Modern Islamic Thought
Recent papers in Modern Islamic Thought
‘[A] valid concept of “Islam” must denote and connote all possible “Islams,” whether abstract or “real,” mental or social’ (104)... Ahmed seeks to avoid two major pitfalls: (1) making Islam into a static essence or a category within an... more
The aim of this study is to question in what sense the hermeneutic thought that emerged in the context of critics of positivism can be related to Islamic thought or in which channel the paths of these two ways of thinking can intersect.... more
This thesis (1999) delves into Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd's hermeneutics of the Qur'an, which was, at that time, not yet systematically formulated. It tries to reconstruct his theories of text and interpretation based on his works, and gives... more
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
Alija Ali Izetbegović (1925-2003) is one of the outstanding Muslim thinkers in recent history who have re-conceptualized the Islamic worldview and ethos in the context of the contemporary world on the one hand and critically reflected... more
"The Word of Mohammad; An Interview with Abdulkarim Soroush" in: Abdulkarim Soroush, The Expansion of Prophetic Experience. Brill, 2009, pp. 271-5 In this interview, Soroush argues that the Koran may be considered a product of the mind... more
"Although negative reactions accompanied the reception of Darwinism in the Islamic World from the beginning, a full fledged Islamic creationist movement did not appear before the 1970s. Originally it was restricted to Turkey, where... more
DOI 論穆斯林兄弟會Sayyid Qutb 之現代伊斯蘭改革運動理念 江孟勳 成功大學歷史學系博士生 70101臺南市東區大學路一號成功大學歷史學系 [email protected] 摘要 作為當代伊斯蘭原教旨主義(Salafism)運動重要思想家之一的Sayyid Qutb,其對伊斯蘭在人類生活各層面的實踐,做了全面性的探討與再詮釋。 透過新的詮釋,也使許多伊斯蘭原初的理念與精神,再次地於現代改革運 動中被突顯與強調,並且也促進了今日穆斯林對於伊斯蘭在生活實踐上的... more
مكمنُ تفرُّد هذه النسخة، أنها الطبعة الأولى والوحيدة -خلال قرن ونيف- «المطابِقَة» لأقدم أصل مطبوع، أمكَن العثور عليه لجريدتنا الغراء. وهي النسخة المطبوعة بمطبعة التوفيق في بيروت، لصاحبها نسيب صبرا، سنة 1328هـ ق (نحو 1910م). وتكشِفُ لنا... more
صدر لي قبل أعوامٍ خمسة كتابٌ بعنوان: «أفكار خارج القفص»، وهو من نفس فصيلة الكتابة الشذريَّة التي ينتمي إليها هذا الكتابُ. وإنما دفعني إلى تبني هذا اللون من الكتابة الرغبةُ في إطلاع القارئ على بعض مراحِلِ التطور التي يمرُّ بها المفكرُ، لا... more
Recipient of the Inaugural South Asian Muslim Studies Association Book Award 2021 Centering Pakistan in a story of transnational Islam stretching from South Asia to the Middle East, Simon Wolfgang Fuchs offers the first in-depth... more
Alewism is an important socio-cultural differentiation event that has begun with the process of Islamisation among Turkish people. In this process first understandings and tendencies of Alewism had appeared among nomadic Turkish people.... more
Contents and Summary of the PhD Dissertation
This dissertation analyzes the ongoing attempts of Omani Ibadis to re-envision Islamic identity in the modern era. Arguably Islam’s oldest distinct sect, Ibadism has offered alternative formulations of Islamic belief and jurisprudence... more
Reforming Modernity is a sweeping intellectual history and philosophical reflection built around the work of the Morocco-based philosopher Abdurrahman Taha, one of the most significant philosophers in the Islamic world since the colonial... more
This paper aims to understand how the Qur’an prescribes relations between humans and animals. I discuss the Qur’anic epistemologies of morality and bring them into conversation with esoteric claims of hypernomian versus baseline morality.... more
Mohammed Arkoun n'est pas un penseur qu'on peut mettre dans une certaine catégorie dans le développement de la pensée islamique parce qu'il critique à la fois la position musulmane traditionnelle et la position de l'islamologie classique.... more
هذا الكتاب ليس للمتعة الذهنيّة المجرّدة، وليس الغرض منه نيل رضا القارئ وموافقته وتصفيقه واستحسانه؛ بل الغرض منه تعليمه التفكُّر، ومساعدته على تكوين ملكة للنظر والنقد والحكم. كل ذلك بطريقة غير مباشرة. فحين يُعاين القارئ المتفحّص منهج النظر... more
ورقة تتناول الشيخ البوطي وفتاويه خلال الأشهر الأولى من الثورة السورية
How the Quranic Hermeneutic of Fazlur Rahman reflects changing discourses in Islam and modernity.
This essay critiques Russian Orthodox religious nationalism and Sunni Muslim Islamism by arguing that they make the same fundamental theological errors and can be understood as ideologically similar to one another.
Murad’s Commentary on the Eleventh Contentions is a rare and profound book. It consists of 100 pithy aphorisms - termed "contentions" - on a diverse array of topics ranging through ethics, cosmology, metaphysics, theology, law and... more
This article analyzes the Aga Khan's discourse on pluralism and cosmopolitan ethics, arguing that these ideals are rooted in and expressive of his Muslim theological vision and constitute his interpretation of Islam. The Aga Khan is the... more
Included in the volume 'Islamic political theology', edited by Massimo Campanini and Marco Di Donato (2021), the chapter explores the doctrine of tawhid, as elaborated by the Egyptian scholar Muhammad 'Abduh in his book Risalat al-tawhid... more
Over nearly 1,500 years of history, Islam has produced extraordinary intellectual innovation, characterised by limitless curiosity and creativity. It has inspired profound theological and philosophical debate, a rich artistic legacy, and... more
This study aims to identify and analyze ‘national romanticism’ in Turkey’s political culture during the modernization process. Despite the recognition of modernization (temeddün, civilizing) and modernity (the standards of modern... more
The present work is a critical study of the dynamics of Muslim understanding of Christianity during the late 19th and the early 20th century in the light of the polemical writings of the well-known Syro-Egyptian Muslim reformist Sheikh... more
There are now a number of Oxford Handbooks providing review essays by leading specialists around the world, assessments of current research and often indications of future research relating to the study of Islam, historically, textually,... more
This presentation will attempt to describe the revival and rediscovery of Māturīdī’s theology in modern Turkey, a movement that I refer to as “Turkish Neo- Māturīdism.” This movement has its roots in a number of important theological and... more
This paper deals with the Sufi shaykh Haji Imdad Allah Muhajir Makki's (1817-1899) efforts for conciliation of different strands of Muslim religious thought in the late nineteenth century with particular reference to his main work on this... more
The return of the Moroccan philosopher Muhammad-Aziz Lahbabi (d. 1993) to the history of philosophy seems to have been not to learn more about the problems that preoccupied the philosophers of the past, nor to solve philological or... more
This is my PhD on "Contemporary Muslim Critique of Salafism" (German)