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"Bleach" is a manga best-selling in the US and Japan in the early 2000s, published by Shuesha in its weekly "Shonen Jump" imprint; however, in America the "first arc" ("Soul Society Arc") of the story was received to great success, with... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreWomen's StudiesTheologyPopular Culture
This paper examines gendered speech in a corpus of 10 popular manga (Japanese comics) series, with attention to realism and genre-based differences. While traditionally described as a highly gendered language, Japanese recently appears to... more
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      Media SociologyJapanese StudiesGender StudiesMedia Studies
In Buddhist culture, the young and beautiful female as corpse has often been presented as a sight of soteriological potential, a demonstration of the illusions of beauty, permanence, and identity coherence. A series of paintings by... more
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      BuddhismJapanese LiteratureGender and SexualityModern and Contemporary Japan
Keluarga adalah satu institusi penting dalam masyarakat di manapun berada. Dari keluarga individu berasal, tumbuh, dan menjadi dewasa kemudian membentuk keluarga sendiri dan akhirnya meninggal dunia juga dalam keluarga. Jepang yang berada... more
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      Japanese StudiesModern Japanese LiteratureJapanese Literature and Culture
In Pursuit of Universalism is the first comprehensive, English-language study of early twentieth-century Japanese modern art. In this groundbreaking work, which is also the inaugural recipient of the Phillips Book Prize (awarded by the... more
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      Modern ArtModern and Contemporary JapanJapanese ArtCubism
Published on the fifth anniversary of the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima meltdown, this book explores the ways that many of Japan's most important poets have written about and represented the disasters in their work.... more
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      Sociology of DisasterJapanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And Culture
Yaoi/BL Fandom Survey (only takes 10 mins to complete): Male–male sexuality is the central trope of Boys’ Love (BL) manga with stories tending to revolve around a central uke-seme... more
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      Japanese StudiesGender StudiesFeminist EconomicsFeminist Theory
This research is aim to describe how a scientist in Mathematics in the social space that is his own doing symbolic struggle to become an alternative father for a child who only brought up by a single parent mother.
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    • Modern Japanese Literature
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesFashion HistoryModern Japanese Literature
Nella cultura italiana, come in quella occidentale in generale, la locuzione "letteratura per ragazze" può essere usata per indicare un insieme eterogeneo di libri, dai racconti per bambini ai romanzi per adolescenti a sfondo romantico,... more
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      Japanese LiteratureModern Japanese LiteratureGirls' StudiesGirls
Unpublished draft read at the conference "Environments: Landscapes and the Mind" (Goldsmiths University, London, June 19th 2015) Matsumoto Takashi (b. 1949) is a Japanese lyricist, poet and novelist best known for his work with Happy... more
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      Japanese StudiesUrbanismModern Japanese LiteratureLandscape Urbanism
The aim of this paper is to provide some hints for a critical discussion about the question of nihilism in Japan from a cultural and philosophical viewpoint. Through the perspectives of Foucault and Bourdieu, different cultural phenomena... more
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      Japanese StudiesPhilosophy of TechnologyTechnologyPerforming Arts
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      Comparative LiteratureRussian LiteratureJapanese LiteratureLiterary Theory
This paper studies the role played by fansubbing groups in the distribution and translation of “hentai”, anime (Japanese animation) with pornographic content. The chapter starts by defining anime and hentai, then describes the main... more
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      Japanese StudiesTranslation StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And Culture
In the modern age, Occidentalism as a process of signifying practices based upon the notion of “the West” has played a hegemonic role in the configuration of collective identity and alterity. The imaginary geography of “the West” has been... more
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      Cultural StudiesJapanese StudiesItalian StudiesJapanese Literature
This volume contributes to an emerging field of German Asian studies by bringing together cutting-edge scholarship from international scholars in a variety of fields. The chapters survey the history of German-Japanese relations from 1860... more
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      TransnationalismTransnational HistoryModern Japanese LiteratureModern Japanese History
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      Detective FictionModern Japanese LiteratureNatsuo KirinoMystery Fiction
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      Memory StudiesModern Japanese LiteratureHaruki MurakamiMikhail Bakhtin
Critical debate on Enchi Fumiko’s historical fiction Onnazaka (tr. The Waiting Years) has overlooked her text’s dialogue with transnational psychoanalysis and feminist reappropriations of its canonical parables. This paper examines... more
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      Japanese StudiesComparative LiteratureJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And Culture
Like many Japanese intellectuals, Akutagawa Ryūnosuke had a deep interest in European traditions, including Christianity. Scholars have often looked at Akutagawa's representations of religion to shed light on the author's personal... more
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      Japanese StudiesModern Japanese LiteratureAkutagawa Ryūnosuke
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      Japanese LiteratureNationalismNational IdentityModern Japanese Literature
Mishima's magnum opus, through a queer psychoanalytic lens.
