Introduction: Mateus Nunes 10:30 am Coffee Break 11 am-12:30 pm Project Presentations Group A (Aula 10
Raros deverão ser os museus no mundo, que não incluam nas suas coleções alguma obra falsa. Por vezes as burlas são de muitos milhões de euros, sendo as obras retiradas discretamente para as reservas. Outras vezes, o público toma... more
Atendendo as tipologias breves da escrita confrontam-se textos de Almada Negreiros e de Ana Hatherly, na conivencia de imageticas suscitadas por ambos os autores. O entrecruzamento verbico-visual e materia explicitada a partir de casos... more
Resumo: Neste artigo trato da crítica artística de Guillaume Apollinaire nas páginas da revista, por ele dirigida, Soirées de Paris. Para tanto, exponho o quadro geral em que se organiza a publicação apresentando seus principais... more
Apropriação, deslizamento, deslocação. (sobre a representação na pintura de Amadeo de Souza Cardoso)
amadeo de souza cardoso historiografia modernismo representação colagem keywords amadeo de souza cardoso historiography modernism representation collage Resumo Este artigo pretende analisar e discutir o lugar da representação na pintura... more
Henrique de Oliveira Velez Mouta, director literário de Contemporânea até ao número 9, ocupou um papel crucial na idealização da revista e na gestão dos seus bastidores. Este inquérito explora tal processo, revelando uma infraestrutura... more
É reconhecido por vários autores o carácter visual da escrita do artista português Almada Negreiros (1893-1970), mas as múltiplas derivações e interpretações que daí podem surgir têm ainda muito por explorar. Neste artigo procuro fazer... more
"Entrevista a José-Augusto França (2016)” in Cadernos Culturais Nabantinos – homenagem a José-Augusto França (coor. Raquel Henriques da Silva, Cristina Azevedo Tavares, Ana Tostões), Revista Cultural do Município de Tomar, 2022, pp.... more
Capítulo do catálogo "Modernités Portugaises", exposição realizada na Maison Caillebotte, Yerres (França), em 2022, curadoria de Anne Bonnin.
Capítulo do catálogo "Modernités Portugaises", exposição realizada na Maison Caillebotte, Yerres (França), em 2022, curadoria de Anne Bonnin.
Capítulo do catálogo "Modernités Portugaises", exposição realizada na Maison Caillebotte, Yerres (França), em 2022, curadoria de Anne Bonnin.
Kobena Mercer, editor, Cosmopolitan Modernisms, London, Iniva and Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 2005, ISBN 1-899846-47-1, Price 15.95 pds stg [Iniva], 0-262-63321-3 [MIT Press], Paper, 208 pages, 28 illustrations mostly colour. Essays by... more
Exhibitions are powerful tools for the staging of historical narratives. Since the 1960s, historiography through exhibition-making has undergone a re-conception through artistic and curatorial practice. Contemporary art biennials and... more
Many European museums hold unusual, «hybrid» objects from various periods and areas of the world that reflect images of the other. The collections of both European and non-Western art belonging to the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden,... more
of the Ottoman Empire, the installation of the nation's monarchy, the World Wars and their destructive impact, but also dictatorship and the subsequent transition to democracy, have all defined the site, which played a crucial role in the... more
Translations Miltos Frangopoulos (his own text) Bettina Mara (german-English: text of Florian Waldvogel) Eleanna Panagou (greek-English, English-greek) georgos Sagriotis (german-greek: text of Florian Waldvogel) Proofreading Aggelos... more
This paper examines the curatorial visions guiding the Mercosul Biennial (1997), curated by Frederico Morais, and Inverted Utopias (2004), co-curated by Mari Carmen Ramírez and Héctor Olea. Both strove to shift the association of Latin... more
This essay considers art historical discourses on the work produced during the First World War by two painters born and living in the Iberian Peninsula: the Portuguese Amadeo de Souza Cardoso (1887–1918) and the Catalan Joan Miró... more
In the 1955 movie The trouble with Harry by Alfred Hitchcock there is a dead body that keeps being buried but is always dug up again and persists as an unsolved problem. The same seems to happen with certain concepts, "primitivism" being... more
Cardoso (1887-1918) establece entre las indagaciones internacionales del modernismo y su regional "portugalidad". Somos conducidos así a la idea de que el origen portugués introduce en la obra de Amadeo, por putativa insuficiencia... more
