Modern and contemporary crafts (Art)
Recent papers in Modern and contemporary crafts (Art)
Anche in Storia della civiltà europea. Vol. 16 - il Novecento. Arti visive, pp. 104-108. Dal mondo antico allʼinizio del terzo millennio: migliaia di saggi e oltre 10.000 immagini, un imponente corpus testuale e iconografico organizzato... more
This PhD thesis engenders new approaches to the understanding, appreciation, and experience of modern and contemporary ceramic art. It focusses on two recent outputs. The initial, Scorched Earth: 100 Years of Southern African Potteries... more
Life in the 1940s to the 1950s was unique. It was a time of growth, movement, luxury and change.
Ho il piacere di invitare la Signoria Vostra alla presentazione del volume: che avrà luogo venerdì 18 luglio 2014 alle ore 21.00, presso la Corte municipale del Comune di Pavia di Udine, in Piazza Julia 1 a Lauzacco.
Two years ago I began teaching a critical theory seminar at the State University of New York in New Paltz that focused on re-envisioning the role of craft in contemporary society. The Art Department at SUNY New Paltz has a long-standing... more
Written for the Haystack Mountain School of Craft monograph series, this strategic meander sorts through various examples that affirm and defy the categories we use to organize art, craft, and design. Underlying concerns include the scope... more
Članak govori o Bijelom gradu, četvrti Tel Aviva s brojnim reprezentativnim primjerima građevina podignutih u stilu internacionalne moderne arhitekture u razdoblju između dva svjetska rata, a u povodu izložbe održane u... more
The term "post-colonialism" can confuse with its depth and complexity just as easily as it can confound with the nearly fraudulent vagueness of its definition. Characteristic of much post-modern intellectual discourse, one can argue that... more
"Soil So Good: Neil Brownsword’s Reinventions": For the sake of alliteration as well as the productive confusion between an eighteenth-century metaphor and a contemporary euphemism, the neologism ‘brownfield’ is as good a contradiction as... more
This essay, included in the first reprinting of Color Problems, a Practical Manual for the Lay Student of Color, By Emily Noyes Vanderpoel, 1902, introduces Vanderpoel's pedagogy of color theory and the color abstraction works and... more
Visual and cultural analysis of Meiji shōnen kaiko 明治少年懐古 (Reminiscences of a Meiji youth, 1944), an illustrated book that nostalgically recalls Japan's late nineteenth and early twentieth century period of modernization. The book is in... more
Artykuł traktuje o relacji między amerykańskim minimal artem a praktyką taneczną. Tekst powstał w kontekście wystaw z 2015 roku: "Let's Dance" w galerii Art Stations w Poznaniu oraz "Objects and Bodies at Rest and in Motion" w Moderna... more
Afghan carpets with motifs of war, guns, tanks and planes, have become popular. Apart from Kabul, they are widely supplied by carpet sellers from Kashmir and Peshawar. How do we interpret this popularity? What does it mean to the society... more
The article is about the development of the Gyeonggi International Ceramics Biennale until now. How it has changed and how it hopes to change in the future. Additionally as presenting the competition winners for 2015. "Originally... more
The Gallery at Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar is very pleased to present the work of Manar al-Muftah as part of the annual series Qatar Now. Curated by Donald Early, Halim Choueiry and Jochen Sokoly The Qatar Now series... more
SUMMARY: In his film " Secret Beyond the Door " (1947), German director Fritz Lang introduced the symbolic concept of " felicitous room " developed by a character who is an architect exploring a thesis according to which the way a place... more
This essay traces the theorization of interwar animation through period analogies with painting and dance, paying special attention to the valorization of concepts such as dematerialization and embodiment, which metaphors of visual music... more
When you visualize the term “punk,” what do you see? Many contemporary viewers have an inclination to associate “punk” with a specific visual image, composed of a selection of iconic dress artifacts, such as the Mohawk hairstyle, leather... more
The term 'Digital Craft' is commonly applied in the context of craft as exercised with the aid of digital technology. If the application of digital tools and techniques merits the term digital craft, then where does the craft lie in... more
Esta propuesta rinde tributo a Marie-Noëlle Vacher de Triste, Huesca, que con su tesón y buen hacer se ha convertido en formadora de maestros y maestras, de artesanos y artesanas, de artistas y científicos interesados en nuestras raíces... more
This chapter explores some tensions in both textile theories and practices informed by the feminist 1970s. While tracing the lines between radical and reformist approaches to women's textiles, it pinpoints moments of intersection and... more
La présente recherche analyse le secteur de l'artisanat au Maroc et plus spécifiquement l’artisanat à fort contenu culturel. Nous proposons d’analyser, dans un premier volet, l’évolution des indicateurs économiques du secteur de... more
Nel campo applicativo dei lapidei per l’architettura e il design i processi di innovazione tecnologica che si sono susseguiti dagli anni ’20 del Novecento a oggi hanno fornito spunti creativi e strumenti produttivi articolati e complessi... more
This dissertation investigates human-robot encounters and how robot existence here is calibrated to the social lives of humans. Based on a year of fieldwork in two laboratories dedicated to the development of human-robot interaction in... more
This book interprets the fiber art and craft-inspired sculpture by eight US and Latin American women artists whose works incite embodied affective experience. Grounded in the work of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, John Corso Esquivel... more
The first ‘Suspended’ exhibition – which became my whirlwind intro- duction to curation – began within Gabi Green’s small gallery in the Westend of Munich in 2012 during the week of Schmuck, that informal, half secret rollercoaster ride... more
In Nancy E. Green and Christopher Reed, eds., JapanAmerica: Points of Contact, 1876-1976 (Ithaca, NY: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, 2016), 66-87.
Following the decline of tapestry weaving in the 19th century, the 20th century saw a revival of textile art, the emergence of new three-dimensional forms — art objects, installations and soft sculpture — and the coinage of the term fiber... more
The Japanese term mingei was created to define a body of folk and traditional craft arts made by unknown craftsman, which inherently embody in their forms an egoless and unselfconscious beauty. Mingei provided a model and became the basis... more
Ceramics had a far-reaching impact in the second half of the twentieth century, as its artists worked through the same ideas regarding abstraction and form as those for other creative mediums. Live Form shines new light on the relation of... more
Art Gallery of All (not only visual) Senses Exercises in and facilitating the direct, active(not merely passive or viewing) participating (as myself, first person) in the sharing of the (undergoing as first person) of sensory experiences... more
This paper problematizes the appropriation of craft into spheres that are not craft, but rather, craft-like. I am defining craft-like as a strain of work that incorporates the craft act or material evidence of what might be described as... more
In the Loop aims to challenge oversimplified associations of knitting as domestic craft and capture the diversity of contemporary textile culture related to knitting today. Contributors include Sandy Black, Mary Brooks, Sabrina... more
Mimaride “malzeme/materyal” sadece bir strüktürü oluşturmada pragmatik bir araç ya da dekoratif bir etkiden ziyade, siyasi bağlamda direnme jestini tasiyan, konusan bir nesne olabilir mi? Filistin işgal topraklarında, Batı Şeria'da... more
An overview of the role of women's craft post Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party seminal installation.
This nine chapter volume explores creativity in art teaching through contemporary craft. A variety of artists, educators and historians share with readers their wealth of practical resources and frameworks for utilizing craft media... more