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      PsychoanalysisGay And Lesbian StudiesModern Japanese LiteratureYukio Mishima
This essay examines representations of the hermaphrodite in Japan during the Meiji and Taishō periods. The advent of sexology, which promoted a strict binary sexual paradigm, increasingly denied the existence of “true”... more
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      Japanese StudiesQueer StudiesGender and SexualityModern Japanese Literature
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      Self and IdentityJapanese LiteratureSocial RepresentationsIdentity (Culture)
This paper examines four of Nagai Kafu's works, each featuring a strong female character, to analyze how the author's perspective on women in society developed over time. The first two stories examined are 'The Inebriated Beauty' and 'The... more
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      Japanese StudiesFeminist TheoryJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And Culture
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      Japanese LiteratureModern Japanese LiteratureModern Japanese Literature and CultureMurakami Ryu
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      Japanese StudiesPopular ArtsModern Japanese LiteratureMingei
This paper discusses the significance of Enchi Fumiko’s use of intertextuality in Masks, examining how her allusions to The Tale of Genji relate to the novel’s representations of modern Japanese women.
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      Comparative LiteratureGender StudiesJapanese LiteratureLiterature
The untimely deceased architect-poet, Michizō Tachihara (1914-39), a city-boy born in the center of Tokyo, forged his path as a fledging poet from the time he was in higher school; a legacy that would, in time, place him in the aegis of... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitectural TheoryModern Japanese Literature
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesModern Japanese LiteratureMeiji literature
El concepto de la Nueva Mujer surge en el siglo XIX como un amplio ideal de corte feminista que representa los cambios producidos en el rol femenino en la sociedad occidental del momento. La mujer, relegada hasta entonces a un papel... more
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    • Modern Japanese Literature
Ryu Murakami’s "Sixty-Nine" (1987) is a semi-autobiographical story about a high school rebel’s path to personal growth in the late 1960s in the small town of Sasebo where Murakami spent the defining years of his youth. Besides being a... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureModern Japanese Literature
The career of novelist Haruki Murakami has conventionally been divided into two periods: detachment and commitment. Murakami's transition to commitment, in the sense of a social engagement with a defined political sensibility, is... more
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      Modern Japanese LiteratureHaruki Murakamistudent activism in AsiaJapanese Political Thought
Histoire@Politique, Politique, culture, société (Revue scientifique du Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po), « Comptes rendus – ouvrages », Mis en ligne le 23... more
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      Japanese StudiesFilm StudiesJapanese ReligionsMissiology and Mission Theology
Wednesdays 1:15 pm -4:00 pm classroom: Kohlberg 334 office: Kohl 336 x6875 [email protected] Office hours: Mon and Tues 3:30 -4:30 and by appointment Course description: A lively and cosmopolitan modernist literature and art scene... more
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      Japanese LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Modern Japanese Literature
In the first half of the twentieth century, when Japanese and Arabic poets began writing free-verse poetry, many terms were proposed as labels for the new form. In addition to the calques on " free verse, " neologisms were created to name... more
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      Modern Japanese LiteratureModern Arabic PoetryJapanese poetryTheories of Free Verse
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    • Modern Japanese Literature
Visual and cultural analysis of Maekawa Senpan's Shitōchō 偲糖帖 (Remembered Sweets, 1945), a woodblock-printed compendium of sweets that was conceived of and executed during a period of severe wartime food shortage. The book is in the... more
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesVisual StudiesPrints
Visual and cultural analysis of Nihon no yūshū 日本の憂愁 (1955), a posthumous book featuring prints, poems and other texts by the artist Onchi Kōshirō. The book is part of the Pulverer Collection of Japanese illustrated books of the Freer... more
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      Japanese StudiesPrint CultureArt HistoryDesign
This research aims at uncovering the structure of Japanese family set up by Ogawa Yoko in her three novels, i.e. Kifujin A No Sosei, Hakase No Aishita Suushiki, and Miina No Koushin. It is a qualitative research using library research as... more
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      Japanese LiteratureLiteratureModern Japanese LiteratureJapanese Literature and Culture
Ogawa Yoko as a Japanese novelist mostly features the life of contemporary Japanese society in her novels. One that stands out from her works is the image of the Japanese family structure. Ogawa outlines the Japanese family structure in... more
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      Japanese LiteratureModern Japanese LiteratureJapanese Literature and Culture
Stylistically breaking from his 1960s Nikkatsu films, cult director Suzuki Seijun entered Japan's pre-World War II era with Zigeunerweisen (1980). Suzuki forgoes conventional narrative to set up a world of random associations and... more
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      Japanese FilmModern Japanese Literature
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureModern Japanese Literature
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureModern Japanese Literature
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Modern Japanese LiteratureJapanese Women Writers
Through provocative essays by specialists in different aspects of Japanese culture, this book provides an historical and analytical survey of the presence of Goddesses in Japanese audiovisual culture from its origins to the present day.... more
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      Japanese StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaJapanese PhilosophyFilm Studies
Visual and cultural analysis of Nihon no hana 日本の花(1946), a book pairing pictures and poetry by diverse artists and poets on the theme of flowers. The book is part of the Pulverer Collection of Japanese illustrated books of the Freer... more
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      Cultural HistoryJapanese StudiesPrint CultureArt History
In this paper, I analyse the Japanese reception of Cubist Poems, a collection of experimental poetry published in 1914 by the American painter Max Weber (1881‒1961).[2] First, I provide information on this little-known collection and its... more
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      CubismModern Japanese Literature20th century Avant-GardeLiterary Cubism
The focus of this thesis is an analysis of Kirino Natsuo’s novel Poritikon (“Politikon”, 2011). The thesis follows two major threads: Poritikon as a Kirino Natsuo novel and a presence of motifs present in her prior work (such as... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureDystopian LiteratureModern Japanese Literature