Modern Egypt
Recent papers in Modern Egypt
Mohannad Sabry's book is a comprehensive analysis that substantially illuminates the sociopolitical conditions and developments in the Sinai Peninsula, an area which, until February 2011, suffered from an almost absolute media blackout.
This article uses Spain's participation at the Cairo Congress of Arab Music (1932) as the basis to raise questions pertaining to the place of Arab music in the racial imagination of Europeans. It argues that Spain's unique response to the... more
“Food, Hunger, and Rebellion: Egypt in World War I and its Aftermath,” in Justin Nordstrom, ed., The Provisions of War: Expanding the Boundaries of Food and Conflict, 1840-1990, Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 161-176. ISBN:... more
Presenter/Producer: Annabelle Quince The Suez Canal is one of the world’s most vital trade routes. It’s the shortest sea link between Asia and Europe and about 12% of global trade passes through it each year. But the Canal is situated in... more
Arab Patriotism presents the essential backstory to the formation of the modern nation-state and mass nationalism in the Middle East. While standard histories claim that the roots of Arab nationalism emerged in opposition to the Ottoman... more
The parliament elections are now finished, and the problem of setting the new constitution is now rising especially because the islamists have gained the majority of the parliament. It has been along debate between the Liberal and the... more
Hai Weiliang a.k.a. Badr al-Din (Hayy) al-Sini (1912–?), a Chinese Muslim from rural Hunan, led a deeply transnational life. Hai was the only Chinese Muslim known to have studied in both India and Egypt in the modern period, spending... more
In Proceedings of the ICLA XXI Congress, Vol. 4: Rhetoric of Topics and Forms, ed. Gianna Zocco. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021. 341-352.
يستعرض هذا البحث وباء الكوليرا في مصر عام 1883 ودور الأجانب من اطباء وعلماء وصحفيين في مواجهة الوباء طبيا وعلميا وكذلك بتسجيل الاحداث الجارية بمدن مصر المختلفة. كما يستعرض البحث أثر الوباء على المصالح التجارية البريطانية خاصة وأنه قد بدأ... more
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 10 (2008): 1-37. This essay examines the conceptual development of Egyptian museums from the mid-nineteenth to the early twenty-first century. It is particularly concerned with the... more
مكمنُ تفرُّد هذه النسخة، أنها الطبعة الأولى والوحيدة -خلال قرن ونيف- «المطابِقَة» لأقدم أصل مطبوع، أمكَن العثور عليه لجريدتنا الغراء. وهي النسخة المطبوعة بمطبعة التوفيق في بيروت، لصاحبها نسيب صبرا، سنة 1328هـ ق (نحو 1910م). وتكشِفُ لنا... more
The 1919 anti-colonial revolution is a key moment in modern Egyptian history and a historical reference point in Egyptian culture through the century. Dina Heshmat argues that literature and film have played a central role in the making... more
Togo Mizrahi, an Egyptian-born Jew, established a movie studio and production company in Alexandria, and became one of the most prolific filmmakers in Egypt in the 1930s and 40s. Films produced in Mizrahi’s Alexandria studio between 1934... more
In B. Effros and Guolong Lai (eds), Unmasking Ideology in Imperial and Colonial Archaeology: Vocabulary, Symbols, and Legacy, 173-200. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, 2018.... more
This article is in two parts. The first part provides an overview of the life of the Egyptian feminist Doria Shafik by drawing extensively on the work of her biographer Cynthia Nelson. This allows readers unfamiliar with Shafik to... more
This essay looks at two early essays on Shakespeare by Greek-Egyptian poet Constantine Cavafy, as well as his unpublished poem "King Claudius." The critical approach is postcolonial: Cavafy at that time (the 1890s) had recently begun... more
Art and Architecture I 239 traditions and political structures, pushing people to reevaluate one's life values and lifestyle. On any Wednesday evening at about 7:00 P.M., one can experience new authors reading excerpts or parts of newly... more
Les travaux d’Émile Prisse d’Avennes (1807-1879), figure savante qui a accompagné la naissance de l’égyptologie, constituent une entreprise scientifique de très large envergure, qui embrasse aussi bien les vestiges de l’Égypte ancienne et... more
In May 1851, the Great Exhibition opened in London. By the time it closed its doors five months later, British designers and educators were already taking stock of its accomplishments and failures. It had been a grandiose display of... more
Under the impulse of the Comité de conservation des monuments de l’art arabe, architect Max Herz Bey expressed the idea in 1897 of creating a museum for the Christian antiquities. With the support of Patriarch Cyril V, the site selection... more
Conventional narratives of world architecture devote little attention – if any at all ! - to modernism in Egypt, beyond the “invention of vernacular” pursued all his life long by the talented Hassan Fathy (1900-1989). Of late recognition,... more
(abstract/introduction). The “Spanish influenza” pandemic that struck Egypt in fall 1918 resulted in the death of eleven out of every one thousand people. Despite the mass suffering caused by the pandemic it has been largely ignored by... more
In this article, I argue that audiocassette technology decentralized state-controlled Egyptian media long before the advent of al-Jazeera and the Internet. By enabling any citizen to become a cultural producer, as opposed to a mere... more
Dissertation front matter, with abstract and table of contents. (Full text embargoed for publication).
In W. Carruthers (ed.), Histories of Egyptology: Interdisciplinary Measures, 141-156. London: Routledge, 2015.
The Greek newspaper 'Kathimerini' wrote ahead of the paper's publication: "A different view is expected from Alexander Kazamias, a political scientist in Britain. 'Most Greeks left Egypt before and after the Nasserite period, not during... more
Solo, improvised, torso-articulated dance, usually referred to in English as belly dance, is a fundamental part of the dance vernacular of many Middle Eastern cultures, yet is conspicuously unclaimed by national governments. The cultural... more
ريفيو عن كتاب
روبير الفارس، المجلات القبطية: دراسة تاريخية ومختارات، تقديم نيفين مسعد، واسحق
الباجوشي، روافد للنشر والتوزيع، القاهرة، 2021 ، 511 صفحة، 150 جنية )بعد خصم معرض
روبير الفارس، المجلات القبطية: دراسة تاريخية ومختارات، تقديم نيفين مسعد، واسحق
الباجوشي، روافد للنشر والتوزيع، القاهرة، 2021 ، 511 صفحة، 150 جنية )بعد خصم معرض
In transnational historical labour movement studies, the African anarchist / syndicalist movement is as under-studied as those of Central or South-East Asia and the Caribbean. This is despite the fact that the movement arose in Egypt in... more