted on charges of female genital mutilation (FGM). This is the first time the US government has prosecuted an “FGM” case since a federal... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistorySociology
This chapter provides a general overview and introduction to the law and ethics of virtual sexual assault. It offers a definition of the phenomenon and argues that there are six interesting types. It then asks and answers three questions:... more
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      Information TechnologyLawCriminal LawCriminal Justice
Public sector in sri lanka is very inefficient.So thats the issue of government.So i would like to analyze this.
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    • Moral and Ethical Issues in Science
This National Integrity System (NIS) Assessment Nepal 2014 describes the status of the 11 pillars of NIS in terms of their capacity, governance, and role besides pointing out the gap between laws and practices. The NIS of Nepal shows the... more
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      Business EthicsEthicsApplied EthicsAcademic Integrity
Institutionalized and internalized,‭ ‬competence intersubjectivity contain many user-illusions and an imaginary or manifest image of reality,‭ ‬including of themselves‭ (‬Dennett and Sellars‭)‬,.‭ ‬This can be contrasted we a... more
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      Business EthicsEthicsNormative EthicsMeta-Ethics
The technological advances of contemporary society have outpaced our moral understanding of the problems that they create. How will we deal with profound ecological changes, human cloning, hybrid people, and eroding cyberprivacy, just to... more
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      Information TechnologyPhilosophyEthicsFree Will, Moral Responsibility
The editorial from ‘Sacred Web’ examines the ideas of transhumanism and posthumanism, concepts which seek to redefine what it means to be ‘human’.Aided by new technologies, these modernistic ideas are gaining hold among those who are in a... more
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      MetaphysicsBioethicsPerennial PhilosophyScience and Religion
That AI will have a major impact on society is no longer in question. Current debate turns instead on how far this impact will be positive or negative, for whom, in which ways, in which places, and on what timescale. Put another way, we... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligencePhilosophyEthics