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A partir dos usos necropolíticos da memória escrava no Brasil pós-abolição, este ensaio analisa a figura do escravo como um ponto de singularização e acúmulo de uma série de tecnologias de poder (soberanas, pré, proto e... more
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      Cultural StudiesPolitical EconomyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Theory
SOSYOLOJİYİ KURMAK Montesquieu, Tocqueville, Comte, Durkheim “Tarihi bilinmedikçe, bir bilim tam olarak anlaşılamaz”. Comte’un bu aforizması belki de en fazla, bizzat kurduğu ve “sosyoloji” adını verdiği bilim için geçerlidir. İsim... more
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      DurkheimEmile DurkheimAlexis de TocquevilleMontesquieu
Montesquieu’s The Spirit of the Laws principally argues that each society has its own customs and organisational systems which are socio-culturally specific to their politico-economic context, and therefore any attempt to impose a... more
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      Governance18th Century PhilosophyHistory of Political ThoughtMontesquieu
In questo articolo l’autore analizza i viaggi di Montesquieu, dove si manifesta il trionfo del piacere della scoperta. Il viaggio è indagine della realtà sociale, politica e istituzionale. Le certezze e le nozioni iniziali sono... more
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      Sociology of LawPhilosophy Of LawMontesquieuPublic Law
Temas esquecidos ou abandonados da constituição da teoria dos poderes. Crítica do Estado Constitucional contemporâneo. Crítica do ativismo judicial. Nova configuração da Teoria dos Poderes. Leitura crítica de Montesquieu e dos clássicos.... more
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      John LockeDireitoMontesquieuTeoría Política
« Harrington, dans son Oceana, a aussi examiné quel était le plus haut point de liberté où la constitution d'un État peut être portée. Mais on peut dire de lui qu'il n'a cherché cette liberté qu'après l'avoir méconnue, et qu'il a bâti... more
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      MontesquieuEnglish ConstitutionalismHarrington
Feminists have long criticized Rousseau for his patriarchal political theory. But when his lesser-known writings on women from the 1740s are taken into account, including a nearly 900 page manuscript critiquing Montesquieu from a feminist... more
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      French LiteratureGender StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminism
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    • Montesquieu
Recension de : Laurence Fontaine, Le Marché. Histoire et usages d’une conquête sociale, Paris, Gallimard, 2014, 464 p., 22,90€.
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      European HistoryFrench HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Political Economic Thought
FABIANA FRAULINI IL MEDIOEVO DI MONTESQUIEU Dedicato ai libri XXVIII, XXX e XXXI dell'Esprit des lois, questo volume ricostruisce la riflessione di Montesquieu sul medioevo, collocandola all'interno dei dibattiti relativi ai mutamenti... more
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      Political PhilosophyHistory of HistoriographyMontesquieuLodovico Antonio Muratori
Giambattista Vico dall'età delle riforme alla Restaurazione Il volume ricostruisce quasi un secolo di dibattiti relativi alla Scienza nuova di Vico. Accanto a una linea interpretativa laico-illuminista, orientata a valorizzare la... more
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      Modern HistoryCultural HistoryHistorical LinguisticsItalian Studies
Les rapports qu'entretiennent la guerre et le commerce ont fait l'objet d'importants débats depuis le XVIIe siècle. Dans ce domaine, les controverses scientifiques sont particulièrement investies de considérations politiques, puisque s'y... more
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      MontesquieuWar and trade
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      Political TheoryFrench RevolutionEnlightenmentIntellectual History of Enlightenment
written for "old Europe" where democracy is on the march with a fear of the idea that a strong centralised democratic system could lead tyranny. So, he was an aristocrat by birth, and became a democrat with the application of the theory.
