The field of science and religion is undergoing a paradigm shift, in no small part due to the historical scholarship of Peter Harrison. With The Territories of Science and Religion (2015), and now Some New World: Myths of Supernatural... more
We can observe a flight from creatureliness in the modern and late modern age. Agrarian philosopher and essayist Wendell Berry helps us understand that the loss of creatureliness results from several factors, yet a significant reason is... more
Followers of God have always been interested in his creation. After recounting the stars in the heavens, the bestowing of rain, the growth of vegetation and the feeding of wild animals, the psalmist cries out, "How many are your works, O... more
The Council of Nicaea (325 AD) was an ecumenical gathering in search for a fuller understanding of faith. Apart from its theological significance, it also demonstrated that shared discernment is a path of hope for a Jubilee pilgrim Church.
This article provides an English translation of Hans Lassen Martensen’s “The Present Religious Crisis” from 1842. In this work Martensen outlines two important trends that were much discussed at the time. The first part of his article is... more
This chapter presents the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar through, in the first instance, a treatment of his reintegration of theology and spirituality, from which ensues a discussion of major loci such as Trinity, Christology,... more
The Council of Nicaea, convened in 325 CE by Emperor Constantine, marked a transformative moment in Christian history, addressing theological divisions, particularly the Arian controversy over Christ's divinity. This essay examines the... more
a discussion of his most recent works: Hors phénomène (2021), La chair de Dieu (2023) and Spiritualisme et phénoménologie (2024)
Editorial for the special issue on the theme of art appraoching religion and science.
tasks.' Similarly, philosophical theology could benefit from a closer encounter with the great themes of the Christian heritage, and a better understanding of the biblical logic by which these themes emerged into conceptual form. (pp.... more
As exemplified by works like Friedrich Schiller’s Lectures on the Aesthetic Education of Man (1795), French and German intellectuals were sent reeling in the wake of the French Revolution. The close of the Age of Confessionalization... more
As exemplified by works like Friedrich Schiller’s Lectures on the Aesthetic Education of Man (1795), French and German intellectuals were sent reeling in the wake of the French Revolution. The close of the Age of Confessionalization... more
In the traditional study of the problem of evil and its connection to God’s omniscience, omnipotence, and omnibenevolence, philosophers have often focused on human pain and suffering. However, a fundamental question arises: which forms of... more
of the larger philosophical task it shares with all of us who dare to use concept and theory to delineate the definitive conditions for a meaningful human life, to propose ways of living that correspond to that delineation, and to call... more
Браћа Карамазпви и стварност профетског говора Једно је надати се, рачунати је нешто сасвим друго. Безнађе није супротност нади. Напротив. Супротност нади је − рачун вероватноће. Достојевски је то непогрешиво осетио. Човек модерних... more
Scope: This paper examines how deconstruction theologyinspired by Derridean philosophy-intersects with foundational doctrines and emerging ethical challenges in the three Abrahamic traditions. It integrates theological, ethical, and... more
This article is the third author’s article on the political theology of Davor Džal¬to. It provides a comparative analysis of the key ideas of Džalto’s political theology, which were left without consideration in previous articles. The... more
This is the second article by the author dedicated to the eschatological concept of H. U. von Balthasar. In this article, the author examines the response to the criticism of the concept of Balthasar by the adherents of universalist and... more
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disciplina delle Chiese, poiché corrispondevano a visioni ecclesiologiche contrastanti. Per un verso la Chiesa veniva raffigurata sul modello di un piccolo ed esclusivo gregge di eletti. Per altro verso si considerava la Chiesa come un... more
This paper critically examines a lecture given in 1869 by Emil Hegg titled, das sogennante apostolische Glaubensbekenntnis (“The So-Called Apostles’ Creed”), which sparked a dispute among ecclesial and civil authorities in Bern,... more
Gustavo Gutiérrez, widely known as the "Father of Liberation Theology," revolutionized Christian thought by integrating theology with the lived realities of social injustice and oppression in the Global South. Born in Lima, Peru, in 1928,... more
Johann Fichte was an intellectual giant at the turn of the 19th century known for his novel revision of Kantian philosophy. Though he influenced a generation of philosophers that followed, there lies within his philosophy a strong motif... more
This essay looks at Agape Love as the self-declared central theme of the theology of Swedish Lutheran theologian and bishop Gustaf Aulén (1879–1977). I do this by looking at three of his books published in Swedish between 1927 and 1931... more
Famed as a woman philosopher and teacher, Macrina the Younger’s philosophy nevertheless encompassed more than intellectual ideas. Throughout the Vita sanctae macrinae, Gregory lauds his sister’s life practices, depicting her engaged in... more
The first question to be posed in the delineation of a fundamental semiotics is where purchase is to be found, a moment of stability, in the system it sets out to describe. Without carrying out such a reflection, the semiotics itself may... more
In the religiously pluralism came with globalization in our modern time. Following the trend of our time, there seems to be a search for a "theology of religions" by way of "paradigm shift:-from Christo-centrism to Theo-centrism.... more
Our “true self” is not an interior space but a product of the labors of time and the recognition of others. But how, then, do we move beyond rivalry to a genuinely common good beyond opposition and negotiation? Wise Stoics and Cynics had... more
Marion here provides a philosophical/exegetical reflection on the Emmaus episode (Luke 24:13–25) with a view to debunking (as both inane and blasphemous) a widely entertained understanding of faith as “a deficit of intuition”—something... more
Recent soteriological discourse has worried that atonement theologies like satisfaction and penal substitution have potentially damaging effects like inoculating us to our violence, further buttressing retributive justice, and inducing... more
This article aims to highlight the sixth and penultimate level that Saint Bonaventure establishes in the contemplative ascent of man towards God, since he begins to consider creatures as vestiges and signs of the Creator until he... more
This paper explores the life and teachings of Jesus through the lens of existential philosophy, focusing on the themes of suffering and freedom. Drawing on the works of existentialist thinkers such as Søren Kierkegaard, Jean-Paul Sartre,... more
arrival of an English translation of Alain Badiou's 1986 Seminar on Malebranche marks an important moment within what could plausibly be called the theological turn in late twentieth-century radical political philosophy. Though Marxism's... more
of givenness might be qualified or complemented by the critical role of the one who witnesses revelation's appearing. The lectures are unapologetically Christian in their focus. This could be reasonable in itself, as any author will be... more
Lyotard and Theology stands in the Bloomsbury/T&T Clark "Philosophy and Theology" series that includes a range of twentieth-and twenty-first-century thinkers in dialogue with Christian faith. 1 "Dialogue" may appear too optimistic a word... more
Since grace does not destroy but presupposes and perfects nature, the theologian who hopes to reflect critically on the political order must first come to an intellectual conversion. This involves the sustained purgation of biases and the... more
The Thing-in-Itself has been contentious issue within Kantian philosophy. Initially, it seems like an unfortunate side-effect of Kant's distinction between phenomena and noumena. This article deals with this issue in a different manner,... more
Stop! Look! Listen! These are important imperatives both for crossing streets and doing philosophy after modernity. Robert Gibbs's Why Ethics? Signs of Responsibilities places these imperatives in front of us to signal the sea-change... more
This paper aims to show a strong connection between Tertullian’s Pre-Nicean Trinitarian framework and the Pneumatology of Gregory of Nazianzen. This will be done by examining Tertullian’s polemical work Against Praxeas and drawing a... more