Monte Carlo Simulation
Recent papers in Monte Carlo Simulation
In this study, the problem of discriminating between interictal epileptic and non-epileptic pathological EEG cases, which present episodic loss of consciousness, investigated. We verify the accuracy of the feature extraction method of... more
We describe a Monte Carlo procedure for the simulation of dynamically triangulate random surfaces with a boundary (topology of a disk). The algorithm keeps the total number of triangles fixed, while the length of the boundary is allowed... more
Municipal solid waste generation is a rapidly increasing challenge that is leading to severe pollution and environmental degradation in many urban areas of developing countries. Globally, the solid waste sector accounts for 18% of methane... more
The increasing wind power generation requires the updating of the computational tools that support decision making in the operation and planning of electric power systems. This work describes a methodology to model the spatial... more
Spatial variability is one of the most significant characteristics of soil properties, even within homogeneous layers. The physical description of this spatial variation is unclear, due to the highly expensive sampling, uncontrollable... more
O Serviço Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro tem exigido um projeto para avaliar a capacidade de atendimento do serviço de emergência, tendo em vista os desastres urbanos e naturais que estão acontecendo em muitos lugares, além... more
The construction project management is about quality, timely, and costly managing construction inputs and outputs. However, its achievement continues to present a major challenge to most large construction projects all over the world due... more
Today's consumers are often overloaded with information. This article argues that traditional approaches to measuring the amount of information in a choice set fail to account for important structural dimensions of information and may... more
This work proposes a parametric probabilistic approach to model damage accumulation using the double linear damage rule (DLDR) considering the existence of limited experimental fatigue data. A probabilistic version of DLDR is developed in... more
In biological suspensions, the forward light scattering is done mainly by the contribution of the suspended cells. The multiple scattering is almost always unavoidable, its contribution being described by Monte Carlo simulations or by... more
Coulomb interaction limits the beam current for a required resolution but it can be influenced by the layout of the optical system. Therefore it is necessary to obtain design information for future charged particle lithography tools.... more
A complete analysis of low-noise 0.1 m gate AlInAs/GaInAs HEMT's has been performed by using a semiclassical Monte Carlo simulation. The validity of the model has been checked through the comparison of the simulated results with static,... more
Using scintillation crystal sheets instead of discrete crystal arrays in high-resolution PET has the immediate advantage of reduced complexity as well as a potential for increased sensitivity. In order to evaluate the positioning... more
Soft error tolerant design becomes more crucial due to exponential increase in the vulnerability of computer systems to soft errors. Accurate estimation of soft error rate (SER), the probability of system failure due to soft errors, is a... more
Salmonella enteritidis (SE) is a common foodborne pathogen, the transmission of which is primarily associated with the consumption of contaminated Grade A shell eggs. In order to estimate the level of SE present in raw shell eggs, it is... more
Lead-210 assay and dating are subject to several sources of error, including natural variation, the statistical nature of measuring radioactivity, and estimation of the supported fraction. These measurable errors are considered in... more
We investigate the survival probability ⌽(n,c) of particles performing a random walk on a two-dimensional lattice that contains static traps, which are randomly distributed with a concentration c, as a function of the number of steps n.... more
Two pairs of confidence intervals for a proportion, similar to that of Larson, are compared. It can be shown through computer simulation experiments that, for certain values of p, the confidence interval obtained by the approximation is... more
Comparison of the spatial and temporal information retrieved from near-infrared phase and average intensity (DC) data reveals that these data types can play a complementary role in the study of the temporal and spatial features of the... more
The elliptical flow of fragments is studied for different systems at incident energies between 50 and 1000 MeV/nucleon using Isospin-dependent Quantum Molecular Dynamics (IQMD) Model. Our findings reveal that elliptical flow shows a... more
L'apport des connaissances dans la science est soumis à l’expérience. Dans la vision de Pascal les anciens les ont trouvées seulement ébauchées, et nous les laisserons à ceux qui viendront après nous en un état plus accompli que nous ne... more
This article presents a framework for the representation of uncertainty in the early design of complex adaptive products such as automobiles. The core of the framework is an object-oriented approach in which design objects and their... more
