Moderating and Mediating Effects

123 papers
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Moderating and mediating effects refer to the influence of a third variable on the relationship between two other variables. A moderator alters the strength or direction of this relationship, while a mediator explains the process through which one variable affects another, thereby clarifying the underlying mechanism.
Öz İş-yaşam dengesi ve yaşam tatmini arasındaki ilişkiyi araştıran çalışmalar ilgili yazında artarak devam etmektedir. Özellikle çift kariyerli aile yapısının giderek arttığı günümüzde, iş-yaşam dengesi ve bu dengenin bireylerin yaşam... more
Nowadays, firms are increasingly challenged to bridge potentially conflicting economic interests of primary commercial stakeholders and sustainability demands from secondary non-commercial stakeholder groups. While a number of firms... more
by Ufuk Türen and 
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In this study, we scrutinize the effect of inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Human Development Level (HDL) on National Innovation Capability (NIC). Data from 123 countries are employed for multivariate statistical analyses. We... more
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1. Introduction: As a result of the competitive business environment in the service sector, customer satisfaction has attained critical importance for the corporations, a phenomenon which has resulted in the raise of the standards as... more
459 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This study examines the empirical impacts of moderating (MO) and mediating (ME) variables in business research, within the context of auditing... more
Knowledge Management (KM) process; knowledge creation and knowledge sharing. The KM processes were operationalized through knowledge creation theory (SECI process). Data were collected from 313 executives in the Sri Lankan... more
A main point of this study was that successful workplace learning is depended on workplace environment and its relationship with job performance will be improved in certain organizational culture values and practices. We hypothesized that... more
The present study aimed to explore the effects of psychological needs on the relationship of peer victimization and anxiety. Methods: A sample of 889 4th, 5th and 6th primary school students in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region were... more
Organizational citizenship and organizational identification concepts are those, which are supposed to increase the employee’s commitment and productivity. Thus, these are being cited much nowadays. Researchers noted that as the... more
Introduction. Middle-aged Koreans are constantly looking for jobs in order to re-employ, despite the insecurity of declining job quality and wage levels. In order to be re-employed, it is necessary to improve job-search skills. As a way... more
ÖZET Bu araştırmada çalışanların olumlu benlik algılarının iş tatminleri üzerindeki etkisinde işlerini yerine getirirken gösterdikleri doğal duygusal emeklerinin ve yenilikçi davranışlarının rolü incelenmiştir. 178 çalışandan anket... more
Human Resources Management (HRM) Practices and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability of enterprise are considered one of the most important factors contributing competitive advantage. This study aims to reveal not only... more
""Normative beliefs tend to play a significant role in the context of online buying, having both direct and moderating effects. The results of the structural equation modeling indicate a direct effect of normative beliefs on the... more