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The propensity for macro-economic developments to affect the vitality of endangered languages is often alluded to in relevant literature, but rarely explicated in any great detail. Attempting to help rectify this, the case of Irish in the... more
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      SociologyRural SociologyLanguage revitalizationCeltic Studies
In the nineteenth century the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis evolved into a lucrative commodity in great demand throughout the western world. In less than a century its trade became big business by any measure, involving tens of... more
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      Economic HistoryHistory of MedicineModern IrelandBelfast
Utilizing a new theory for examining critical junctures, we seek to better understand the nature of industrial policy change in Ireland during the 1950s and macroeconomic policy change in Sweden in the 1980s. Did these policy changes... more
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      Comparative PoliticsIrish PoliticsHistorical InstitutionalismIrish History
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      GeographyHuman GeographyClimate ChangeSustainable Production and Consumption
In this article, we wish to investigate if disciplinary differences exist among students when considering the topic of civic engagement. We use freehand drawing to create a learning environment in the classroom wherein students can seek... more
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      Irish StudiesPolitical ScienceIrish PoliticsModern Ireland
On 18 April 2019, by-stander Lyra McKee was killed while a group of teenagers and young men rioted against the PSNI in the Northern Irish city of Derry. During these riots, two masked gunmen of the “New IRA” fired up to ten shots at three... more
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      TerrorismViolencePolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
This paper sets out to develop an improved framework for examining critical junctures. This a priori framework is a significant improvement over existing critical juncture frameworks that lack any predictive element. It is an advance for... more
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      EconomicsComparative PoliticsPolitical EconomyPolitical Science
This paper analyses the strength of the new laws regulating lobbying in Ireland and the United Kingdom (UK). This examination was conducted using the Centre for Public Integrity’s (CPI) “Hired Guns” quantitative method for assessing the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsAccountabilityBritish PoliticsPolitical Science
This presentation will elaborate upon what it meant to be Irish to those on both sides of the Treaty-split during the Irish Civil War through its cultural expression as sport, propaganda, and protest. Additionally, a more practical-based... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish PoliticsIrish HistoryModern Ireland
This paper improves our understanding of critical junctures, a concept employed in historical institutionalism for exploring change. However, the concept lacks rigour, weakening our ability to define critical junctures. Of late, academics... more
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      Irish StudiesComparative PoliticsPolitical SciencePolitics
This paper uses cognitive mapping techniques to understand how brand associations, an important aspect of political brand equity are formed, differ, and change, from the perspective of citizens, across the four largest Irish political... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical ScienceIrish PoliticsModern Ireland
This article seeks to improve our understanding of the concept of critical junctures. Critical junctures have been used to provide avenues for exploring change in historical institutionalism. However, the critical junctures concept, as it... more
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      Political TheoryPolitical ScienceIrish PoliticsHistorical Institutionalism
This paper examines the role of authenticity as a moral orientation and social evaluation in practices of racism. It will argue that discursive conceptions of authenticity disguises and legitimises racism within micro encounters. Using... more
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      Race and RacismImmigration StudiesModern IrelandMasculinities
Whistleblowing has gained increasing media attention over the past 40 years, as incidents of abuse and wrongdoing associated with businesses, religious institutions, the media and politics have come to light. In this article, we... more
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"Is Modernism Really Transnational?" uses the communion between Stephen and Bloom in the “Ithaca” episode of James Joyce’s Ulysses as an allegory for the debate surrounding new cosmopolitan theory and the transnational/global turn in... more
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      Modernism (Literature)Irish LiteratureGlobalizationTransnationalism
As the dominant intellectual figure in the early Irish protestant church, James Ussher played a key role in defining its sense of identity in Ireland. He created an 'origin myth' for the Church of Ireland,, giving it historical... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureEarly Modern HistoryReformation History
The daily lives of Achill Island's inhabitants were heavily influenced by their relationships with the ocean, its resources and the seasons. Ireland's largest island, situated along its predominantly rural western coast, Achill remains in... more
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      Economic HistoryIrish StudiesMaritime ArchaeologyIsland Studies
In the Republic of Ireland the ‘decade of commemorations’ (2013-2023) has witnessed much debate around how to interpret the formative events of Irish independence. Some have conceived of those who achieved independence as a ‘revolutionary... more
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      Modern HistoryIrish StudiesEnglish LiteratureMedia Studies
Ireland joined the European Communities – as they then were – in 1973, alongside the United Kingdom and Denmark. In many ways that membership was defined by the bilateral British-Irish relationship. Ireland was, to all an intents and... more
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      Irish StudiesModern IrelandIrelandEuroepan Union Integration
This article examines Irish taoiseach (prime minister) Charles J. Haughey's involvement with the Falklands War of 1982; a hitherto neglected subject related to a defining episode in the history of Great Britain in the postwar era.... more
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      Modern IrelandIrish Foreign PolicyMargaret ThatcherNorthern Ireland and the Troubles
Politics in the Republic of Irelandis newly available in a fully revised fourth edition. Building on the success of the first three editions, it continues to provide an authoritative introduction to all aspects of politics in the Republic... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish PoliticsModern Ireland
Previous research on credibility-enhancing displays (CREDs) suggests that long-term exposure to religious role models “practicing what they preach” aids the acceptance of religious representations by cultural learners. Likewise, a... more
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      ReligionAtheismModern IrelandCognitive Anthropology
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      Irish StudiesFootball (soccer)Northern Irish PoliticsGaelic Ireland
The paper is analysis of one of post-war crises. It argues that the crisis was largely the result of the authorities' failure to understand the constraints placed on them by a fixed exchange rate. But the crisis led to a comprehensive... more
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      Economic HistoryModern IrelandMonetary PolicyMacroeconomic Policy
The paper is a study of farm inheritance practices in late nineteenth-century Ireland.
