Long-run properties of EU-wide money aggregates are analysed. For each of the three aggregates considered -Currency, M1 and M3H -it is possible to obtain cointegrating relationships with GDP and interest rates (long or short term market... more
Fischer (1979) and Asako (1983) analyze the sign of the correlation between the growth rate of money and the rate of capital accumulation on the transition path. Both plug a constant relative risk aversion utility (based on a Cobb–Douglas... more
This paper investigates which properties money-demand functions must satisfy so that they are consistent with Lucas's [Lucas, R.E., Jr., 2000. In ‡ation and welfare. Econometrica 68, 247-274] versions of the Sidrauski and the... more
The paper explored the role of financial inclusion in the nexus between the demand for money and financial innovation. Previous studies ignored the role of financial inclusion within this nexus and the paper contributes to the literature... more
Since January 1994, many banks in the United States have initiated retail-deposit sweep programs which reduce statutory reserve requirements by re-labeling transaction deposits as money market deposit accounts. As a result, approximately... more
In the money demand literature the Linear Quadratic Adjustment Cost (LQAC) model is often considered to explain the observed slow adjustment in agents' money holdings. In this paper we propose a new method of estimating and testing the... more
This survey provides a detailed description of some of the recent theoretical and empirical literature on rational expectations econometrics. The survey pays special attention to non–stationarity of the data, and to the various methods... more
This paper derives a method for estimating and testing the Linear Quadratic Adjustment Cost (LQAC) model when the target variable and some of the forcing variables follow I(2) processes. Based on a forward-looking error-correction... more
The quantity theory of money is a term evocation of a general approach rather than a label for a well-defined theory». M. Friedman, The Quantity Theory of Money: a restatement, 1956 Avec David Ricardo 2 la théorie quantitative de la... more
An easy and popular method for measuring the size of the underground economy is to use macro-data such as money demand or electricity demand to infer what the legitimate economy needs, and then to attribute the remaining consumption to... more
In this paper, a reserve money demand model is tried to be constructed for the Turkish economy. Using contemporaneous multivariate co-integration methodology for the investigation period 1987Q1-2007Q3 of the quarterly observations, we... more
In this paper, a reserve money demand model is tried to be constructed for the Turkish economy. Using contemporaneous multivariate co - integration methodology for the investigation period 1987Q1 - 2007Q3 of the quarterly observations, we... more
This paper quantifies some of the general equilibrium costs of inflation for the UK, under the assumption that individuals hold cash to economise on 'shopping-time'. It tests whether or not money balances tend to a finite number as... more
The traditional tools of econometric analysis are generally founded on the assumption that the structure of the economy is stable. This is a very restrictive hypothesis when modeling regional economies, since it is difficult to assume... more
The nature of price dynamics has long been thought important for the origin and duration of business cycles. To investigate this topic, we construct a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium macroeconomic model in which monopolistically... more
The JSTOR Archive is a trusted digital repository providing for long-term preservation and access to leading academic journals and scholarly literature from around the world. The Archive is supported by libraries, scholarly societies,... more
Understanding the money demand function is highly important for monetary policy implementation, especially in a monetary targeting framework. The paper uses cointegration analysis and a reduced-form short-run error correction model to... more
We estimate the demand for money for monetary aggregates M1 and M2, and cash in Algeria over the period 1979-2019, and study its long-run stability. We show that the transaction motive is significant for all three aggregates, especially... more
We study an infinite horizon economy with a representative agent whose utility function includes consumption, real balances and leisure. Real balances enter the utility function premultiplied by a parameter reflecting the inverse of the... more
We study an infinite horizon economy with a representative agent whose utility function includes consumption, real balances and leisure. Real balances enter the utility function pre-multiplied by a parameter reflecting the inverse of the... more
Can the price level be determined by a requirement that taxes should be paid in money? We study this question in a dynamic endowment economy where households have to pay a money tax of a fixed real value and money enters the economy... more
The goal of this paper is to explain a recent regularity observed in economies in which central banks have moved from using a money aggregate as the instrument for the conduction of monetary policy towards a short-term interest rate (for... more
RESUMEN: Este trabajo explora en qué medida la perspectiva neo-keynesiana desarrolla un programa de investigación dentro de la visión de la escuela neo-clásica, que rechaza el postkeynesianismo como acientífico; sin embargo, al igual que... more
In this paper, a reserve money demand model is tried to be constructed for the Turkish economy. Using contemporaneous multivariate co-integration methodology for the investigation period 1987Q1-2007Q3 of the quarterly observations, we... more
