Recent papers in Moral
Architekten gestalten Lebensräume. Sie tragen deshalb Verantwortung für eine Vielzahl Betroffener. Es gilt, den verschiedensten Interessen gerecht zu werden – denen des Bauherrn, der Nutzer, der Nachbarn, der Passanten, der Umwelt und der... more
Even though anthropogenic climate change is largely caused by industrialized nations, its burden is distributed unevenly with poor developing countries suffering the most. A common response to livelihood insecurities and destruction is... more
Group material about morals - If you want to keep it light and fun, just do the first page. For a deeper discussion on morality there is follow up material for discussion starting on page two
Moral education is determined by the social phenomenon, which confers its content and represents a component of general education; it contributes to the formation and development of moral conscience and behaviour, to shaping the moral... more
Many researchers believe that the proper identification of psychology variables depends on using accurate tools that function beyond cultural, political and social attachments for measuring the psychological features in human societies.... more
Ernest Shackleton’s discerning mind and contagious optimism makes his leadership legendary and inspiring for so many of today’s leaders in a variety of fields such as sports, politics, education and business.
This article focuses on the relationship between morality and law through the debate between William Whewell (1794-1866) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), two important moral philosophers of 19th century Britain. Whewell belongs to a... more
Це пояснюється тим, що кримінологічна експертиза нормативно-правових актів охоплює більш широке коло питань, оскільки її основним завданням є оцінювання можливих кримінальних наслідків реалізації нормативно-правових актів в різних сферах... more
This research is intended to study the moral right to interfere Ethics into the teaching and learning process with the students of the Faculty of Engineering at Thonburi University by using a qualitative research methodology which... more
The search for medical care leads to the need for interaction between the patient and the doctor, in which there is a meeting of narratives. The patient's narrative is an important base of work for the physician who will diagnose and... more
If a responsible way to live one’s sexuality is discussed within society—particularly ex negativo, as it is the case since the last wave of the abuse scandal occurred within the Catholic Church, theological and philosophical approaches... more
Nietzsche en este libro, que es muchas veces considerada la obra más significativa y emblemática de su pensamiento, busca el origen o la procedencia de la moral. Tiene por objetivo demostrar que las opiniones recibidas sobre las fuentes... more
WABAH VIRUS CORONA DILIHAT DARI SUDUT PANDANG MORAL Virus corona sudah memakan korban hingga ratusan orang meninggal dan puluhan ribu lainnya terinfeksi. Virus ini mudah sekali menyebar.Komisi Kesehatan Nasional China mengkonfirmasi... more
The essential difficulty about Computer Ethics’ (CE) philosophical status is a methodological problem: standard ethical theories cannot easily be adapted to deal with CE-problems, which appear to strain their conceptual resources, and CE... more
O artigo objetiva identificar aspectos da concepção de moralidade que orienta o procedimento administrativo de exame dos pedidos de registro de marcas pelos analistas do INPI. Em especial, nos interessam os sinais que foram indeferidos... more
Objective We examine whether affective, verbal, and restitutive displays of remorse are associated with perceived offender immorality, as well as whether displays of remorse exert indirect effects on preferences for criminal sentencing... more
'Care' is a source of critical tension in current social theory, and the policy and practice implications of that tension are evidenced in its current prominence on the political agenda of developed welfare states. This article critically... more
'According to Plato, What is the task of a philosopher?' Introduction The book Phaedo is a discourse between Socrates and his closest friends. It is set on the day of his execution and deals with a great many subjects, specifically, the... more
O considerado normal e o apontado como patológico jamais foram lineares e unanimes no decorrer do processo sócio-histórico da humanidade. Em determinados períodos o patológico era visto como um corpo estranho, um antígeno que penetraria... more
Retomando una larga tradición de análisis antropológico, con este artículo buscamos reflexionar sobre la pertinencia metodológica y epistemológica del concepto antropológico de intercambio para la comprensión de la dimensión moral de... more
Lakatos's (1978) philosophy of science is used as a guide for resolving published authors' differences of opinion about interpersonal forgiveness. We first review the ancient writings and current philosophical works regarding... more
FREE 5 Short Educational Story Books for Kids stories to read, short stories, stories for kids, short stories for kids, moral stories, children's books, storyline online, story books for kids, kids books online, storyline online, kids... more
The structure of studies of moral education is basically interdisciplinary; it includes moral philosophy, psychology, and educational research. This essay systematically analyses the structure of studies of moral educational from the... more
Pre-school play is an important moment in a child’s development. Caretakers play an important role during play. This article presents a structure of educational competence called “constructive empathizing” or “invitingaccompanying... more
Este material que você está prestes a ler foi elaborado de acordo com as exigências do Estágio Curricular Supervisionado IV, componente curricular obrigatório do meu curso, Filosofia. Neste estágio, o objetivo foi produzir um material... more
Cada facultad de un hombre es la medida por la que juzga de la misma facultad en otro.
Este artigo procura levantar algumas questões candentes acerca da concepção que fazemos sobre a infância em nossos dias. As perguntas que dirigem nossa investigação são: até que ponto a voz da criança é ouvida e levada em consideração... more
Tujuh puluh enam tahun sudah Indonesia merdeka namun rakyatnya belum jua merdeka. Pelanggaran demi pelanggaran terhadap hak asasi manusia (HAM) masih marak terjadi. Terdapat dalang dari kasus pelanggaran HAM yang masih belum terungkap,... more
Islam sebagai ajaran moralitas bertemu dengan politik yang idealnya termuat nilai etika dan moral. Ketika politik kehilangan nilai moralnya maka politik hanya akan menjadi ajang pencarian keduniaan semata, hanya untuk memperkaya diri... more
Resumo: O presente artigo reflete a perspectiva do ateísmo cristão. Através do diálogo com o pensamento do filosofo André Comte-Sponville, tratamos de responder duas perguntas sobre o assunto. A primeira pergunta consiste em saber se é... more
German version | Lecture (conference presentation, 2022) In form of a short conference presentation, Marlon Possard analyzes the challenges associated with the further development of autonomous mobility. Above all, he examines ethical... more
Sobre ética y moral Algunas precisiones útiles para estudiantes de deontología jurídica Resumen: El presente trabajo no pretende ser particularmente innovador. Existen ya muchos que pretenden serlo. No existe un secreto oculto para los no... more
В статье проводится анализ мирового космического рынка пусковых услуг в условиях глобализации. Формируется задача выбора конкурентных стратегий с целью получения максимального объема рынка пусковых услуг предприятиями, выпускающими... more
Atti del Convegno di Studi "Logica e vita morale, 14-15 febbraio 2003 Roma, a cura di Simone D'Agostino
This contribution focuses on the question of the moral imperative in the novella Balada o trobenti in oblaku by Ciril Kosmač and the film adaptation of the same name by France Štiglic. First, there is a brief presentation of the elements... more