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This volume contributes to an emerging field of German Asian studies by bringing together cutting-edge scholarship from international scholars in a variety of fields. The chapters survey the history of German-Japanese relations from 1860... more
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      TransnationalismTransnational HistoryModern Japanese LiteratureModern Japanese History
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    • Modern Japanese Literature
Translations of Shôrin Hakuen's "Rat Boy" (1913), chapter 2-3, and Kuroiwa Ruikô's "Wedlock" (1890) and "Electricity" (1890)
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      Modern Japanese LiteratureMeiji Japan
「心でどこを探してみても、自分より、愛しい者を見いだすことはできない。  それと同じく、他の者にとっても、自分のことが愛しい。  ゆえに、自己を愛する者は、他の者を害さぬように」(マッリカー経) ■... more
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      Japanese StudiesBuddhist PhilosophyJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And Culture
This paper examines Haruki Murakami's short story, "Thailand", focusing on the self-healing process of the protagonist.
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      Asian StudiesJapanese LiteratureLiteratureMagical Realism
Transoceanic passage brought nearly 189,000 immigrants from Japan to Brazil between 1908 and 1941. They were often geographically isolated in Japanese “colonies” as coffee plantation workers and thus able to maintain their Japanese... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureTransnationalism
Many researchers have considered the involvement of Kawabata Yasunari in cinema and the medium's possible influence on his literature. Such approaches, however, tend to assume a definition of the motion pictures as visuality or montage... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese CinemaModern Japanese LiteratureJapan Studies
Visual and cultural analysis of Meiji shōnen kaiko 明治少年懐古 (Reminiscences of a Meiji youth, 1944), an illustrated book that nostalgically recalls Japan's late nineteenth and early twentieth century period of modernization. The book is in... more
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      Japanese StudiesVisual StudiesPrintsPrint Culture
A travers l’exemple de ce récit, Edogawa Ranpo montre par les atermoiements de son narrateur, auteur de romans policiers, l’impossibilité générique d’obtenir une vision objective d’une situation narrative dans une fiction, et plus... more
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      NarratologyDetective FictionModern Japanese LiteratureEdogawa Ranpo
This paper sought to reveal insights into how Haruki Murakami's After Dark is reflective of the isolation currently being experienced by Japanese society today. The writer analyzed and consolidated the author's writing style and explored... more
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      Japanese LiteratureModern Japanese LiteratureHaruki MurakamiIsolation
The career of novelist Haruki Murakami has conventionally been divided into two periods: detachment and commitment. Murakami's transition to commitment, in the sense of a social engagement with a defined political sensibility, is... more
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      Modern Japanese LiteratureHaruki Murakamistudent activism in AsiaJapanese Political Thought
シポス・ジョージ 宮本百合子とその「転向」 1899年東京の知識人の家族に生まれた宮本百合子は彼女が属していた 階級から判断すればプロレタリア文学運動に参加していたとは想像しにくいかも しれません。勿論、プロレタリア文学運動は世界の中でどこでも労働階級から出 た作家たちばかりだというわけではありませんが、宮本のケースは特に珍しいと 言えます。宮本の文学活動をよく考察すれば二つの時代に分けられることが分か... more
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      Japanese StudiesGender StudiesWomen's StudiesJapanese Literature
Цель Ясунари Кавабаты не в том, что бы усложнить японское искусство, а в том, чтобы опровергнуть мифы, связанные с японской культурой. Ведь европейский тип мировоззрения не предполагает подобную интеллектуальную скупость в изречениях, да... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureModern Japanese Literature
The two postmodern novels "Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" by Haruki Murakami and "Asleep" by Banana Yoshimoto both engage with the concept of 'memory' as a central theme of their respective narratives. Murakami explores... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureLiterary TheoryModern Japanese Literature
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      Future StudiesJapanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureUrban Studies
In Matsuura Rieko’s Oyayubi P no shugyō jidai (親指 P の修業時代, “My Big Toe P’s Training Period”), sexuality and gender are presented as a nebulous undercurrent that drives a story based on the absurd concept of a big toe spontaneously... more
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      Japanese LiteratureTransgender StudiesModern Japanese LiteratureLGBTQ studies
Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo examinar de forma sucinta la historia de la literatura femenina japonesa desde el periodo clásico, conocido como era Heian (794–1185), hasta el periodo Moderno, cuyo final aproximado se da en la... more
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      Japanese LiteratureModern Japanese LiteratureWomen's Writing (Literature)Meiji Japan
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureModern and Contemporary Japan
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureModern Japanese LiteratureJapanese Literature and Culture
Let’s Learn Japanese  with Hiragana and Katakana By Masumi Kai
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureJapaneseModern Japanese Literature
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      RomanticismModern Japanese LiteraturePlato and Platonism19th-Century American Literature
The manner in which manga can reflect and influence readers’ gender perceptions has been a frequently researched issue. This article is an attempt to consider those questions through language, a traditionally less-examined element, in... more
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      SociologyMedia SociologySociology of CultureJapanese Studies
This paper started as a presentation for the Science Council of Japan (SCJ/日本学術会議) in July 2020, and was revised for this short article in Japanese, accompanied by a one-page English overview of the project,. This article will be public... more
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      Japanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureModern Japanese LiteratureLiterary translation