A lo largo de la historia del pensamiento económico, y en particular de la macroeconomía, hay dos conceptos que presentan grandes dificultades en la elaboración de modelos y el análisis de sus consecuencias de política: el tiempo y el... more
THE RELATIVE SOPHISTICATION OF FINANCIAL MARKETS in Brazil sets it apart from other developing economies. In the last twenty years, Brazil has proved fertile ground for Elnancial innovations in response to high rates of inflation, reserve... more
I study a DSGE model incorporating a monetary transactions technology in which a representative household invests time to improve its skill (human capital) in making transactions. The model is designed to reconcile salient short-and... more
Since gaining independence, Morocco has made a commitment to achieving goals aimed at achieving a high rate of economic growth in order to raise the standard of living for its people. As such, this ongoing commitment is based on a... more
Usury is a concept often associated more with religiously based financial ethics, whether Christian or Islamic, than with the secular world of contemporary finance. The problem is compounded by a tendency to interpret riba, prohibited... more
Cash-in-advance models usually require agents to reallocate money and bonds in fixed periods. Every month or quarter, for example. I show that fixed periods underestimate the welfare cost of inflation. I use a model in which agents choose... more
The paper presents a comparative analysis of monetary transmission mechanisms and changes in them after the ``second ERM'' in March 1983. The empirical model investigates the determination of money, income, prices, and interest rates in... more
The paper investigates the determinants and stability of the income velocity of money while accounting for structural breaks in its approach from the period Q1 1981 to Q4 2023 in Nigeria. The paper extends previous works by accounting for... more
During the last two decades of the twentieth century, Brazil went through a sequence of failed stabilization plans that tried to cope with an enduring hyperinflation. This paper uses a money demand model to evaluate monetary policies... more
List of tables List of figures Acknowledgements This study lias benefitted from financial support from the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC.) based in Nairobi. The author is also indebted to comments made on the preliminary... more
The introduction of new financial i'nstruments l and the consequent asset substitutability since the advent of financial deregulation in 1991 has been accompanied by volatility of the money multiplier and the monetary aggregates.... more
THE RELATIVE SOPHISTICATION OF FINANCIAL MARKETS in Brazil sets it apart from other developing economies. In the last twenty years, Brazil has proved fertile ground for Elnancial innovations in response to high rates of inflation, reserve... more
This is a Working Paper and the author would weloome any comments on the present text, Citations should refer to a Working Paper of the International Monetary Fund, mentioning the author, and the date of issuance. The views expressed are... more
The paper deals with the problem of defining money in a system with derivatives. We conclude that derivatives have to be included in the definition of money, and support our conclusions with an econometric test on the New York Stock... more
An easy and popular method for measuring the size of the underground economy is to use macro-data such as money demand or electricity demand to infer what the legitimate economy needs, and then to attribute the remaining consumption to... more
Using several tests for structural stability in regressions with I(1) variables and for the existence of cointegration in models with regime shifts, the empirical evidence on the existence of a structural break in the Spanish long-run... more
Non-technical summary 1 Introduction 2 Money demand (in)stability in the US, the UK and Japan 3 Money demand stability in the euro area 3.1 Weaker impact of financial innovation in the euro area compared to non-euro area countries 3.2... more
This document is a first approach, based on the uruguayan experience, to the relationship between the rate of inflation and its uncertainty. It aims to assess whether the empirical evidence supports the usual belief that higher inflation... more
Este documento contiene algunos ejercicios resueltos sobre los fundamentos microeconómicos de la macroeconomía, la macroeconomía keynesiana con precios fijos, la teoría de la demanda de dinero y el modelo IS-LM en sus versiones estática y... more
The paper presents a theory of the demand for money that combines a special case of the shopping time exchange economy with the cash-in-advance framework. The model predicts that both higher inflation and financial innovation -that... more
This paper shows that the collapse of the paper money system of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) ,was not due to a runaway printing press but due to the existence of competing metallic currencies, which increased the interest elasticity of... more
investigación fue realizada en el marco del cumplimiento del objetivo institucional 1.2 del Plan Estratégico del Banco Central del Uruguay para el año 2010. En este trabajo participaron las siguientes Áreas: "Investigaciones Económicas" y... more
This study models the velocity (V2) of broad money (M2) since 1929, covering swings in money [liquidity] demand from changes in uncertainty and risk premia spanning the two major financial crises of the last century: the Great Depression... more
In a monetary economy with downwardly rigid wages, the central banker should target a low, but strictly positive, in ‡ation rate.