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      FeminismHannah ArendtFeminist Political TheoryMonique Wittig
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    • Monique Wittig
O lesbianismo foi tema central nos estudos, teorias e escritos de Monique Wittig (1935-2003). O lesbianismo é, para autora, o único conceito além das categorias homem e mulher; é um conceito revolucionário. La Contrainte à... more
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      Feminist TheoryLesbianMonique Wittig
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      Cultural StudiesPopular MusicPopular CultureCultural Theory
This paper studies the role played by the figure of the Trojan horse in the work of Monique Wittig. I argue that if this particular figure is so important to Wittig, it is not only because it is a pillar of tradition that they want to... more
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      French StudiesMonique Wittig
The lesbian thinker Monique Wittig, in questioning the binary sex relations that define two opposite social classes – men and women – argues that "lesbians are not women", because they are not subjected to the same oppressions as the... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityGay And Lesbian StudiesIdentity and Identification
Il primo romanzo di Monique Wittig, "L'Opoponax" (1964) rappresenta una sfida traduttiva molto interessante per l'uso che fa del pronome "on". Si tratta di una strategia formale che prefigura quel "soggetto lesbico" di cui la pensatrice... more
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      Monique WittigTraduttologia
Taking as my object the Monique Wittig’s 1969 novel Les guérillères, I mean to explore the difficulties of ambiguously “utopian” science fiction, especially with regard to the intersection and tensions between French “postmodern” and... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryFrench FeminismQueer Theory (Literature)
in "Introduzione ai femminismi" a cura di Anna Curcio (Edizioni DeriveApprodi)
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryRace and RacismGender and Sexuality
1 MONIQUE WITTIG, A marca do género I Para os linguistas a marca do género diz respeito aos substantivos. Só a consideram em termos de função. Só a questionam por brincadeira, por exemplo quando falam do género como um " sexo fictício ".... more
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    • Monique Wittig
l feminismo contemporáneo se caracteriza por pensar "lo otro", asumir la extrañeza que provoca la ruptura de la norma y descomponer los esencialismos, así como producir una genealogía crítica, es decir, utilizar la deconstrucción como... more
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      Estudios de GéneroFeminismoGéneroMonique Wittig
Se pretende hacer un estudio comparativo entre algunos puntos de encuentro entre estas teóricas del feminismo, con el propósito de identificar la influencia de Beauvoir en el pensamiento de Wittig: concretamente, la prolongación del... more
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      Feminist PhilosophySimone de BeauvoirMonique Wittig
If the demeanor of a public voice is set in large part by the genre in which one is called to speech, then I can only begin by confessing that I do not fulfill here what memorialization might most seem to offer. This is odd, no doubt,... more
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      Queer TheoryMonique Wittig
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheorySimone de BeauvoirMonique Wittig
Le rapport de la lectrice au texte littéraire gagne à être replacé avec François Rastier dans la perspective plus large d'une chaîne de transmission, générique et culturelle. Abandonnant la valeur irénique, le "contre, dans le cas de... more
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      StylisticsGay And Lesbian StudiesLesbian StudiesSubjectivity (Identity Politics)
Une version de ce texte est parue dans Antoine Idier, "Archives des mouvements LGBT+. Une histoire de luttes de 1890 à nos jours", Textuel 2018.
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryMonique WittigChristine Delphy
aux éditions de la Pléiade 1 , tout en s'offusquant d'une part, que l'auteure du Deuxième Sexe ne soit que la quinzième femme à y figurer et d'autre part, que l'oeuvre que nous venons de mentionner et qui fut un point de « rupture dans... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminismHélène CixousMarguerite Duras
Questionnant la pertinence du concept d'« écriture féminine » tel qu'introduit par Hélène Cixous, cet exposé a pour but d'en traquer les failles pour en proposer une nouvelle définition, à la fois plus universelle et plus resserrée., en... more
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      Women's writingÉcriture FéminineLittérature FrançaiseMonique Wittig
Les stéréotypes de sexe dans l'érotisme, la pornographie
et les discours amoureux à l'épreuve d'Angela Carter,
de Monique Wittig et d'Elfriede Jelinek.
Mémoire de M2 en lettres modernes, Université Lyon 2, soutenu en septembre 2014.
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      Comparative LiteratureElfriede JelinekPostmodernism (Literature)Angela Carter
J'ai réfléchi aux mécanismes de résistance élaborés dans l’écriture de Monique Wittig à partir de Virgile, non. L’écrivaine transpose le mythe dantesque de la traversée de l’enfer au temps contemporain en plaçant l’action dans la ville... more
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesHistory of SexualityLuce IrigarayResistance (Social)
Within Queer Theory ‚classical‘ lesbian-feminist contributions, such as those by Audre Lorde, Gloria Anzaldúa, Monique Wittig and Adrienne Rich, have been adopted very selectively and sometimes in a highly superficial way. Ambivalences... more
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      Queer TheoryLesbian StudiesGloria AnzalduaChicana/Latina lesbian literature and theory
In this provocative and illuminating book, Patrick McGee looks at the ways in which certain texts resist the dominant cultural assumptions that condition their writing and reception. Challenging received notions of aesthetic and social... more
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist TheoryJames JoycePostcolonial Studies
In its most common understanding, the term “gender” primarily refers today to the complementarity of femininity and masculinity, understood in turn as psychosocial identities; and so it has been used also by large sectors of feminism.... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesSex and GenderPolitical Theory
El libro FEMINISMO, DIFERENCIA SEXUAL Y SUBJETIVIDAD NÓMADE, proporciona, como tesis central, un encuadre propicio, o mejor un descuadre provocador, para examinar, decodificar y conceptuar las permutaciones que se han expresado a lo largo... more
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      Social TheoryGender StudiesEducationSocial Sciences
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      GenderLuce IrigarayFrench languageMonique Wittig
Prefazione a Eva Feole "Corpo a corpo con il linguaggio. Il pensiero e l'opera letteraria di Monique Wittig", Edizione Ets, 2020, pp.9-14.