While frequent earthquakes, tsunami and fires have been the subject of a long history of disaster literature in Japan, Kimura Saeko argues that the nature of the 3-11 nuclear disaster gave rise to a genre of literature focusing on the... more
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      DeathJapanese LiteratureHauntologyModern Japanese Literature
In 1972, four anthologies of post-war Japanese poetry were brought out by British publishers: Thomas Fitzsimmons’s Japanese Poetry Now; Graeme Wilson and Atsumi Ikuko’s Three Contemporary Japanese Poets; Geoffrey Bownas and Mishima... more
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      English LiteratureJapanese LiteratureModern Japanese LiteratureTranslation
Adapted from the 1966 novel by the Japanese Catholic writer Shusaku Endo, Martin Scorsese’s "Silence" offers a timely occasion for expanding the critical discourse on adaptive fidelity. This article explores the ways that both texts draw... more
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      Film StudiesReligion and FilmFilm and TheologyJapanese Cinema
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      Comparative LiteratureRussian LiteratureJapanese LiteratureLiterary Theory
[For an abstract in English, please see below] Dopo una breve disamina che individua alcune linee concettuali considerate come l'origine della narrativa storica giapponese in epoca classica, l'articolo prende in esame la produzione... more
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      Modern Japanese LiteratureMeiji JapanHistorical FictionMeiji period 明治時代
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      Modern Japanese LiteratureSakaguchi Ango
Sagawa Chika (1911-1936) was a pioneer Japanese woman poet, who deserves to be reassessed as a crucial figure of the modanizumu movement in the early Showa era. At a time of dynamic poetic development influenced and inspired by the... more
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      Japanese LiteratureModern Japanese LiteratureModern Japanese Literature and Culture外国資料による日本語研究
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      Japanese StudiesLawCriminal LawComparative Law
Literally named light or torch, The Tomoshibi captures a prevailing concept in contemporary Japan that establishes this culture of longing for a past, to retrace steps back to a more distant time in hopes of discovering the country’s... more
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      Comparative LiteratureJapanese LiteratureModern and Contemporary JapanJapanese Buddhism
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    • Modern Japanese Literature
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesFeminist TheoryJapanese Literature
The following paper aims at describing and analysing the development of the relation between narrating voice and surrounding natural landscape in Akutagawa Ryūnosuke's literary output. Akutagawa himself declared in his Suicide Note "Aru... more
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      Japanese StudiesComparative LiteratureJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And Culture
Histoire@Politique, Politique, culture, société (Revue scientifique du Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po), « Comptes rendus – ouvrages », Mis en ligne le 23... more
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      Japanese StudiesFilm StudiesJapanese ReligionsMissiology and Mission Theology
 文化庁の「平成19年度国語に関する世論調査」で約45%の回答者がマンガを若者言葉に影響をもたらすものとして挙げたように,絵と言葉からなるマンガは一種の言語的メディアと一般に認知されている。しかしながら,マンガ研究の多くは視覚的要素に焦点が置かれていることが多い。ここでは,通常関心の払われることの少ない言語的要素に焦点を定めたい。... more
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      Japanese StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And Culture
Published on the fifth anniversary of the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima meltdown, this book explores the ways that many of Japan's most important poets have written about and represented the disasters in their work.... more
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      Sociology of DisasterJapanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And Culture
"Anti-modern" Japonism: From the Reception of Pierre Loti in Japan
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      Japanese StudiesComparative LiteratureReception StudiesJapanese Literature
Critical debate on Enchi Fumiko’s historical fiction Onnazaka (tr. The Waiting Years) has overlooked her text’s dialogue with transnational psychoanalysis and feminist reappropriations of its canonical parables. This paper examines... more
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      Japanese StudiesComparative LiteratureJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And Culture
In Pursuit of Universalism is the first comprehensive, English-language study of early twentieth-century Japanese modern art. In this groundbreaking work, which is also the inaugural recipient of the Phillips Book Prize (awarded by the... more
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      Modern ArtModern and Contemporary JapanJapanese ArtCubism
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      Japanese StudiesPerforming ArtsAnimationJapanese Literature
This paper presents a historical overview of the 'yakeato generation.' Commonly referred to as the generation of those Japanese who have experienced the 'burnt-out ruins' of the Asia-Pacific conflict and the associated trauma - nowadays... more
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      Japanese StudiesModern Japanese LiteratureJapanese Literature and CultureAsia Pacific Studies
an early version of Writing Technology in Meiji Japan, Chapter 10.
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      Modern and Contemporary JapanModern Japanese LiteratureCatsSoseki Natsume
In the late 1970s, Japanese women writers started to question the androcentric conventions of sf and began transforming it through feminism-inspired works. One of the early stars of this new generation, Suzuki Izumi, was the first to... more
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      Japanese StudiesQueer StudiesJapanese LiteratureQueer Theory
"Bleach" is a manga best-selling in the US and Japan in the early 2000s, published by Shuesha in its weekly "Shonen Jump" imprint; however, in America the "first arc" ("Soul Society Arc") of the story was received to great success, with... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreWomen's StudiesTheologyPopular Culture