Modular Form
Recent papers in Modular Form
Using maps due to Ozeki and Broué-Enguehard between graded spaces of invariants for certain finite groups and the algebra of modular forms of even weight we equip these invariants spaces with a differential operator which gives them the... more
This paper treats in detail the life and work of Otto Blumenthal, one of the most tragic figures of the 188 emigré mathematicians from Germany and the Nazi-occupied continent. Blumenthal, the first doctoral student of David Hilbert, was... more
We analyse the moduli space and the structure of noncommuta-MSC (2000) : 58B34, 53C35, 14H52, 33E05,11F11.
We construct a two-variable analogue of Perrin-Riou's p-adic regulator map for the Iwasawa cohomology of a crystalline representation of the absolute Galois group of Qp, over a Galois extension whose Galois group is an abelian p-adic Lie... more
We use the theory of cubic structures to give a fixed point Riemann-Roch formula for the equivariant Euler characteristics of coherent sheaves on projective flat schemes over Z with a tame action of a finite abelian group. This formula... more
The present notes are the expanded and polished version of three lectures given in Stanford, concerning the analytic and arithmetic properties of weight one modular forms. The author tried to write them in a style accessible to... more
One of the properties of the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction is its representation as an infinite product given by
The present notes are the expanded and polished version of three lectures given in Stanford, concerning the analytic and arithmetic properties of weight one modular forms. The author tried to write them in a style accessible to... more
A hydrological forecasting model is presented that attempts to combine the important distributed effects of channel network topology and dynamic contributing areas with the advantages of simple lumped parameter basin models. Quick... more
We give new examples of noncongruence subgroups Γ ⊂ SL2(Z) whose space of weight 3 cusp forms S3(Γ) admits a basis satisfying the Atkin-Swinnerton-Dyer congruence relations with respect to a weight 3 newform for a certain congruence... more
The moduli space of (1, 3)-polarized abelian surfaces with full level-2 structure is birational to a double cover of the Barth-Nieto quintic. Barth and Nieto have shown that these varieties have Calabi-Yau models Z and Y , respectively.... more
We describe the graded ring of symmetric Hermitian modular forms of even weights and degree 2 over Q ð ffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi À2 p Þ in terms of generators and relations. All the 8 generators of weight up to 12 are MaaX lifts and some of... more
Let p(n) denote the number of overpartitions of n. Recently, Fortin-Jacob-Mathieu and Hirschhorn-Sellers independently obtained 2-, 3-and 4-dissections of the generating function for p(n) and derived a number of congruences for p(n)... more
This is a survey article about Siegel modular varieties over the complex numbers. It is written mostly from the point of view of moduli of abelian varieties, especially surfaces. We cover compactification of Siegel modular varieties;... more
The arithmetic-geometric mean iteration of Gauss and Legendre is the two-term iteration a.+ 1 = (a. + bn)/2 and b.+ 1 = axfa~,b, with a0:= 1 and b 0 := x. The common limit is 2F1( 89 89 1; 1 -x2) -1 and the convergence is quadratic.
Introduction Reminders on abstract algebraic geometry The setting Linear and commutative algebra in a symmetric monoidal model category Geometric stacks Infinitesimal theory Higher Artin stacks (after C. Simpson) Derived algebraic... more
We define a family of Coleman maps for positive crystalline p-adic representations of the absolute Galois group of Qp using the theory of Wach modules. Let f = anq n be a normalized new eigenform and p an odd prime at which f is either... more
We determine the space of 1-point correlation functions associated with the Moonshine module: they are precisely those modular forms of non-negative integral weight which are holomorphic in the upper half plane, have a pole of order at... more
The existence of l-adic Galois representations attached to Hecke eigenforms entail congruence properties satisfied by their Fourier coefficients [SwD]. These in turn imply congruences for the Fourier coefficients of arbitrary integral... more
Together with his collaborators, most notably Kathrin Bringmann and Jan Bruinier, the author has been researching harmonic Maass forms. These non-holomorphic modular forms play central roles in many subjects: arithmetic geometry,... more
A systolic array implementation of block-based Hopfield neural network architecture using completely digital circuits is presented in this paper. The design is based on modelling the energy equation of Hopfield neural network to a... more
We define a family of Coleman maps for positive crystalline p-adic representations of the absolute Galois group of Qp using the theory of Wach modules. Let f = anq n be a normalized new eigenform and p an odd prime at which f is either... more
In this note, we comment on Calabi-Yau spaces with Hodge numbers h1,1 = 3 and h2,1 = 243. We focus on the Calabi-Yau space WP1,1,2,8,12 (24) and show how some of its instanton numbers are related to coefficients of certain modular forms.... more
For integers k≥ 2, we study two differential operators on harmonic weak Maass forms of weight 2-k. The operator ξ_2-k (resp. D^k-1) defines a map to the space of weight k cusp forms (resp. weakly holomorphic modular forms). We leverage... more
For each prime ℓ, let |·|_ℓ be an extension to of the usual ℓ-adic absolute value on . Suppose g(z) = ∑_n=0^∞ c(n)q^n ∈ M_k+(N) is an eigenform whose Fourier coefficients are algebraic integers. Under a mild condition, for all but... more
Let f be a modular eigenform of even weight k ≥ 2 and new at a prime p dividing exactly the level with respect to an indefinite quaternion algebra. The theory of Fontaine-Mazur allows to attach to f a monodromy module D F M f and an... more
This paper is devoted to the construction of nonconforming finite elements for the discretization of fourth order elliptic partial differential operator in three spatial dimensions. The newly constructed elements include two tetrahedron... more
We compare the spaces of Hermitian Jacobi forms (HJF) of weight $k$ and indices $1,2$ with classical Jacobi forms (JF) of weight $k$ and indices $1,2,4$. Using the embedding into JF, upper bounds for the order of vanishing of HJF at the... more
The paper attempts to model the strength of TRIP-assisted steels using fuzzy inference system (FIS). The system is proficient to cope up with the changing environment deterministically due to its inherent modular structure and distributed... more
Let π be a regular algebraic cuspidal automorphic representation of GL 2 over an imaginary quadratic number field K, and let ℓ be a prime number. Assuming the central character of π is invariant under the non-trivial automorphism of K, it... more
A description and an example are given of numerical experiments which look for a relation between modular forms for certain congruence subgroups of SL(3, Z Z) and Galois representations.
Euler proved the following recurrence for p(n), the number of partitions of an integer n : (1) p(n) + ∞ X k=1 (−1) k (p(n − ω(k)) + p(n − ω(−k))) = 0 for ω(k) = 3k 2 +k 2. Using the Jacobi Triple Product identity we show analogues of... more
We propose a program for counting microstates of four-dimensional BPS black holes in N >= 2 supergravities with symmetric-space valued scalars by exploiting the symmetries of timelike reduction to three dimensions. Inspired by the... more
The B-model topological string theory on a Calabi-Yau threefold X has a symmetry group Γ, generated by monodromies of the periods of X. This acts on the topological string wave function in a natural way, governed by the quantum mechanics... more
Let f be a modular eigenform of even weight k>0 and new at a prime p dividing exactly the level, with respect to an indefinite quaternion algebra. The theory of Fontaine-Mazur allows to attach to f a monodromy module D_FM(f) and an... more
The name "K3 surfaces" was coined by A. Weil in 1957 when he formulated a research programme for these surfaces and their moduli. Since then, irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds have been introduced as a higher... more
Phage K is a polyvalent phage of the Myoviridae family which is active against a wide range of staphylococci. Phage genome sequencing revealed a linear DNA genome of 127,395 bp, which carries 118 putative open reading frames. The genome... more