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      Feminist TheoryGay And Lesbian StudiesLesbian StudiesMarxist and Materialist Feminism
"The gendered body takes a phenomenological turn in Brower’s cosmopolitan essay on oral sexuality within philosophical, feminist, and lesbian traditions..." ("Editorial" by Michelle Iwen) Abstract: The 'traditional philosophical... more
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      Critical TheoryCognitive ScienceMusicGender Studies
Postfazione contenuta in Monique Wittig, Il pensiero straight e altri saggi, Collettivo della Lacuna (traduzione e cura di), s.l., 2019
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      Feminist TheoryLGBT StudiesMonique WittigColette Guillaumin
Although Judith Butler's theorization of violence has begun to receive growing scholarly attention, the feminist theoretical background of her notion of violence remains unexplored. In order to fill this lacuna, this article explicates... more
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      Social ChangeFeminist TheoryViolenceQueer Theory
This dissertation tinkers with the portrayal of contemporary feminism in television; and not just any kind of television series: science fiction. At the moment, sci-fi is still a relatively male-dominated genre around the world. This... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSocial PsychologyGender Studies
A partir d'une analyse des occurrences du mot "sein" dans Le Corps lesbien de Monique Wittig, l'étude s'attache à expliciter les stratégies wittigiennes de l'écriture du corps. Contestant les représentations culturelles héritées, qui... more
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      StylisticsGay And Lesbian StudiesLesbian StudiesIdeology
The foundations of queer theory are in part built on the work of Monique Wittig. Yet, Wittig found queer theory wanting and, as Robyn Wiegman notes: “Judith Butler's paradigm-shifting Gender Trouble needed Wittig to make the turn that has... more
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      Feminist TheoryMaterialismJudith ButlerMonique Wittig
El campo de pensamientos y de prácticas que se despliega en el encuentro entre danza y filosofía exige desplazamientos en los modos de conocer instituidos, que son, a su vez, modos de hacer. En este artículo se problematizan ciertas... more
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      GestureJudith ButlerFeminismoMonique Wittig
À partir de certains exemples tirés du texte "Les Guérillères", j'étudie la manière dont certains énoncés performatifs sont construits en ayant entre autres en vue la position de deux théoriciens des actes de langage : Austin et... more
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      French LiteratureFrench StudiesSpeech Act TheoryPerformativity of Language
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      Gender StudiesPolitical PhilosophyIntersexualityPolitical Theory
Il pensiero di Monique Wittig ha viaggiato in maniera carsica ma persistente nelle teorie e nei movimenti femministi italiani degli ultimi decenni, tra traduzioni militanti, letture collettive, seminari e perfino un fan club. Un... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminismMonique Wittig
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      GnosticismFeminist TheoryGender and SexualityEarly Christianity
Focusing on Kathy Acker's interaction with French feminist thought and experimental writing, Finch examines the writers texts to bridge seemingly conflictual branches of feminist thought in order to position Acker in an ongoing genealogy... more
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      Queer TheoryQueer Theory (Literature)Kathy AckerMonique Wittig
No presente ensaio pretendo colocar em questão a noção de Luce Irigaray da diferença sexual. Procuro investigar a genealogia do pensamento da autora, pensando suas conexões com a filosofia da diferença e com a psicanálise. É um exercício... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyGender and SexualityLuce Irigaray
Looking from a critical race perspective at Wittig’s lesbian, in this article, I draw two conclusions. First, I suggest that it is actually trans exclusionary lesbians' own transphobia that makes them cis-gendered. And second, it becomes... more
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      Feminist TheoryTransgender StudiesPostcolonial StudiesQueer Theory
Jean-François Hamel et Julien Lefort-Favreau (dir.), Études françaises, « Écritures de la contestation. La littérature des années 68 », vol. 54, no 1, 2018.
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      Guy DebordMaurice BlanchotSituationismLittérature engagée
Dans une perspective innovante et interdisciplinaire (éthique, mythocritique, sociocritique, psychanalyse, théories du genre), des figures mythiques féminines et autres, révélatrices de notre regard sur le monde, sont ici analysées sous... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTheatre StudiesFeminist TheoryÉmmanuel Lévinas
Dans une perspective innovante et interdisciplinaire (éthique, mythocritique, sociocritique, psychanalyse, théories du genre), des figures mythiques féminines et autres, révélatrices de notre regard sur le monde, sont ici analysées sous... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFeminist TheoryÉmmanuel LévinasJulia Kristeva
Este artigo visa refletir sobre o pensamento lésbico, principalmente, da década de 1980. Trata-se, também, de salientar sutilmente algumas relações do pensamento lésbico com a teoria queer, surgida na década de 1990. As três autoras... more
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      Teoría QueerFeminismoAdrienne RichGayle Rubin
Texte publié dans le bulletin de l'Anef, n°67, 2017, pp. 49-55.
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      Feminist TheoryRace and RacismFeminismMonique Wittig
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      Feminist Political TheoryUniversalismMonique WittigLesbian Literature
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      Feminist TheoryMonique Wittig