A partir da análise comparada entre o Orfismo francês e o Orfeu português, surge um estreito diálogo entre literatura e pintura com referências e assonâncias surpreendentes entre o círculo de Pessoa e o casal Delaunay, refugiados em... more
Abstract The present article intends to ponder on the presence of modern African arts in the city of São Paulo, putting them into context through the critical and historical assessment of their reception and exhibition. This study... more
6 – Missions as Contact Zones: Migrating Artists, Material Objects, and Aesthetic Practices in a Global World Chairs: Carmen Fernández-Salvador, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito Cristina Cruz González, Oklahoma State University,... more
Introduction to the special issue on "Cold War networks and circulations: Cross-cultural Dialogues and Practices throughout the Global South (1957-1991)". This issue of REGAC aims to investigate to what extent the circulations and... more
In New York of the 1920s and 1930s, the Harlem Renaissance envisaged an emancipation of the Afro-American music and art scene as well as a growing art historical discourse on the art of the “New Negro” from a subaltern perspective. Thus,... more
Resumen. Este artículo presenta un estudio y análisis detallados de los vestidos-poema (robes-poèmes) de Sonia Delaunay (1922-1923), un claro ejemplo de creación vanguardista basada enla síntesis de pintura y poesía. Se proporciona una... more
This chapter focuses on Clement Greenberg, the New York art world's foremost Jewish critic during the postwar period, for the purposes of bringing to the surface the unacknowledged role of Jewish and their negotiations of their place in... more
Tulisan ini bertajuk 'Muslim yang Tersadarkan' (diterjemahkan ulang dari artikel berbahasa Inggris, Muslim Conscientization, dipresentasikan oleh penulis di CAIS-ANU). Tulisan ini memotret ekspresi para sarjana yang mengajukan gagasan... more
Dos exposiciones, que tuvieron lugar en un corto intervalo de tiempo, sirven como punto de partida para examinar la red de intercambios artístico-culturales entre la modernidad india y la vanguardia alemana a comienzos de los años veinte.... more
DOI: Date Issued: Spring 2017 In revisiting the historical circumstances and material culture of the generation of Orpheu, this special issue is largely driven by a historiographical aim of... more
Abstract and bio from research presented at the Modernisms: Concepts, Contexts, and Circulations seminar organized by the Transregional Academy, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 2016.
El recuerdo de (José) Campeche siempre ha subsistido en nuestra Antilla»: la construcción de un ícono nacional puertorriqueño Elsaris Núñez Méndez [email protected] Ponencia presentada en III Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes... more
Article written for the dossier dedicated by the Portuguese Jornal de Letras to the writer Mário de Sá-Carneiro, on the 100th anniversary of his death (26 April 2016).
Decenterings and Regionalisms: An Intercrossed History of the Havana and Dakar Biennials This research intends to investigate the role of two strategic projects in the visual arts field – the biennials of Havana (1984) and Dakar... more
Portuguese modernist Almada Negreiros' interpretation and uses of Delaunay's simultaneous contrasts and futurism.
Abstract for my 2015 thesis.
Georg Schöllhammer ile söyleşi
2005: στα Πρακτικά εικοστού πέμπτου Συμποσίου Ποίησης, 25 χρόνια Συμπόσιο – 25 χρόνια Ποίηση, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών, 1-3 Ιουλίου, σ.145-164.
Glass, H.G.L and Franks, P.E (1989) : The implications of migrant labour for the development of a post-modern South Africa. Paper presented to the XXIXth International Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Rome, Italy, 12... more
Franks, P.E. (1988) Perception and Misconception in the Workplace: Towards a management beyond Baasskap. enviroscan, Institute of Personnel Management (IPM) Information Services Unit: Briefing Document #2, April. Based on an earlier... more
Franks, P.E. (1983) : South Africa’s place in the Information Revolution. Ellerines Home News, January, page 10.
Now the whole earth had one language and few words. And as men migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, "Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly." And... more
Project Proposal Presented to the Northern (Limpopo) Province Government