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a member of the Programme Consortium at the International Anti-Corruption Academy, Vienna and Chair of Academic Council of the Anti-Corruption Academy of India.
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      BusinessMoney LaunderingRemittancesInternational Aid and Development
Regulation would be effective only when it is complied with by the regulatee institutions in both letter and spirit. There could be various impediments to voluntary compliance by banks, as well as the effectiveness of enforcement... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceCorporate GovernanceComplianceMoney Laundering
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      Money LaunderingBanking Secrecy
The final Report of Project IARM – Identifying and Assessing the Risk of Money Laundering in Europe. Project IARM has developed a composite indicator of money laundering risk at geographic area level and at business sector level.
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      Money LaunderingAnti-money launderingAnti money laundering and Terrorist Financing
In our analysis, we examine the case of unknowing intermediaries, i.e. honest banks, through whose countless transactions, both deposits and withdrawals, third parties may attempt money laundering maneuvers. Money laundering maneuvers,... more
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      CriminologyLawMoney LaunderingPublic Administration and Policy
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      TerrorismOrganized CrimeFinancial Risk ManagementMoney Laundering
In our analysis, we examine the case of unknowing intermediaries, i.e. honest banks, through whose countless transactions, both deposits and withdrawals, third parties may attempt money laundering maneuvers. Money laundering maneuvers,... more
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      CriminologyLawMoney LaunderingPublic Administration and Policy
Isoflavonoids are a group of secondary metabolites common to leguminous plants that play roles in nodulation and defense responses. Isoflavone synthase (IFS) catalyzes the key entry point step of isoflavone biosynthesis from the general... more
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    • Money Laundering
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      BusinessBusiness EconomicsMoney LaunderingTax Evasion
En el presente artículo, el Dr. Narvaja lleva a cabo un análisis sobre la competencia de las provincias en materia de lavado de activos de origen ilícito y plantea una crítica a la doctrina “Renga” de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeMoney Laundering
This paper tries to meet two objectives: A first and preliminary calculation of the size and development of the proceeds of transnational organized crime (TOC) and a breakdown of the different types of crime proceeds, like the ones from... more
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      Political ScienceMoney Laundering
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      North-South relationsMoney LaunderingTax EvasionTax Evasion and Avoidance Issues
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      Money LaunderingBitcoinDireito Penal EconômicoCryptocurrency
נכון מבחינת ישראל למקד את מאמציה לפעולה נגד ארגון הטרור גם במישור הפלילי, ובכך לגרום לצמצום הכנסותיו ועוצמתו הצבאית.
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismIranian StudiesPolitical Violence and Terrorism
"When I Wear My Alligator Boots examines how the lives of dispossessed men and women are affected by the rise of narcotrafficking along the U.S.-Mexico border. In particular, the book explores a crucial tension at the heart of the “war on... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographyAnthropology
Apprendre à reconnaître les typologies de blanchiment de capitaux-MODULE III - DÉLITS SOUS-JACENTS - CYBERCRIMINALITÉ
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismMoney LaunderingCyber Terrorism
This paper discusses money laundering (ML) in Bolivia, how enforcement against it works and why the concealing of illegal obtained capital it`s being favored by the wide informal economy of the country. Although few data are available to... more
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      Money LaunderingAnti money laundering and Terrorist Financing
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      Regulation And GovernanceOrganized CrimeMoney LaunderingAnti-money laundering
Günümüzde bankalar ve diğer finansal kuruluşlar, karaparanın aklanmasında aracı olarak kullanılan kurumların başında gelmektedir. Teknolojinin gelişmesi bu kurumlar açısından bazı risk unsurlarını da arttırmıştır. Bu risklerden bir tanesi... more
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      BankingMoney LaunderingMoney and BankingAnti-money laundering
This white paper summarizes ways to investigate and analyze illicit movements of funds that support threats from narcotics trafficking to terrorism.
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      Money LaunderingFinancial Analysis
La Corte di cassazione riconferma la configurabilità del reato di riciclaggio nel caso in cui, su un veicolo di provenienza delittuosa, sia apposta targa di pertinenza di un diverso veicolo. Tale interpretazione giurisprudenziale,... more
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      Money LaunderingEuropean Criminal LawCase law
The global illegal wildlife trade has been anecdotally linked to other serious crimes, such as fraud, corruption, and money laundering, as well as the cross-border trafficking of drugs, arms, counterfeit goods, and persons. As research on... more
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      ConservationMoney LaunderingEndangered SpeciesMultidisciplinary
Money land by Oliver Bullough DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29530.90567 This is an interesting book which begins with references to Ukrainian corruption. This takes me back to Freud and his writings. The writer worked for Reuters a somewhat... more
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      FinanceBankingCorporate FinanceMoney Laundering
This is an interesting book which begins with references to Ukrainian corruption. This takes me back to Freud and his writings. The writer worked for Reuters a somewhat geopolitical organization with an agenda , so he has the habit of... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate LawCorporate FinanceLawyers
The exposure of Saradha Group’s mega financial scam in Bengal popularly known as “chit fund scam” has had a devastating effect on the economy of the state, leaving the common people with trauma and severe investment phobia. Ironically,... more
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      Money LaunderingEconomics of CorruptionCorruptionCorruption, Anti-Money Laundering, Criminal Organizations
The report Financing of Organised Crime: Human Trafficking in Focus contributes to a better understanding of the financial aspects of this infamous phenomenon. The analysis explores the sources and mechanisms of the financing of... more
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      Human TraffickingMoney LaunderingOrganised Crime
The 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States and the 2014 Lindt Café siege in Sydney demonstrated the importance of timely, relevant and complete information sharing. While there is broad support for information sharing, it has proved... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceInternational organizationsMoney LaunderingAnti-money laundering
Legal opinion on the use of tainted assets to pay attorney fees for representation in a criminal matter and the perpetration of money laundering.
