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the event of a 'no' vote, the Government would then negotiate Ireland's withdrawal from the Union and pursue either membership of the European Economic Area (alongside Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland) or some other special relationship... more
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      European integrationEuropean LawPolitical ScienceModern Ireland
paper presented  to Newspaper and Periodical History Forum of Ireland conference, Galway, November 2018
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      Modern IrelandPolitical CorruptionPress and media historyElectoral Reform
This paper analyses the strength of the new laws regulating lobbying in Ireland and the United Kingdom (UK). This examination was conducted using the Centre for Public Integrity’s (CPI) “Hired Guns” quantitative method for assessing the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsAccountabilityBritish PoliticsPolitical Science
This paper sets out to develop an improved framework for examining critical junctures. This a priori framework is a significant improvement over existing critical juncture frameworks that lack any predictive element. It is an advance for... more
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      EconomicsComparative PoliticsPolitical EconomyPolitical Science
Early intervention (EI) programs face severe and often condemnatory critique. Some common criticisms arising within the social science literature concern the burden of moral blame that EI programs supposedly place upon parents; the use of... more
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      Social PsychologySocial WorkSociology of Children and ChildhoodSocial Sciences
Sunday Times 13 July 2014 In Justine McCarthy's article about Joyce McSharry, who was separated from her mother in the Bethany Home in 1951, the solicitor David Phelan of Hayes & Sons disclaimed knowledge of an irregular 'Adoption... more
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      Irish StudiesSingle MothersIrish PoliticsProtestantism
Some aspects of the history of social science research in Ireland, such as the work of Arensberg and Kimball, have been repeatedly revisited and reappraised. Others have been largely ignored and neglected. This paper revisits one such... more
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      Transport HistoryTrade unionismHistory of SociologyModern Ireland
On 18 April 2019, by-stander Lyra McKee was killed while a group of teenagers and young men rioted against the PSNI in the Northern Irish city of Derry. During these riots, two masked gunmen of the “New IRA” fired up to ten shots at three... more
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      TerrorismViolencePolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
This book chapter examines Herbert Remmel’s childhood experience which juxtaposed Hitler’s Germany and de Valera’s neutral Ireland. Born in 1936 in Cologne he experienced the war from the perspective of a child. As a fortunate nine year... more
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      Military HistoryModern HistoryDiplomatic HistoryInternational Relations
A new book published to coincide with the centenary of the Easter Rising of 1916 comprehensively details the impact of key events in County Kerry and the critical roles played by Kerry men and women in the rebellion and sets that story in... more
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      RevolutionsModern Ireland1916 Easter RebellionEaster Rising 1916
By: James de Haan M.Phil Candidate (2012): Trinity College, Dublin de Haan 1 In 1910, Rev. Dr. Patrick Finegan was appointed bishop of the Diocese of Kilmore, coming into control of a largely agricultural area covering all of County Cavan... more
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      History of ReligionCatholic StudiesWar StudiesIrish Politics
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      Irish HistoryModern IrelandEuropean Integration History
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      Modern IrelandLand Law
Disability as Means for Survival and a Metaphor for Irishness: An Analysis of The Weir by Conor McPherson and Beauty Queen of Leenane by Martin McDonagh: Hofstra in Ireland Study Abroad Program Final Paper
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteraturePoetryIrish Diaspora
Contesting Economic and Social Rights in Ireland: 1848-2016 (2016, Cambridge University Press) explores how social relations and power structures shape decisions to entrench economic and social rights in constitutions.
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      Social MovementsConstitutional LawComparative PoliticsHuman Rights
The Revolution Papers is a weekly newspaper that tells the story of the Irish revolution from 1916 to 1923 by reproducing newspapers covering key events in the period. As editor, I write a review of the newspapers in each issue. This... more
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      Irish StudiesWar StudiesIrish PoliticsIrish History
This paper focuses on the difficulties Kathleen O'Brennan faced as a political radical and foreigner operating as an Irish republican activist in the United States. In 1920, O'Brennan constructed for herself and the American Women Pickets... more
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      Irish StudiesWomen's HistoryU.S. historyIrish Diaspora
Review of Steve McQueen's 2008 British-Irish historical drama film Hunger, starring Michael Fassbender (as Republican leader Bobby Sands), Liam Cunningham, and Liam McMahon. The film is concerned with the 1981 Irish hunger strike.
