Mongolic Studies
Recent papers in Mongolic Studies
Annals of Kublai (14 juans of "Yuan Shi", No. 4-17). This is commented translation 元史世祖本紀 into Russian.
The book was printed July 19, 2019. Circulation - 100 copies.
Тираж 100 экземпляров (70 в продажу)
The book was printed July 19, 2019. Circulation - 100 copies.
Тираж 100 экземпляров (70 в продажу)
ХХ зууны Монголын түүхэнд, ялангуяа эрдэм судлалын талбарт өөрийн арилшгүй мөрийг үлдээсэн нэртэй эрдэмтэн, төр нийгмийн зүтгэлтэн Мэргэн гүн Гомбожавын мэндэлсний 110 жилийн ойг 2016 онд Монгол улсад ёслол төгөлдөр тэмдэглэн өнгөрүүлэв.... more
MA thesis researching the socio-political dimensions of Mongolian attire in the Mongolian Empire and Yuan dynasty. I just can't get the appendices uploaded because of their size! Anyone interested, please drop me a note and I will... more
Northern Network for the Study of the Crusades February 2021 Seminar
Full book available at In this book, the author offers a complete reconstruction of the Chinese-Mongol vocabulary of the 17th century comprehensive Chinese military work called Lulongsai lüe (盧龍塞略,... more
Walther Heissig (1913–2005) was certainly one of the most influential researchers on Mongolian, well thought of by his fellows and esteemed by his students. This edition of archive materials concerning Heissig's life and work (cited below... more
The present paper re-examines the possibility of creating a unified system for writing
Following the Death of Jinggis Khan, the Mongol Empire continued its unity for a period of four rulers, Ögedei and his son Güyük, Möngke and his younger brother Khublai. Khublai was the last Mongol Khan to be recognized universally as the... more
Almost twenty years after the publication of this piece, it may be in order to insert a remark: For me, who is (albeit only due to the realities of the Latin alphabet only) listed as the main author of this paper (in fact I did little... more
КОНЦЕПТ РОДИНА В КУЛЬТУРЕ МОНГОЛЬСКИХ НАРОДОВ* Оппозиция "свой" -"чужой" является универсальной схемой, иллюстрирующей взаимоотношения ключевых концептов духовного универсума монгольских народовобраза "своего мира", родной земли и... more
The article deals with the study of ethnic composition of the Olkhon Buryats and features of their expansion on the territory of the former Olkhonskaya Stepnaya Duma, which was splitted into two parts called Kutulskaya and Yelantsinskaya... more
Although the unicorn is a mythological animal, it has prototypes in the world of real animals. These prototypes, which have historically varied from region to region, have also affected the names used for the unicorn in different cultural... more
SADAQSHILIQ: THE ART OF MAKING AND SHOOTING THE KAZAKH HORSEBOW In Kazakhstan the art of archery existed from the prehistoric times, when the first areas of Andronovo culture started appearing at the territory of the republic. Since then... more
There is an embarrassing error in the list of etymologies discussed. The Mongolian word said to be the equivalent of EAR is of course the word for NOSE, as correctly pointed out by S.A. Starostin in his rejoinder to this review.
Дундад зууны Евразийн улс гүрнүүд нүүдэлчдийн ер бусын хүчин, бидний өвөг дээдсийн ялагдашгүй армийн өмнө өвдөг сөхөрч, дэлхий газрын зураг өөрчлөгдөн байсан түүхтэй хэн ч маргахгүй билээ. Нүүдэлчдийн армийн өмнө олон үндэстэн сөрөн... more
Одоогийн Монгол улсын Хөвсгөл, Булган, Сэлэнгэ, Төв, Хэнтий, Дорнод аймгуудад олон цөөн тоотойгоор буриад монголчууд оршин суудаг. Эдгээр буриад монголчууд нь XX зууны эхэн үед тухайн үеийн Хаант Орос болон Зөвлөлт Холбоот улсын нутгаас... more
Монография представляет специальное исследование по истории расселения бурят в XIX в. в составе Российской империи. Работа дополнена анализом этимологии бурятских макро- и микроэтнонимов. Важнейшим результатом являются этнические карты... more
Baron R.F. von Ungern-Sternberg (1885–1921) is almost a legendary figure. He was General of the Russian White Army fought against the Reds in Civil War after the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. He participated in the Civil War in... more
1932 оны зэвсэгт бослого-20 дугаар зууны Монголын түүхэнд тохиолдсон хамгийн том бослого болно. Юунаас болж яагаад гарав? Босогчид хэн дээр түшиглэж байсан ба хэн тэднийг хангаж байваа? Яагаад бослого дарагдсан юм бэ? Эдгээр асуултанд... more
本文從文本和圖像資料出發以研究自宋以降漢族與少數民族政權對王朝正統性的不同闡釋。自秦以降,中國王朝多以五行相生來解釋本朝取代前朝的正統性,並同時以五行理論的五行與五色的對應關係來選擇王朝的服色,如宋朝取火運以繼後周之木德,並服色尚赤。... more