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Un pleno entendimiento del moderno sistema monetario y bancario implica necesariamente conocer, entre otras cosas, qué es el dinero, de dónde viene, de qué depende su valor, cuáles son los factores que producen cambios en la cantidad de... more
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      Money and BankingMoneyHistory of Paper MoneyDinero
for discussion purposes
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      NumismaticsMonetary historyMoney
This series of works presents drafts from the economics section in the critique of capital. This is to become a published work. The goal of the authorship is a thorough, citizen's critique of capitalism from the layman's perspective. In... more
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      BusinessHistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
This exciting new volume examines the development of market performance from Antiquity until the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Efficient market structures are agreed by most economists to serve as evidence of economic prosperity,... more
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      Ancient HistoryEconomic HistoryEconomic SociologyEgyptology
Crown Pub., 1997
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      Monetary historyMoneyTheories of MoneyBarter
This study examined the association of earlier financial literacy and later financial behavior of college students. Financial literacy was measured by both subjective and objective knowledge and financial behaviors were categorized into... more
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      MarketingMoneyBehaviourConsumer Studies
Markets are key contemporary institutions, yet there is little agreement concerning their history or diversity. To complicate matters, markets have been considered by different academic disciplines that approach the nature of such... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociologySocial Change
The falling use of cash and the advent of digital technologies support the possibility of reconfiguration of monetary transactions without any intermediation of physical monetary tokens. The introduction of electronic money, especially in... more
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      ICTMoneyTheories of MoneyEmoney
Most anthropologists don’t like money and they don’t have much of it. It symbolises the world they have rejected for something more authentic elsewhere. It lines them up with the have-nots and against the erosion of cultural diversity by... more
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      European StudiesAnthropologyGift ExchangeCapitalism
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic payment system that operates as an independent currency. This paper is a philosophical investigation of the ontological constitution of Bitcoin. Using Slavoj Z ˇ ižek's ontological triad of the real,... more
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      Slavoj ŽižekMoneyBitcoin
An exploration of the historical evidence from the middle east of the early history of money.
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      Monetary theoryMonetary historyMoneyTheories of Money
"Corruption has become one of the most popular topics in the social scientific disciplines. However, there is a lack of interdisciplinary communication about corruption. Models developed by different academic disciplines are often... more
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      BusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagement
Many cryptocurrencies have come into existence in recent years, with Bitcoin the most prominent among them. Although its short history has been volatile, the virtual currency maintains a core group of committed users. This paper presents... more
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      MoneyVirtual CurrenciesBitcoinCryptocurrency
The first edition of this Research Handbook offers unparalleled insights into the large-scale resurgence of interest in Marx and Marxism in recent years, with contributions devoted specifically to Marxist critiques of law, rights, and the... more
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsLawCriminal Law
Money is a core feature in all discussions of economic crisis, as is clear from the debates about the responses of the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States to the 2008 economic crisis. It is for 60 days... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistoryEconomics
"Lo studio presentato in questo volume cerca di cogliere i vari aspetti legati alla monetazione medievale del Comune di Pisa, giocando di rimando tra le varie fonti. Il quadro che ne emerge non è sempre organico, e i documenti spesso non... more
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      Medieval HistoryNumismaticsMonetary historyMoney
There has been a lot of uncertainty surrounding the sustainability of the Bitcoin network, with this fascinating nascent technology facing several claims that it is highly unsustainable from a social, economic and environmental point of... more
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      Money and BankingSociology of MoneyMoneyTheories of Money
Topics covered
 Money and finance in economic geography
 The relation between globalization and financialization
 Geographies of the financial crisis
 Global monies and local monies
 Occupy Wall Street and other responses to crisis
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      Human GeographyEconomic GeographyPolitical EconomyGlobalization
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      NumismaticsMetaphorAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Money
This article contests the suggestion that the automation of production and the provision of a basic income potentiate the transition from a post-work to a postcapitalist society. This vista-mainly represented by the work of Paul Mason and... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsSocial Theory
Bitcoin is promoted as an alternative to currency, and even at times as an alternative to money, but neither Bitcoin’s development nor its promulgation emerge from thoughtful analyses of money or currency as they currently exist, let... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesMonetary EconomicsPolitical Philosophy
With reference to various motivation theories, is money a motivator?