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      Money LaunderingLavagem De Dinheiro
Deregulation refers to money laundering, in the sense that it appears to come from an authoritative source.
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismMoney LaunderingIndian Law
This research is the first exercise that shows empirical evidence of the existence of money laundering in rural areas with illicit crops. To address this matter, I estimate several models linking different measures that capture the... more
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      Money LaunderingAnti-money laundering
Vor beinahe vier Jahren wurden neue Steuervortaten zur
Geldwäscherei im schweizerischen Strafrecht eingeführt. Der Beitrag beleuchtet ausgewählte Fragen aus der Praxis und identifiziert red flags welche auf Steuervortaten hindeuten.
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      Regulatory ComplianceComplianceMoney LaunderingBanking Law
Short article on counter-money laundering techniques to allow for criminal prosecution of launderers.
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    • Money Laundering
Análisis comparado de la tributación de las rentas de origen ilícito delictivo al amparo de los ordenamientos jurídicos vigentes en España y los Estados Unidos de Norte América.
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      Criminal LawComparative LawTax LawInternational Tax Law
Resumen: Los casos del derecho penal económico actualmente son el motor de la evolución de las instituciones de la teoría del delito, de manera específica tal proceso de cambio se grafica en este ensayo con la exposición de 10 casos del... more
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      Money LaunderingDERECHO PENALDerecho Penal EconómicoDogmática Penal
Korupsi dan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang sangat marak terjadi di Indonesia, hal ini akibat dari rusak nya moral para pejabat tinggi negara. tetapi banyak rakyat Indonesia belum mengetahui apa itu Korupsi dan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang,... more
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      LawMoney LaunderingCorruptionPolitik
La complejidad y la falta de claridad en la delimitación entre el delito previo y el posterior en las conductas posdelictuales que se criminalizan, también como delitos autónomos, es lo que ha llevado a que, durante siglos, se tratara a... more
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      Criminal LawMoney LaunderingDERECHO PENALDerecho Penal Parte Especial
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    • Money Laundering
El tema del lavado de dinero ha adquirido en los últimos tiempos una repercusión social de enorme trascendencia y ocupa un lugar de privilegio en los medios de comunicación, habida cuenta del daño que esta actividad genera a la economía,... more
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      Critical TheoryCriminal LawEconomicsMoney Laundering
UTET GIURIDICA® è un marchio registrato e concesso in licenza da De Agostini Editore S.p. A. a Wolters Kluwer Italia S.r.l. I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale, con... more
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      Money LaunderingDiritto Penale
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementSociologyCriminology
Kara para aklama, ülkelerin hem hukuki hem de iktisadi açıdan yozlaşmasına sebep olduğundan önemi gittikçe artan bir konudur. Günümüzde gelişen teknoloji ve küreselleşme ile birlikte internet bankacılığının hız kazanması, kara para aklama... more
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      FinanceEconomicsFinancial EconomicsThe economics of crime
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      Criminal LawMoney Laundering
É com inconteste satisfação que descortino à apreciação da comunidade jurídica o livro “Lavagem de Dinheiro e Crime Organizado: diálogos entre Brasil e Portugal”, da autoria dos Professores Fillipe Azevedo Rodrigues e Liliana Bastos... more
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      Organized CrimeMoney LaunderingTransnational Organized CrimeOrganised Crime
Pastrimi i parave është një proces që krijon perceptimin se paratë e fituara nga veprimtaritë e krimit, të konsideruara si vepra penale, të tilla si: trafikimi i drogës, prostitucionit, armëve, parave të padeklaruara në sistemin fiskal,... more
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      Political EconomyKosovoMoney LaunderingPolitical Corruption
There are three aspects to consider when analysing cultural property crime: (i) illegal exportation of a cultural good is a crime recognised in most legal systems; (ii) the division of countries into importers and exporters of cultural... more
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      Money LaunderingOrganised CrimePolicing
Despite its reputation for the toughest anti-money laundering (AML) enforcement in the world, the United States remains the leading jurisdiction for the incorporation of anonymous shell companies used in grand corruption schemes. States... more
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      Corporate LawFederalismSecrecyMoney Laundering
Kao učinioci ekoloških krivičnih dela često se javljaju pravna lica, a posebno moćne multinacionalne korporacije koje u nastojanju da ostvare što veći profit ponekad bezobzirno krše nacionalne i međunarodne propise o zaštiti životne... more
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      Environmental LawMoney LaunderingAnti-money launderingEnvironmental Law and Human Rights
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      Money LaunderingCorruptionCorrupciónLavagem De Dinheiro
This paper will explain: - What is money laundering? - International efforts to combat money laundering - A new tool to launder illicit funds - Examples of cyber-laundering: Liberty Reserve, Bitcoin, Second Life, Silk Road - How to... more
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      CyberpsychologyTerrorismCybercrimesMoney Laundering
Shadow economy is a concept encompassing various illegal activities, logistical support system and money laundering jurisdictions and institutions that help processing proceeds from illegal activities and re-entering them into regular... more
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      Human TraffickingUnited NationsMoney LaunderingNorth Korea