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      SovereigntyPolitical CultureEquality and DiversityDemocracy
L'article s'attache à mettre en évidence que la façon de construire la compréhension des faits sociaux, telle qu'on la trouve dans les monographies anthropologiques, possède des racines anciennes. On en trouve, en effet, l'esquisse dans... more
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      MontesquieuLouis Dumont
Chapter 7 of *American Citizenship and Constitutionalism in Principle
and Practice,* Edited by Steven F. Pittz and Joseph Postell (University of Oklahoma Press, 2022)
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      MontesquieuJohn AdamsAmerican FoundingFederalist Papers
Ein Einführungsbuch in die Politische Theorie und Herrschaft der Frühen Neuzeit, utb 5439
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      HistoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyMedieval History
15.45-17.45 3. szekció: A rokokó századának eszmeisége és annak tovább élése Elnök: Gyimesi Timea (SZTE BTK) 15.45-16.15 Cseppentő István (ELTE BTK): Galantéria, nosztalgia, keleti egzotikum. A rokokó "turquerie" irodalmi továbbélése... more
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      Jean-Jacques RousseauMontesquieuPlaisanceRococo
ABSTRACT: In the infancy of democratic regime theory, David Hume and le Barron de Montesquieu offered two conflicting blueprints for how republics should be constructed. While Montesquieu’s thesis pervaded democratic theory for most of... more
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      Democratic TheoryPolitical SciencePolitical HistoryDavid Hume
Both Plato in the Laws and Montesquieu in The Spirit of the Laws make property sacred, and for the same reasons, though they do it in very different ways. These differences are rooted in the widely divergent religious contexts and the... more
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Following Hans Blumenberg, this essay studies the genealogy of the idea of originality in a medieval metaphor characterizing the church interior as a "meadow" or λειμῶν (leimôn). Scholars focusing on this metaphor have neglected its use... more
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      AestheticsEkphrasisMontesquieuJohn of Damascus
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      LawCriminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal Justice
This work addresses bell hooks’s call for the development of an alternative to patriarchal masculinity which she calls feminist masculinity. Patriarchal masculinity has convinced most men and women that the development of different forms... more
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      Feminist PhilosophyEcofeminismDiderot, DenisMontesquieu
met la gaze et lève les voiles. La fiction orientale n'est pas simplement une façon de mettre le discours à couvert, ni d'aiguiser la curiosité en déployant des séductions exotiques 1 . La gaze, qui désigne au XVIIIème siècle une certaine... more
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      EnlightenmentMontesquieuLiterature, Literature Criticism, Gender and Feminism
In 1728, Montesquieu embarked on a three-year Grand Tour across Europe which took him to Italy, Austria, Germany, the Dutch Republic and Britain, where he stayed for nearly two years, before returning to the castle of La Brè de near... more
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      MontesquieuDutch History
Toplumu bilimsel olarak inlemeye çalışmış Fransız düşünür Montesquieu (1689-1755). Sınırlandırılmış yönetim anlayışının ayrılmaz bir parçası olan kuvvetler ayrılığı ilkesini savunan düşünür, Fransız Aydınlanmacılığına olan etkisiyle önem... more
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      MontesquieuAydınlanmaFransız AydınlanmasıAydınlanmanın Diyalektiği
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      MontesquieuAmerikaMark BeumerGeschiedenis
This article offers a framework for thinking about democratic representation beyond election. It argues, firstly, that modern democracy is a unique form of government made up of representative claims. To act on behalf of the people... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryDemocratic TheoryClaude Lefort
This is an entry for the unpublished Democracy Encyclopedia defining property rights and outlining the connections between property rights and democracy.
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      Property RightsPropertyDemocracyJohn Locke
This paper discusses why Montesquieu sees the woman problem as particularly important for political philosophy through an interpretation of significant passages in his Persian Letters.
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      Political PhilosophyFeminismHistory Of Modern PhilosophyPhilosophy and Literature
İbn Haldun, G. Vico, Monteisguie, Saint-Simon, Aguste Comte, K. Marx, E. Durkheim ve M. Weber'in eğitime dair görüşleri.
