Recent papers in Money
Financial crimes affect millions of people every year and financial institutions must employ methods to protect themselves and their customers. The use of statistical methods to address these problems faces many challenges. Financial... more
Радом се врши антрополошко истраживање Исусовог метафоричног позива ученицима да се угледају на поробљена лица која поуздано спроводе пословни интерес свог господара, саопштен његовoм параболом о талантима (Мт 25, 14-30). У првом делу... more
Navarro-Zayas, Á.O. (2024) “The Money of Puerto Rico: a Brief History of Provincial Pesos & Dollars (1895-1900)” The Numismatic Chronicle 184. The Royal Numismatic Society of London. pp. 313-330.
PurposeThis paper seeks to provide a textual analysis of the anti money laundering practices of the central banks of Australia (Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)) and Ukraine (National Bank of Ukraine (NBU)).Design/methodology/approachThe... more
This study aims to explore the empirical validity of the real interest rate parity (RIP) hypothesis for East Asian countries using Japan as the base country. To this end, we employ the recently proposed unit root tests of Christopoulos... more
A popular account for the demise of the UK's monetary targeting regime in the 1980s blames the fluctuating predictive relationships between broad money and inflation and real output growth. Yet ex post policy analysis based on... more
Law on Cheques and Cheque Returns the pathway for Sri Lanka
Resumen de estudio efectuado al billete de un mil pesos de 1978
This paper investigates the long-run neutrality of money using quarterly data of South Korea and Taiwan and the methodology of King and Watson (1997) particular attention is given to the integration and cointegration properties of the... more
The literature on the welfare costs of inflation universally assumes that the many-person household can be treated as a single economic agent. This paper explores what the heterogeneity of the agents in a household might imply for such... more
In this paper we intend to lay the grounds for a Phenomenology of money. We start from the pre-theoretical comprehension of money as an "entity for", that is to say, as a tool. Within this pre-theoretical comprehension, money is always... more
Past studies have suggested that the neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) could play a crucial role in human trusting behavior. Specifically, people on OT would be more willing to entrust someone with their money than would people on a placebo.... more
The relevance of our research deals with growth of interests of cultural influence on different languages aspects. The article is devoted to the analysis of neologisms in modern Chinese language. In China, until 1949, neologisms reflected... more
This article analyzes the metaphorical play between money, gender, pornography, and literary representation in Alan Pauls’s 2013 novel Historia del dinero. This novel accurately depicts the economic instability of Argentina since the... more
Conventional theory suggests that fiat money will have value in capitalpoor economies. We demonstrate that fiat money may also have value in capital-rich economies, if the price of capital is excessively volatile. Excess asset-price... more
This “Introduction” provides the context to make sense of the major themes which emerge across the nine chapters in the section on “Late Modernity”. If there has been a rupture in both the logic and in the history of money, it has been... more
In my study, following the introduction, I will review the methodological basisof media planning, afterwards I will present the categories of the media indexnumbers. Regarding the online/digital media, I will give several references tothe... more
At the end of 2019, there were 4,300 corporate companies in Hungary based on their core business in the private security sector. These are companies engaged in personal security activities, providing security system services or conducting... more
que deve ser feito?". Não depois nem antes, mas agora. Essa é a questão fundamental do Estoicismo. Amparado pela natureza humana (leia-se razão) e pela Virtude, de forma simples, clara e direta, a filosofia do pórtico cria um verdadeiro... more
- by Elton Santos
This paper proposes that the underlying cause of the macroeconomic problems facing Pakistan today are a series of supply shocks which have constrained output growth. It is argued that while the current debate has solely focused on... more
The proposed text contemplates the prerequisites for the success of local currencies (starting with their objectives and the experience accumulated thus far) in the event of greater sustainability at the local level that is sought and to... more
This paper analyzes social protection policies for families and early childhood focusing on three main policies: family allowances and other types of monetary transfers for families with children, work leaves and early childhood education... more
The aim of this study is to shed light on a relationship that has not been explored until now. This is the relationship between the world of Islamic finance that of AI, and the debt embedded in the ex nihilo monetary creation system... more