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      Irish StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesEuropean Cinema
A look at the Modern Movement in Architecture on the island of Ireland; in particular a focus on to whom credit is given and a critical look at the contributions of the man accredited to spear-heading the whole thing - Michael Scott
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      Architectural HistoryModernityModern IrelandArchitectural Theory
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      Irish StudiesArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology
Sport is a powerful metaphor that can reveal the real values of a nation Ireland considers itself a proud sporting nation and photographs of Irish sporting achievements have become important for the development of national identity.
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      Football (soccer)Sports HistoryNationalismNational Identity
This year Maynooth College celebrates its 225th anniversary and a beautifully-presented volume captures a multi-dimensional perspective of an institution that has held a singular place in modern Irish Church history. We Remember Maynooth:... more
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      Intellectual HistoryIrish StudiesTheologyCeltic Studies
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryIrish StudiesArchaeology
This paper re-examines the vexed question of Protestant flight from the South of Ireland during the Irish revolution between 1920 and 1923. The evidence shows that much of this thesis is based on an incorrect understanding and analysis of... more
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      DemographyIrish StudiesBritish HistoryMigration
Reviews "Filled with new detail after new detail gleaned from a host of archives and first-hand interviews, this book tells the fascinating story of an iconic party leader and prime minister forced by events into making more concessions... more
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      Modern IrelandConservative PartyBritish and Irish HistoryModern Britain
In the late summer of 1798 and through the following year, the forces of the British Crown stationed in the west of Ireland were in hot pursuit of Father Manus Sweeney [an tAthair Manus Mac Suibhne]. Escaping into remote regions of west... more
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      Cultural HistoryIrish StudiesFolkloreLocal History
Abstract published on Tax Justice network Blog april 10th 2017: Tax haven blacklisting in Latin America As governments (slowly) get to grips with... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American politicsTaxationBusiness Taxation
Przedmiotem niniejszej monografii jest wpływ procesu pokojowego w Irlandii Północnej na poziom bezpieczeństwa regionu Wysp Brytyjskich. Praca obejmuje genezę stosunków brytyjsko-irlandzkich od XVI w., ewolucję pozycji Irlandii w polityce... more
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      TerrorismBritish HistoryInternational SecurityNorthern Ireland: Unionism & Loyalism
This article was the first in a series written about Protestant decline in County Cork, and particularly, West Cork based on the release of the 1911 census online which showed the complex nature of the Protestant population in Cork. The... more
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      HistoryDemographyIrish StudiesHistorical Demography
These structuralist and behaviourist attitudes displayed by the P-CROs (Peace -Conflict Resolution Organizations) 1 studied, paralleled the wider academic debate surrounding the dynamics of the Northern Ireland conflict and possible... more
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      Northern Ireland LiteratureIrish StudiesIrish LiteratureNorthern Ireland: Unionism & Loyalism
Throughout the 19th century, a series of British legal and economic restrictions of Irish fishing practices were enacted with the intent to replace indigenous vernacular boats with vessels that conformed more closely to British aesthetic... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyColonialism
An unprecedented gathering of the correspondence of one of the great writers of twentieth century, the Collected Letters of Flann O’Brien presents an intimate look into the life and thought of Brian O’Nolan, a prolific author of novels,... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Flann O'Brien
A snapshot of the Irish Republican Army in the War of Independence at the date of the truce on 11 July 1921.
