The general objective of the study is to investigate the effect of Mobile Banking Innovations on Financial Inclusion among Jua Kali Traders in Eastleigh Market, Nairobi City County. The study seeks to address the following specific... more
This study investigated the relationship between brand identity, brand lifestyle congruence, brand satisfaction, and repurchase intention. In addition, this study examined how the primary reference group’s family and peer/friend affected... more
This study examines the relationship between perceived occupational stress and work-home interactions, focusing on the moderating role of coping mechanisms, and comparing on-site and off-site/hybrid employees. The sample comprises 113... more
Introduction. As family caregiving for the elderly was reaching its limit due to the continuing increase in the elderly population, day care can be said to be an intermediate stage between home care and facility care, and a system that... more
Dating anxiety (i.e., anxiety experienced when initiating and/or maintaining a romantic connection) is prevalent in the college student population. Dating anxiety may contribute to psychological distress and diminished life satisfaction... more
Book Name: Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi ve Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar
Editors: Yonca Gürol, Tuğba Karaboğa
ISBN: 978-625-417-243-4
Editors: Yonca Gürol, Tuğba Karaboğa
ISBN: 978-625-417-243-4
This cross-sectional research aimed to explore how intolerance of uncertainty and hope predict subjective well-being in adults, while accounting for demographic and other relevant psychological variables. The sample consisted of 822... more
This article explored the mediating and moderating factors of financial technology (FinTech) adoption for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) innovations. A systematic literature review (SLR) was performed as a study method. The current... more
Employees’ perception of their job and organization is believed to influence service quality (SQ). Hence, this study aims to integrate a mediating and moderating model to improve SQ through job involvement (JI), job satisfaction (JS), and... more
This study examines the moderating effects of financial leverage on the relationships among earnings quality, ownership structure, and firm value within the non-financial sectors of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NGX). Using a sample of 78... more
Risk management is a prevalent concept that underlines the value of providing good quality control and risk management functions to effectively monitor the corporate risk management framework. Previously, the MCCG 2007 mandated listed... more
Duygusal sermaye bir kişinin doğuştan itibaren aile çevresinde, okulda, işte, sosyal yaşamda biriktirdiği kişisel, sosyal, profesyonel ve örgütsel gelişimi için yararlı olan kaynaklar olarak açıklanmaktadır. Performans artırmadaki... more
Employees’ perception of their job and organization is believed to influence service quality (SQ). Hence, this study aims to integrate a mediating and moderating model to improve SQ through job involvement (JI), job satisfaction (JS), and... more
This study sought to compare the fat, sugar, and sodium content in commonly consumed bakery bread distributed in Korea and compare these to their chronic disease risk reduction intake (CDRR) values. Samples of 13 different types of bakery... more
This study investigated the effect of ownership structure and board educational qualification on audit quality of listed non-financial companies in Nigeria. The study used an Expost-facto research design. Secondary data were gathered from... more
This study explores the effects of facemasks on respiratory, thermoregulatory, cardiovascular responses during exercise on a treadmill and at rest. Five male subjects (25.8 ± 0.8 y, 171.8 ± 9.2 cm in height, 79.8 ± 28.1 kg in weight)... more
The prime concern of the current research effort is to assess the role of social media marketing efforts to explain the consumer-based brand equity among the restaurant industry of the United Arab Emirates. The study incorporated the... more
The source and transport of the severe Asian dust event (ADE) recently observed in the Korean peninsula were analyzed based on observations (surface weather charts and satellite data) and modeling study (WRF-CMAQ modeling systems). The... more
Bu çalışmada hizmet sektöründe tedarik zinciri yönetimi kavramları ve modelleri ile hizmet sektöründe tedarik zinciri yönetiminin bilgi teknolojileri, hizmet performansı ve alıcı firma performansıyla ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Bu... more
This paper seeks to examine whether the characteristics of the audit committee impact the timely reporting represented by audit report lag (ARL), firm-based abnormal audit report lag (FAARL), and industry-based audit reports lag (IAARL).... more
The title of this study is an analysis of the effect of corporate characteristics and auditor characteristics on the audit fee. The study aims to prove that the audit fee is influenced by the company characteristics (company size,... more
In order to provide basic data for designing the outdoor exercise environment to promote the health of the citizens, this study has analyzed the status of citizens' use of outdoor exercise places that have been supplied extensively... more
Smoke-free policy in indoor public places has been implemented to reduce secondhand smoke exposure in many countries. We performed a systematic review to assess the effects of indoor smoking ban on the public health. Using a prespecified... more
Bu araştırmada, kaynakların korunması teorisi temel alınarak psikolojik sermayenin duygusal bağlılık üzerindeki etkisinde duygusal emeğin aracı rolü incelenmektedir. Buna bağlı olarak 392 öğretmenden kolayda örneklem yöntemiyle veriler... more
This study investigates the relationship between the three dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and guests' likelihood of revisiting the same hotel. Corporate social responsibility can be divided into three main categories:... more