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      Giambattista VicoEmile DurkheimKarl MarxMontesquieu
This essay offers a genealogy of the UK’s political constitution from the seventeenth century to the present, noting how it has drawn on different ideas and taken different forms over time, and highlighting the contingent nature of its... more
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      Constitutional LawLegal HistoryComparative Constitutional LawHistory of Political Thought
Para quienes editamos Cuadernos de Marte siempre es grato presentar una nueva edición con aportes de calidad, realizados por investigadores de diversas tradiciones intelectuales y sitios del mundo. En este número 12 publicamos ocho... more
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      Immanuel KantG.W.F. HegelMontesquieuGuerra en Siria e Irak
Il s'agit d'une analyse de  l'ensemble des Lettres persanes à l'occasion du programme d'agrégation de Lettres en France, année 2013.
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      MontesquieuGiorgio VasariDonatelloFilippo Brunelleschi
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      ConstitutionalismMontesquieuTeoria do DireitoPoder Judiciário
Nicolás Maquiavelo, nacido en 1469 y fallecido en 1527, fue un filósofo, escritor y estadista florentino. Su obra más destacada es El Príncipe, publicada en 1513. Charles Secondat (Barón de Montesquieu y señor de la Brède) fue un... more
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      MontesquieuFilosofía PolíticaEstadoLeyes
This draft provides a synopsis of some of the very interesting insights of Leo Paul de Alvarez's commentary on Machiavelli's Prince
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      HistoryPolitical PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryPlato
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      MontesquieuCesare Beccaria
Comte Montesquieu Marx Tocqueville
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      SociologyKarl MarxAlexis de TocquevilleMontesquieu
Misogynie et nationalisme au XVIII siècle en France (in Japanese)
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      RhetoricGender HistoryEdmund Burke18th Century French Literature
MAKALAH PANDANGAN PEMISAHAN KEKUASAAN DAN PEMIKIRAN MONTESQUIEU DALAM KEKUASAAN Oleh: Rendi Akbar Faiz (193503516026) Muhammad Chairul Fikri (193503516021) Lisa wati (193503516014) Dinda Wahyuni (193503516027) Tiara Ratna Oktaviani... more
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    • Montesquieu
The rereading of the origins of the theory of the separation of powers leads us to several ideas that have the potential to reconfigure it for the future. Locke, Montesquieu and the French revolutionaries distinguish functions from... more
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      FunctionalismJohn LockeMontesquieuStructuralism
Il concetto di «governo della legge», cui si sono richiamati fra Ottocento e Novecento pensatori liberali e costituzionalisti, è stato recentemente utilizzato per identificare la concezione «repubblicana» della libertà. Nelle pagine... more
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On dördüncü yüzyılda Kuzey Afrika’da yaşayan İbn Haldun ile on sekizinci yüzyılda Fransa’da yaşayan Montesquieu arasında, doğal yaşamın, coğrafi koşulların ve iklimin insan yaşantısı üzerinde doğrudan belirleyici bir etkisi olduğuna dair... more
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      MontesquieuFelsefeIklim DeğişikliğiIslam Felsefesi Tarihi
Le débat entre libre-échange et protectionnisme se trouve au cœur de l’actualité politique, car c’est l’un des terrains sur lesquels s’affrontent aujourd'hui « libéraux » et « populistes ». À l’heure où l’Union européenne négocie de... more
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      International RelationsWar and PeaceMontesquieuFree Trade
This article offers a fresh critique of the work of political scientists and historians who have propagated the Eurocentric history of democracy. The paper argues that such work can be dissected and critiqued along several key lines:... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
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      MontesquieuDissertationLettres persanes
WESTERN POLITICAL THOUGHT NOTES Montesquieu is one of the most prominent French political philosophers in the eighteenth century. He is famous in the history of political thought for his notable formulation of separation of powers as the... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceHistory of Political ThoughtExecutive Function
Cet article entend montrer que la philosophie du droit, chez Montesquieu, demeure étroitement tributaire de la philosophie politique. Le rôle du juge varie en fonction des formes de gouvernement, et le despotisme sert de repoussoir afin... more
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      Criminal JusticeMontesquieu