Moral Economy
Recent papers in Moral Economy
598 DEPAUL LAW REVIEW [Vol. 50:597 oped in analog environments, we have found this thesis perhaps even more pertinent in digital contexts. In The Cultural Life of Intellectual Properties,2 Rosemary Coombe explored mass commercial culture... more
In the late 1990s and early 2000s a wave of Ponzi schemes swept through Papua New Guinea, Australia, and the Solomon Islands. U-Vistract, the most notorious scheme, along with other fast money schemes, attracted 300,000 investors,... more
In virtual worlds, consumption of digital, virtual commodities is apparently limitless. In game-oriented worlds like World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XI the acquisition of desirable goods is limited only by skill, time and patience –... more
The central contention of this article is that early nineteenth-century Irish landlords were constrained in their ability to control their estates by the prospect of peasant resistance. The apex of that resistance took the form of what... more
"Infrastructural ephemera" as a set of spontaneous affective relations critical to the success of large-scale projects of urban governance in the urban South are examined. The deep contradictions underscoring the labours of women employed... more
This paper takes as its starting point the conflicting claims about the present condition of Tibetan culture. While the Dalai Lama argues that a "cultural genocide" is going on in Tibet, the Chinese Party State emphasises its efforts to... more
Argentina se autopercibe desde hace décadas como un país de clases medias. Es parte del mito fundacional que pervive hasta hoy. El kirchnerismo, como otros movimientos nacional-populares, ha tenido una relación ambivalente con estos... more
This paper explores the moral economy of food in the United Kingdom via discourses on food bank usage and obesity. It argues that both of these markers of malnutrition were interpreted under the Conservative-led governments of David... more
This article critically examines how banks and microfinance companies morally construed and evaluated their lending practices and income in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Banks occupy a powerful position in a monetary economy, because they do... more
"La morale et l’éthique sont aujourd’hui invoquées dans les domaines les plus variés, qu’il s’agisse de politique ou d’économie, de guerre ou de sexualité, de justice internationale ou de recherche biologique. Si ces préoccupations ne... more
Debates about Fundamentalist Christianity as anthropology’s “repugnant other” have provided a lively set of reflections since Susan Harding’s influential article was published in 1991. Anthropologists wishing to study fundamentalist... more
Localized debates about who unauthorized migrants are and what they do, or do not, deserve unfold in a culturally specific register that is deeply charged with emotion and moral valuation. Structuring such debates are vernacular... more
The article analyses the activity of so-called "margouillats", informal go-betweens found arounf the Abidjan court house, who work to "get papers released" for people having filed a request for civil documents - particularly birth... more
Collectivity, economics, gender, and spirituality converge in art historian Chanon Kenji Praepipatmongkol's meticulous reading of Philippine modern artist Anita Magsaysay-Ho's painting, In the Marketplace. Skirting the ease of... more
Pourquoi Freud, mort depuis 1939, fait-il encore régulièrement scandale dans les grands médias ? Plus encore que la psychanalyse, c’est sa personne qui est régulièrement attaquée. Dernier éclat en date : la parution en 2010 du Crépuscule... more
Questa pubblicazione si è avvalsa di un finanziamento Miur (Prin 2003) alla ricerca su Scritture femminili di storia e di memoria coordinata nazionalmente da Ilaria Porciani e svolta nell'ambito dell'Unità di ricerca di Firenze su Donne e... more
How do applications of emergent technologies contribute to the social legitimacy of finance? To address this question, we examine a set of technologies that have received increasing industry, media, and scholarly attention over the past... more
In the Shadows of Naga Insurgency is a fine-grained critique of the Naga struggle for political redemption, the state’s response to it, and the social corollaries and carry-overs of protracted political conflict on everyday life. Offering... more
This paper examines the Confucian concept of tian, conventionally translated into English as “Heaven.” The secondary literature on tian has primarily focused on the question of what tian is: e.g., whether tian is an anthropomorphic deity... more
Through this chapter I attempt to argue that buzzer operations in Indonesia are not merely in the form of click farms whose operators are driven by monetary incentives, but a creative labor that is contextualized by the moral world of the... more
The sustainable market shows tremendous growth across plantation commodities in the past few years. It helps companies achieve corporate sustainability and thus leads to better social infrastructure for the plantation community. The study... more
This module provides a synoptic view of the so-called ‘middle peasant thesis’ proposed by Hamza Alavi and Eric Wolf. According to this thesis, the middle peasants are the most radical class in a peasant rebellion owing to... more
Scholars who have critically analyzed the commodification of nature have explored how the specific bio-physical features of the objects to be commodified can shape the outcome of the commodification process. Thus, the establishment and... more
Coolies of Capitalism tells the story of women, men and children being recruited and transported to work on the plantations of tea being set up in nineteenth century colonial India. The making of these workers into so called coolies was a... more
Cattle raiding among peoples living at the Northern end of the Rift Valley in Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, and Ethiopia has, by some estimates, become an increasing problem in recent years. This paper examines Turkana cattle raiding through... more
La sexualité fait partie intégrante de l’imaginaire associé aux vacances d’été, et le discours - textes et images - des magazines cristallise dans cette période les traits dominants du traitement médiatique de "ces sujets". Le "sexe",... more
Based on a synthesis of the empirical scholarship on England and Germany, this paper demonstrates that in both regions, rural socio-economic developments c.1200–c.1800 are similar: this period witnesses the rise to numerical predominance... more
Essays on the theme of economics, ethics, happiness and the virtues.
This book has now been published and is available as "The Economics of Flourishing-Well."
This book has now been published and is available as "The Economics of Flourishing-Well."
“Coolie” is a generic category for the “unskilled” manual labour. The offering of services for hire had various pre-colonial lineages. In the nineteenth century there was an attempt to recast the term in discursive constructions and... more
Résumé : Notre objet est une communauté de 300 à 400 passionnés-collectionneurs de vieux ordinateurs et de vieux jeux vidéo des années 1970-90, autrement appelés « vieilles machines », dispersés dans toute la France ainsi qu’en Belgique... more
In traditional anthropological work on the Philippines, the framework of patron-client ties has been extensively used to explain the exercise and contest of power between people in asymmetrical relationships: landowners and peasants... more
Margaret R. Somers is a leading comparative historical sociologist and social theorist specializing in law and political economy, citizenship and rights, and the work of Karl Polanyi. After pathbreaking work early in her career on the... more
Britirh cultural histor;an Edward Palmcr Thompson ( 1924 93) ,Iisht well hive bccn a revercd ancestor fbr today's anthropologisrs, but instead he is Jikc a specter whosc traccs ir€ ub;quitous but who remains aLnost invisible. Thompson was... more
Traditionally, the history of Auxilio Social (AS) has been explained from a political perspective. In this tradition, both the leadership and local branches of the New State and the single party (FET-JONS) have enjoyed particular... more