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      Irish StudiesIrish PoliticsIrish HistoryModern Ireland
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      Gender and SexualityModern Ireland
The The Morality of the Mini Skirt A survey of attitudes and discussions of the miniskirt in Ireland 1963-1970 All rights reserved Isabelle Duff 2017 For many historians hailing from a generation of second wave feminism, the study of... more
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      Popular CultureFashion HistoryModern IrelandSocial History
Historians in southern Ireland, who examine the interaction of religion with social and political policy, tend to fixate on the Roman Catholic Church. Southern Protestants plus their socio-economic, political and religious interactions... more
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      Irish StudiesHistoriographyIrish PoliticsNorthern Irish Politics
The Betting Act 1926 legalised cash betting in Ireland and led to the appearance, for the first time, of the legally regulated and licenced betting office. The introduction of this legislation was a pragmatic step, designed to eradicate... more
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      HistoryModern IrelandGambling
This dissertation addresses the significance of Brexit for unionist political identity in Northern Ireland. It builds upon a constructivist approach to identity and applies the theory of ontological security (OST) to unionist political... more
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      International RelationsConstructivismNorthern Ireland: Unionism & LoyalismEuropean Union
INTRODUCTION OPPONENTS of the Northern Ireland government accuse it of operating a police state. The Ulster Unionists, who have held control for nearly half a century, make automatic denial each time this charge is urged.... more
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      HistorySociologyPolitical SociologyIrish Studies
This PhD thesis examines strategies of resistance employed by IRA prisoners in opposition to criminalization processes in the post 1981 H-Blocks of Long Kesh. It examines the nature and extent of state criminalization processes in the... more
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      SociologyCriminologyIrish StudiesSocial Sciences
The EMBERS of REVISIONISM Essays critiquing creationist Irish history and Roy Foster on Ken Loachʼs The WIND that SHAKES the BARLEY Niall Meehan & Brian P Murphy Contents THE EMBERS OF REVISIONISM Critiquing Creationist Irish... more
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      ReligionIrish StudiesMedia StudiesCensorship
"An analysis and critique of the controversy and debate surrounding the publication in 1998 of a history of the War of Independence in West Cork. The allegation that sectarianism was a feature of Irish republican ideology and action... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryMedia SociologySociology of Conflict
As the dominant intellectual figure in the early Irish protestant church, James Ussher played a key role in defining its sense of identity in Ireland. He created an 'origin myth' for the Church of Ireland,, giving it historical... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureEarly Modern HistoryReformation History
"I reviewed an edited collection, Terror in Ireland, 1916-23 (Lilliput, 2012) for Reviews in History (published 16 August 2012); available, with responses, here (, plus at... more
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      CriminologyIrish StudiesTerrorismBritish History
A definitive study of the remembrance of the popular Irish ballad ‘Roddy McCorley’ illustrates the dynamics of social forgetting of the 1798 rebellion in Ulster, which oscillate between decommemorating and re-commemorating. The discussion... more
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      Irish StudiesFolkloreHistory and MemoryNorthern Ireland: Unionism & Loyalism
Guest Editor of "Studi irlandesi. A journal of Irish Studies", issue VII on "Resistance in Modern Ireland" (Florence University Press) in June 2017.
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureIrish PoliticsNorthern Irish Politics
This article examines mythical musings and scholarly arguments over whether Buddhism had entered ancient Ireland. Romantic-era antiquarians proposed that Buddhist missionaries transmitted the dharma to the "Western Isles"; Yeats and Joyce... more
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      BuddhismIrish StudiesJames JoyceMedieval Studies
In 2017 Robin Bury's Buried Lives directly criticised previous scholarship by Professor David Fitzpatrick on Protestant decline in Ireland during the revolutionary period between 1911 and 1926. This paper examines the accuracy of Bury's... more
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      DemographyIrish StudiesNorthern Ireland: Unionism & LoyalismIrish History
Traversing the Imaginary: Richard Kearney and the Postmodern Challenge. SPEP series at Northwestern University Press, 2007 (co-edited with Peter Gratton).
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      Post Modern LiteraturePolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryContinental Philosophy