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      Modern IrelandAgricultural History(Family) Business succession/transferInheritance
Data were extracted from the 1911 Irish manuscript census to study the regional variation in the extent and character of family limitation strategies in Ireland a century ago. Regression analysis of the data shows evidence of 'spacing' in... more
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      Economic HistoryHistorical DemographyModern IrelandPopulation
The catalytic effect of the OECD-linked study that produced Investment in Education is a much celebrated episode of Ireland's modernisation. A remarkably broad cross-departmental consensus supported the initiative. Bureaucratic caution... more
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      Education PolicyModern IrelandFianna FáilOECD Education Policy
The author analyses intangible aspects of the maritime heritage, in particular, stories of the sea, collected in Ireland and Scotland, in the late 19th and 20th centuries. The author draws from the experience of Ulster University research... more
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      Celtic StudiesStorytellingOral TraditionsGaelic Scotland
An unwillingness to publicly commemorate certain episodes in our history, such as the 1798 rebellion, can be mistaken for collective amnesia, but there is more to forgetting than meets the eye, argues Guy Beiner (Belfast Telegraph,... more
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      Irish StudiesBritish HistoryOral historyNorthern Ireland: Unionism & Loyalism
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      Cultural StudiesSocial TheoryCultural GeographyGender Studies
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      HistoryPolitical CoalitionsIrish PoliticsModern Ireland
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      European HistoryIrish HistoryModern IrelandEuropean Integration History
The Betting Act 1926 legalised cash betting in Ireland and led to the appearance, for the first time, of the legally regulated and licenced betting office. The introduction of this legislation was a pragmatic step, designed to eradicate... more
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      HistoryModern IrelandGambling
Martyrdom - political and religious - plays a powerful role in Irish history and identity. This article explores the period from 1570 to 1630 when the Catholic church recorded a dramatic increase in the number of martyrs amongst its... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureHagiographyReformation History
This article will argue that there has been a shift in the identity of Irish foreign policy and will pursue the implications of this for the study of European Union (EU) member states' foreign policy. Membership of the EU and Ireland's... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisModern IrelandEuropean Foreign and Security Policy
This article examines the impact of economic crises on macroeconomic policies in the United States (US), Mexico, Ireland, and Sweden at the start of the 1980s, framed within the context of the policy change literature. These countries are... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical EconomyPolitical ScienceMexico History
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      European HistoryIrish HistoryModern IrelandEuropean Integration History
This report was prepared at the request of the Oireachtas Sub-Committee on Ireland’s Future in the European Union. Its purpose is to identify the range of options available to the Government regarding Ireland’s relationship with the... more
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      European integrationEuropean LawModern Ireland
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      Modern IrelandBritish and Irish HistoryNorthern IrelandNorthern Ireland and the Troubles
Webpage (in advance of book publication): Forgetful Remembrance examines what happens when communities endeavour to forget embarrassing events in their... more
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      Cultural HistoryIrish StudiesFolkloreIrish Literature
The voluminous scholarship on history and memory has generated a profusion of terms. For the purpose of navigating through the terminological labyrinth, this essay discusses examples that relate to the memorialisation of 1916 in Ireland... more
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      Irish StudiesHistory and MemoryGreat WarIrish History
The Church of Ireland, was in many ways a clone of the Church of England. The Irish reformation legislation which established the Church of Ireland was largely a copy of Henry VIII's acts establishing the Church of England. And many... more
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      Irish StudiesReformation HistoryReformation StudiesEarly Modern Ireland
The city of Belfast, Northern Ireland, has experienced a major political transformation and urban revitalization since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in April 1998. Though the incidence of sectarian violence has declined... more
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      Sociology of SportEthnic StudiesIrish StudiesGlobalization
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      Northern Ireland LiteratureReception StudiesIrish LiteratureReception Theory
The result of the 2008 Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty came as a considerable shock to the Irish body politic. The Irish electorate had, yet again, broken with the established political consensus on Europe. The vote on 13 June 2008... more
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      European UnionModern Ireland
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      Irish HistoryModern IrelandEuropean Integration History
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      Irish StudiesArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyEarly Modern Ireland
Gaelic games have repeatedly provided filmmakers with a resonant motif to represent perceived aspects of Irish identity, perceived as these representations have been neither straightforward nor unproblematic. In international productions... more
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      Irish StudiesFilm StudiesFilm AnalysisDocumentary (Film Studies)
A survey of changing obsessions in Ireland with remembrance of various episodes in the past, identifies moments of heightened commemoration and charts the development of modern memorial practices over the twentieth century. Growing... more
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      Irish StudiesHistory and MemoryNationalismNationalism And State Building
Published in the California Geographer, Volume XLI, 2001, pp. 15-32.
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographyLiterary GeographyModern Ireland