Moral Luck
Recent papers in Moral Luck
Con la objetividad sin paréntesis uno tiene la razón y los demás están equivocados, errados o locos H. Maturana R. 1
Agent-regret seems to give rise to a philosophical puzzle. If we grant that we are not morally responsible for consequences outside of our control (the 'Standard View'), then agent-regret—which involves self-reproach and a desire to make... more
Many mining and development experts consider artisanal diamond mining to be a form of gambling. In Sierra Leone’s mining areas, this comparison also recurs occasionally in miners’ discourses. However, the idea that mining is like gambling... more
This is a blog introducing an aspect of my research on the problem of moral luck and a potential solut
Resumen: En la primera parte del artículo, se reconstruye detalladamente el Argumento Global contra la suerte moral en todos sus tipos, distinguiendo dos estrategias principales (Moderada y Radical). A continuación, se defiende que... more
Is there a difference in moral blameworthiness between a murderer and an attempted murderer? Should there be a legal difference between them? These questions are particular instances of the question of moral luck and legal luck... more
Both the genetic endowment we have been equipped with, and the environment we had to be born and raised in, were not-and never are-for us to choose; both are pure luck, a random ticket in this enormously inventive cosmic lottery of... more
A discussion of Adam Smith on moral luck that has been only published in German. I am revising it in order to incorporate it into a book. Comments are welcome.
Questo lavoro intende analizzare i concetti di sorte e buona sorte per comprendere meglio il loro peso nel percorso per raggiungere la felicità più perfetta e durevole secondo Aristotele. La sorte assume indubbiamente un grande peso nella... more
What part does luck play in the success of individuals, enterprises and countries? Think of examples. From politics to careers to finding the love of your life, there has never been more advice available, yet at the end of the game, some... more
Is the idea of the voluntary important? Those who think so tend to regard it as an idea that can be metaphysically deepened through a theory about voluntary action, while those who think it a superficial idea that cannot coherently be... more
Bernard Williams thought that philosophy should address real human concerns felt beyond academic philosophy. But what wider concerns are addressed by Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, a book he introduces as being ‘principally about... more
In diesem Essay wird Thomas Nagels Ansicht zum Problem des Moralischen Zufalls vorgestellt und an seinem Vorhaben gemessen, das sogenannte "Control Principle" abzulösen.
This book tells part of the story of my life in a succession of anecdotes, or ‘Danecdotes,’ as a friend called them. It generally focuses on the unusual and thereby offers material for reflection. I often include some more or less... more
Some philosophers believe that because ignorance tends to excuse, a blameworthy actor will either be a knowing wrongdoer or her ignorance will be traceable to a prior instance of knowing wrongdoing. I argue that this claim is false... more
Moral philosophers and psychologists often assume that people judge morally lucky and morally unlucky agents differently, an assumption that stands at the heart of the puzzle of moral luck. We examine whether the asymmetry is found for... more
A quali condizioni una condotta che offende beni giuridici fondamentali, quali la vita e l'integrità fisica della persona, può dirsi colposa per il diritto penale? Questo studio porta ad interrogarsi sul metodo di definizione del dovere... more
Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Derecho.
1 de junio de 2022 a las 11:00 hrs. Auditorio Arturo Alessandri.
1 de junio de 2022 a las 11:00 hrs. Auditorio Arturo Alessandri.
The study of problems of religious luck, I hope to convince the reader, is a needed focus today, in that this study promotes useful dialogue among theologians, philosophers, and researchers in the cognitive science of religions. I... more
I will discuss the relationship between two different accounts of remedial duty ascriptions. According to one account, the beneficiary account, individuals who benefit innocently from injustices ought to bear remedial responsibilities... more
This paper defends luck egalitarianism against some common objections by proposing a revised understanding of its domain, its site, and its justificatory role for equality.
This is a contribution to a Book symposium on The Limits of Free Will: Selected Essays by Paul Russell. I provide replies to three critics of The Limits of Free Will. The first reply is to Robert Wallace and focuses on the question of... more
que proferiu a conferência "¿Es la pobreza mundial un problema de justicia para los países más ricos?"; a do Prof. Dr. Filipe Campello (UFPE), "Descolonizar, sim, mas como? (ou: o que fazer com as estátuas de filósofos europeus?)"; do... more
This paper draws on the philosophies of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Hannah Arendt in order to explore the nature of free action. Part one outlines three familiar ways in which we often understand the nature of freedom. Part two argues that... more
In this paper I argue that the disagreement between modern moral philosophers and (some) virtue ethicists about whether motive affects rightness is a result of conceptual disagreement, and that when they develop a theory of ‘right... more
Contemporary Cuban art often highlights the widespread practice of repair. Fixing broken appliances and subdividing houses via DIY construction are frequent real-life responses to economic and social precarity. At the same time, these... more
Can good or bad luck affect a person’s praiseworthiness or blameworthiness? To agree that luck can have this effect is to say that moral luck exists. Debates about moral luck usually pit those who affirm its existence against those who... more
I draw out from Kierkegaard's work a critical perspective on evaluative frameworks that rely on a sharp distinction between agents and patients. In this perspective, human lives are shaped by complex entanglements of actions and... more
Kant is an absolute or monist deontologist (Beauchamp, 1991, 177).
In this paper I will examine the impact of the problem of moral luck upon Kant’s moral and political philosophy, as well as upon some legal institutions, such as tort law and different punishments for successful and unsuccessful criminal... more
T.M. Scanlon has recently proposed what I term a 'double attitude' account of blame, wherein blame is the revision of one's attitudes in light of another person's conduct, conduct that we believe reveals that the individual lacks the... more
The Luck Problem is frequently regarded as one of the most serious difficulties for libertarian accounts of free will. This paper argues that the Luck Problem is either a problem for compatibilists too, or else it is not a problem for... more
Contemporary Western discourse on freedom and choice – some of the most championed modern values – is usually anchored in the concept cluster of free will and autonomous choice. In turn, academic research on free will in philosophy... more
The nexus of the moral luck debate is the control principle, which says that people are responsible only for things within their control. In this paper, I will first argue that the control principle should be restrained to... more
In Romani Studies, Series 5, 19,2(2009):185-190
This reply to Carolina Sartorio's " Resultant Luck and the Thirsty Traveler " begins with a discussion of earlier treatments of the thirsty traveler puzzle. I emphasize the way in which adjustments to the case can elicit varying... more
In a brief section of The Theory of Moral Sentiments that has often been overlooked we find a fascinating discussion of the phenomenon of moral luck. This paper argues that Smith's discussion is important for two reasons. First, for what... more