The fortune and the risk of a business venture depends on the future course of the economy. There is a strong demand for economic forecasts and scenarios that can be applied to planning and modeling. While there is an ongoing debate on... more
Using Monte Carlo simulations we examine the diffusive properties of the greedy algorithm in the d-dimensional traveling salesman problem. Our results show that for d = 3 and 4 the average squared distance from the origin r 2 is... more
Climate is one of the single most important factors affecting watershed ecosystems and water resources. The effect of climate variability and change has been studied extensively in some places; in many places, however, assessments are... more
Different international plant protection organisations advocate different schemes for conducting pest risk assessments. Most of these schemes use structured questionnaire in which experts are asked to score several items using an ordinal... more
Purpose -The aim of the research was to evaluate the concept that utilizes structured planar substrates based on low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) as a precision platform for the passive alignment of a multimode fiber and... more
The White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus breeding population of Aride Island, Seychelles, has experienced a strong decline in the recent past. To predict the future trends of the White-tailed Tropicbird population on Aride Island and... more
The increasing use of Carbon nuclei in cancer therapy centres is motivated by their potential advantages as a very precise high LET radiation. The knowledge of the fragmentation of Carbon nuclei when they interact with the human body is... more
Environmental modelling languages provide the possibility to construct models in two or three spatial dimensions. These models can be static models, without a time component, or dynamic models. Dynamic models are simulations run forward... more
We propose an efficient algorithm to sample the volume in Monte Carlo simulations in the isobaric-isothermal ensemble. The method is designed to be applied in the simulation of hardcore models at high density. The algorithm is based in... more
The homogeneous precipitation kinetics of the ordered phases Al 3 Zr and Al 3 Sc in Al solid solutions has been simulated at the mesoscopic scale by the cluster dynamics method. The polyatomic clusters, embedded in the solid solution,... more
Differential cross sections (DCS) suitable for Monte Carlo simulation of the energy loss of fast electrons and positrons in matter are proposed. These DCSs are based on high-energy approximations, complemented with semiempirical... more
Recently, Monte Carlo (MC) calculation method has reported as the most accurate method of predicting dose distributions in radiotherapy. In this present work investigation on the accuracy of MC (EGSnrc) in calculating electron beam... more
Abstract-Low voltage CMOS circuits, operating in current mode, that exhibit piecewise transfer characteristics are presented. These circuits can be used for the synthesis of arbitrary piecewise transfer functions. Several circuits were... more
The formation of two-component multilayer films on homogeneous solid surfaces is discussed using the mean-field theory and Monte Carlo' simulation. Adsorption systems exhibiting complete and incomplete mixing of components are discussed.... more
A simple membrane, supporting charge densities 1 and 2 ϭϪ 1 on its inner and outer surfaces, is considered. In addition to the electrostatic potential, the membrane interacts with the surrounding fluid by a short range van der Waals-like... more
Results. For signals near the detection threshold, our low-latency algorithms often localized simulated GW burst signals to tens of square degrees, while neutron star/neutron star inspirals and neutron star/black hole inspirals were... more
A study on the applicability of dierent kinds of neural networks for the probabilistic analysis of structures, when the sources of randomness can be modeled as random variables, is summarized. The networks are employed as numerical... more
Angular Domain Imaging (ADI) is a high resolution, ballistic imaging method that utilizes the angular spectrum of photons to filter multiply-scattered photons which have a wide distribution of angles from ballistic and quasi-ballistic... more
Background: Polymer gel dosimetry showed the ability to measure three dimensional dose distribution of radiation treatment. The challenge in gel dosimetry is to extract dose information from the irradiated gel dosimeter through medical... more
Suppose we are interested in forecasting a time series and, in addition to the time series data, we have data from many time series related to the one we want to forecast. Since building a dynamic multivariate model for the set of time... more
From time to time, economies undergo far-reaching structural changes. In this paper we investigate the consequences of structural breaks in the factor loadings for the specification and estimation of factor models based on principal... more
A preliminary study on the possible use of the GEANT4 (GEometry ANd Tracking) toolkit and Grid technology, for the Monte Carlo simulation of a clinical beam line for proton therapy, has been investigated. We realized a GEANT4 application... more