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      Motivation (Psychology)Money
In a previous paper (Ulanowicz, Goerner, Lietaer, and Gomez, 2009), we combined thermodynamic, network, and information theoretic measures with research on real-life ecosystems to create a generalized, quantitative measure of... more
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      ThermodynamicsResilienceEcological EconomicsNetwork Analysis
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      Portfolio ManagementRisk ManagementApplied EconomicsMoney
This paper critiques popular academic understandings of development towards a post-capitalist, post-work society based around the automation of production and the provision of a basic income to those displaced by its effects. By focusing... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsSocial TheorySocial Policy
"When I Wear My Alligator Boots examines how the lives of dispossessed men and women are affected by the rise of narcotrafficking along the U.S.-Mexico border. In particular, the book explores a crucial tension at the heart of the “war on... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographyAnthropology
This essay seeks to contribute to the theoretical groundwork for a cultural studies of finance by recasting a Marxist theory of value toward an analysis of the politics of the imagination under financialized capitalism. My argument is as... more
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      FinanceCultural StudiesImaginationFinancialization
he state of Pakistan has, unfortunately, been at the vortex of various forms of terrorism and insurgent activities for several decades. he country is internally crippled by terrorism and the vast lows of funds to violent extremist groups... more
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      FinanceReligionSociologyCultural Studies
This paper presents an introduction to the various problems of the so-called invention of coinage in the archaic period. It summarizes the current state of scholarship regarding the earliest coins in the Artemision in Ephesos, the... more
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsMoneyGeometric and archaic Greece
The prospect of central banks issuing digital currency (CBDC) immediately raises the question of how this new form of money should co-exist and interact with existing forms of money. This paper evaluates three different scenarios for the... more
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      MoneyMonetary PolicyCentral BankingDigital Currency
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      MoneyCrete during the Venetian RuleCoinageVenice and Its Maritime Empire
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      Monetary theoryNumismaticsMonetary historySociology of Money
confession brings possesion
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I aim to account here for money’s power to influence our minds and social relations. It would be easy, but misleading to argue that money’s ability to persuade is a universal characteristic. The way money persuades is historically... more
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      EconomicsAnthropologyRhetoricAdam Smith
Conviene revisar la concepción a-monetaria de la economía –que prevalece en la mayoría de los trabajos expertos– y también la noción usual, puramente instrumental y funcionalista de la moneda, que se encuentra en el corazón de esta... more
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      Monetary EconomicsMonetary theoryMonetary historyPolitical Economy of Monetary Policy
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    • Money
The super-rich today represent a challenge to sociological enquiry, seeing as their principle characteristic would appear to be strategies for divorcing themselves from the constraints of public institutions, discourses, identities and... more
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Può una moneta virtuale, come il Bitcoin, non emessa da alcuna banca o autorità nazionale o sovrannazionale, diventare un valido strumento alternativo alla classica moneta utilizzata quotidianamente? E’ questa la domanda che muove tutta... more
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      FinanceEconomicsMonetary EconomicsPolitical Economy
The Chinese tradition of supplementing large quantities of bronze cash with unminted gold and silver represents a rare exception to the western model of precious-metal coinage. This paper provides a detailed discussion of monetary... more
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      Comparative HistoryChinaMoneyCoinage
The article describes a test of the hypothesis that some people’s self-concept is overly focused on financial success and that this focus contributes to disordered gambling. Study 1 reported on the development and validation of the... more
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      Self and IdentityGambling StudiesMoneyProblem gambling
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      MoneyCurrency Exchange RatesSmall change, Cowries, AlmondsHistory of money
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      NumismaticsMetaphorAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Money
Gilbert Simondon's philosophy offers fruitful resources to approach the problem of the relation between man and digital networked technology. However the validity of his method is significantly undermined by the seeming lack of a rigorous... more
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      History of CapitalismGilbert SimondonValue TheoryFrançois Laruelle
This paper analyzes the effect of leverage financing on corporate performance using debt-equity, coverage ratios and earnings per share as proxies. The study is motivated by need to assess the extent to which leverage affects optimizes... more
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