The subject of money is of clear importance to the history of the English economy in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and has attracted a considerable literature over the past decades. The author surveys the main strands of this work,... more
Cuba, una pequeña isla del Caribe, situada a pocos kilómetros de la costa de Estados Unidos, insiste en mantener el socialismo. Durante la catastrófica crisis que vivieron entre 1989 y 1993, los cubanos realizaron un conjunto de reformas... more
Članak prikazuje recentne studije o novcu kao pravnom fenomenu, putem čijeg kreiranja različiti "stakeholderi" uređuju raspodjelu resursa i odnose između pojedinih dijelova društva. U ovoj koncepciji novac formira tržište, a ne obratno.... more
The economic literature has examined deposit dollarization in nominal terms, typically focusing on the ratio of foreign currency deposits to broad money. However, while private agent demand for foreign currency may remain unchanged in... more
The economic literature has examined deposit dollarization in nominal terms, typically focusing on the ratio of foreign currency deposits to broad money. However, while private agent demand for foreign currency may remain unchanged in... more
Milton Friedman was a rarity, an economist well known among the general public but also acknowledged within his discipline as having made contributions to it of lasting importance, and rewarded for them with a Nobel Prize in 1976. In the... more
Harry Johnson's 1971 ideas about the factors affecting the success of the Keynesian Revolution and the Monetarist Counter-revolution are summarised and extended to the analysis of the Rational Expectations -New Classical (RE-NC)... more
The essence of money economy reveals an abstract triad: capital-labor-money, where capital is an ability of doing work, labor is a transfer of the capital to products, and wages receivables correctly define money earned by the employees.... more
When it is costly for a store (i.e., clearinghouse) to mediate trade, a speculative demand for money may arise. Trading money to another agent for a good, rather than trading good for good through a store, allows the money holder to... more
This paper undertakes a preliminary examination of how Italian proverbs in different regional dialects conceptualise wealth. The analysis centres on a collection of 159 proverbs published in a small volume entitled Proverbi dialettali... more
The main goal of our study is to analyse the descriptive terminology used in academic discourse dedicated to Ukrainian epigraphy employing a corpus-based approach. Using the BootCat tool and custom tuples such as "епіграфіка графіті... more
Money laundering is a phenomenon used to conceal the source of income from criminal activity. Despite the fact that it can bring liquidity to a country's economy in the short run, money laundering harms the country's economy in the long... more
For over a century, scholars have debated the merits of two competing theories for the origins of money. The commodity theory of money has traditionally held that money developed as a medium of exchange in order to increase the economic... more
We thank Peter Ireland, Christopher Kent and Tim Robinson for suggestions. We also thank Adrian Pagan for comments on an early draft. Responsibility for any remaining errors rests with us. The views expressed here are our own and do not... more
This article argues that many destructive aspects of the contemporary global economy are consequences of the use of general-purpose money to organize social and human-environmental relations, and that the political ideals of... more
Electronic distribution channels provide alternatives for faster delivery of banking services to a wider scope of customers. This study aims to understand customers' perception towards the potential benefits and risks associated with... more
An earlier version of the paper was circulated under the title "Why the Renminbi Might Be Overvalued (But Probably Isn't)." We thank the discussant Barry Eichengreen, Michael Klein (whose suggestion inspired the title),
This journal explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with smart contract- enabled blockchain technology to create a decentralized and robust platform for modeling microeconomic activity and assessing the economic health... more
In recent years foreign bank participation has increased whether bank origin affects the share and growth rate of tremendously in Latin America. Some observers argue bank lending to small businesses. They find that although that foreign... more
Finansal dolarizasyon, yerleşiklerin yabancı para cinsinden varlık ve yükümlülük tutmaları şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır. Öyle ki dolarizasyon ile hisse senedi piyasaları arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi dolarizasyon için önlem almak... more
Prozesse der Bildung, Ablösung, Differenzierung und Positionierung gehören zur Verselbstständigung und zum Erwachsenwerden. Die Verfügung über Geld spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Geld, als Voraussetzung für Konsum und damit Mittel, um... more
Weekly market, a traditional economic organisation is an integral part of rural economy. This is especially an important social and economic organisation for peoples living in forest, hills and uplands who do not have regular market... more