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The affordability of modern molecular biology tools and the availability of whole genome sequences have brought substantial improvement in research on pathogenic fungi and diagnosis of fungal infection. Molecular methods have resolved... more
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      Molecular BiologyMolecular EpidemiologyFungal InfectionMolecular identification of fungi
El maíz es el cultivo más importante de México de acuerdo con la superficie cultivada anualmente y su consumo per cápita. Las pérdidas en la producción del grano se asocian con su manipulación durante la cosecha en el campo, almacenaje,... more
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      Food SafetyMaizeBio Molecular analysis using HPLCAspergillus flavus
A broad range of fungi were isolated from different geographic regions and substrates and identified according to traditional and modern methods. A total of 120 different isolates were assigned to the phyla, Basidiomycota with 8 isolates,... more
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      Reference DataMorphological CharactersMolecular identification of fungi
Mycetoma is a chronic granulomatous, subcutaneous disease endemic in tropical and subtropical countries. It is currently a health problem in rural areas of Africa, Asia and South America. Nine cases of mycetoma were analysed in a... more
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      Molecular MicrobiologyMolecular identification of fungiMolecular Identification
Anatomical characterization of decayed wood in standing light red meranti and identifi cation of the fungi isolated from the decayed area Abstract To further our understanding of wood decay in living light red meranti (Shorea smithiana)... more
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      Wood AnatomyBiodeterioration of WoodMolecular identification of fungiWood Decay Fungi
Anaerobic fungi are phylogenetically unique and form a separate group, the Neocallimastigomycota, among the chitinous fungi. Until now six genera are described within that phylum, namely the monocentric genera Neocallimastix, Caecomyces... more
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      Molecular identification of fungiMolecular Identification
The aim of this study was to investigate the ligninolytic system of fungal strains isolated from Egyptian agricultural soil which are efficient in biodegradation and mineralization of lignin. They were identified morphologically,... more
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      Genetics & Microbial BiotechnologyLigninolytic EnzymesMolecular identification of fungiBioremediation & Composting
The cultivation of sugarcane represents an important part in the Colombian economy due to the diverse applications in industries like liquor, food, paper and biofuels. Sugarcane worldwide production is affected by the presence of... more
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      MathematicsPhytopathologyMolecular BiologyPhylogenetics
Eduardo ABREO, Sebastian MARTINEZ, Lina BETTUCCI, Sandra LUPO Abstract Symptoms corresponding to esca and Petri diseases have been described in Uruguay as being associated with Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Phaeoacremonium spp.... more
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    • Molecular identification of fungi
To further our understanding of wood decay in living light red meranti (Shorea smithiana) trees, microscopic characteristics of the cell and cell wall degradations of S. smithiana wood in the presence of the decay fungi, the identity of... more
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      BiologyScanning Electron MicroscopyWood ScienceWood Anatomy
To further our understanding of wood decay in living light red meranti (Shorea smithiana) trees, microscopic characteristics of the cell and cell wall degradations of S. smithiana wood in the presence of the decay fungi, the identity of... more
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      Scanning Electron MicroscopyWood ScienceWood AnatomyWhite Rot Fungi
Anaerobic fungi are phylogenetically unique and form a separate group, the Neocallimastigomycota, among the chitinous fungi. Until now six genera are described within that phylum, namely the monocentric genera Neocallimastix, Caecomyces... more
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      Molecular identification of fungiMolecular Identification
Resumen. El maíz es el cultivo más importante de México de acuerdo con la superficie cultivada anualmente y su consumo per cápita. Las pérdidas en la producción del grano se asocian con su manipulación durante la cosecha en el campo,... more
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      Food SafetyBiologyAspergillusMaize
ABSTRACT Approximately four-fifths of the land area of Baja California (BC) in Mexico are occupied by arid and semiarid soils, the mycobiota of which is virtually uncharacterized. In the first culture-independent study of the mycobiota of... more
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      MycologySystematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyArid environments
The aim of this study was to investigate the ligninolytic system of fungal strains isolated from Egyptian agricultural soil which are efficient in biodegradation and mineralization of lignin. They were identified morphologically,... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyBiologyBiological Sciences
A broad range of fungi were isolated from different geographic regions and substrates and identified according to traditional and modern methods. A total of 120 different isolates were assigned to the phyla, Basidiomycota with 8 isolates,... more
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      Reference DataMorphological CharactersMolecular identification of fungi