The environmental awareness movement that started towards the end of the twentieth century has continued expanding. Recycling, or reusing waste materials as raw materials in manufacturing with varied methods, is an essential subject for... more
Mugwort (Artemisia princeps) is a medicinal plant that has a substance called euphatilin, which is effective for cell damage and gastritis recovery. The objectives of this study were to investigate the annual growth characteristics of... more
The development of this dissertation allowed me to potentiate my competencies and to take my resilience a step forward. It contributed for the consolidation of time management skills as well as to let me see how hard work and focus lead... more
This aim of this study is to examine the change of body temperature(tympanic and mean skin temperature) and inflammatory marks (CRP, TNF-α) wearing fire fighting equipment in high temperature and to provide the basic date for the safety... more
ÖZ: Çalışmanın amacı, ev tekstili üretim işletmesinin kaplama bölümündeki süreçlerin otomasyon sistemine aktarılması ile kalite performansının ne şekilde değişeceğini araştırmaktır. Toplam kalitenin şirketlerde verimliliği ne ölçüde... more
The agency issues between shareholders and management push corporate governance issues into limelight. Our study's objective is to examine the consequences of board characteristics on a firm's financial performance. Board size,... more
The lack of clarity related to the concept of emotional labor has impeded its development regardless of the conspicuous importance of emotional labor for the external and internal environments which include the employees, organizations,... more
The study focuses on whether the Corporate Governance characteristics influence the firm performance of Non-Financial Firms in Pakistan. In this study, three types of industries like pharmaceutical, cement, and food were analyzed from the... more
The negative relationship between fear of COVID-19 and well-being has been revealed over the last years. However, the potential variables that affect this relationship need to be studied. This study examines the sequential mediating role... more
In this study, the mediating role of organizational identification in the effect of perceived organizational support on employee performance was examined. In this context, data were collected from 414 participants working in banks in... more
Analysis of User Satisfaction of Academic Digital Library: An Empirical Model with Mediating Effects
The role of Academic Digital library (DL) in our educational system has becoming of paramount important in bringing education knowledge and information closer and faster to academic users. Moreover, through the fast-changing development... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, yabancılaşma algısının işten ayrılma niyetine etkisinde duygusal zekânın aracılık rolünü incelemektir. Araştırma Denizli'de faaliyet gösteren iki alışveriş merkezi (AVM) çalışanları üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada... more
This dataset aims to examine the effect of Organizational Commitment (OC) factors on Job Performance (JP) and Job Satisfaction (JS) at Islamic schools in Indonesia. The data propose that OC factors (Affective Commitment (AC), Normative... more
This dataset aims to examine the effect of Organizational Commitment (OC) factors on Job Performance (JP) and Job Satisfaction (JS) at Islamic schools in Indonesia. The data propose that OC factors (Affective Commitment (AC), Normative... more
In the previous results, we developed an effective products to apply as functional foods for overcome of radiation damage and reduction of side effects in radiotherapy. To verify the prevention of UVB-induced immunosuppression of immune... more
Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi (İKY), kuruluşlarda sürdürülebilir rekabet avantajı sağlanması için insan faktörünün işletme süreçlerinde en önemli faktör olarak görülmesini önermektedir. Bu süreçler arasında işletmelerde uygulanan... more
Örgütlerin yaptığı işlerde başarılı olması ve ortaya koyduğu hedeflere ulaşması için çalışanların katkılarının payı büyüktür. Bunun doğal sonucu olarak örgütler beşeri sermayeye giderek artan şekilde ya t ı rı m yapmaya başlamıştır.... more
This study aims to provide critical managerial implications for human resource (HR) practitioners at private-sector organizations from an emerging economy perspective. The study helps to optimize organizational commitment in the... more
Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, öz-şefkatin görev performansı üzerindeki etkisinde psikolojik sermayenin dolaylı bir etkiye (aracı etki) sahip olup olmadığını belirlemektir. Zaman ve maliyet kısıtları nedeniyle kolayda örnekleme yönteminin... more
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, kamu hastanesinde görev yapan personelin psikolojik sermaye düzeylerinin tükenmişlikleri üzerindeki etkisinde öz-şefkat düzeylerinin dolaylı bir etkiye (aracı rol) sahip olup olmadığını belirlemektir. İlgili... more
In last few decades, employees ’ job related attitudes and behaviors have remained topics of considerable interest in the fields of organizational behavior and human resource management. This study aims to explore the impact of... more
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between pedagogical knowledge competence (PKC) and organizational citizenship (OC) among secondary teachers, considering the potential moderating effects of the teacher's profile. Using a... more
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between pedagogical knowledge competence (PKC) and organizational citizenship (OC) among secondary teachers, considering the potential moderating effects of the teacher’s profile. Using a... more
Purpose-The purpose of this article is to examine the factors that influence turnover intentions by examining the effect of congruent internal marketing on turnover intentions among restaurant employees in North Cyprus. The study also... more