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From the 90's, the telecommunications service creation industry has undergone radical change. Services have shifted from being based on a switching environment to being mainly based on software. To remain competitive in these new dynamic... more
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      Enterprise ArchitectureTelecommunicationsDomain Specific LanguagesModel Driven Engineering
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentSoftwareModel Driven Engineering
The definition and construction of complex computer-based systems require not just software engineering knowledge, but also many other domainspecific techniques to ensure many system's functional and non-functional properties. Hence,... more
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      Software EngineeringModel Driven EngineeringCode GenerationDomain Specificity
Model-driven Engineering (MDE) has attained great importance in both the Software Engineering industry and the research community, where it is now widely used to provide a suitable approach with which to improve productivity when... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware MeasurementSoftware QualityModel Driven Engineering
A collection of user interface design patterns for workflow information systems is presented. Each Workflow User Interface Pattern (WUIP) is characterized by properties expressed in the PLML markup language for expressing patterns and... more
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      User Centred DesignBusiness Process ImprovementBusiness Process ModelingUser Interface
Safety-critical systems are widely used in different domains and lead to an increasing complexity. Such systems rely on specific services such space and time isolation as in the ARINC653 avionics standard. Their criticality requires a... more
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      SimulationSystem EngineeringModel Driven EngineeringNon Functional Requirement
Embedded software development relies on various tools-compilers, simulators, execution time estimators-that encapsulate a more-or-less detailed knowledge of the target hardware platform. These tools can be costly to develop and maintain:... more
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      Computer ScienceArchitectureSimulationModel Driven Engineering
This paper introduces the Object-Oriented Hypermedia Function Points (OO-HFP), which is a functional size measurement procedure for Web projects developed using the Object-Oriented Hypermedia (OO-H) method. This method provides... more
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      Computer ScienceWeb EngineeringSoftware MeasurementModel Driven Engineering
In this paper, we propose an approach to translate the SysML language to VHDL-AMS code. This approach is first step to the generation of the VHDL-AMS code from the structural diagrams SysML. In this step, we address the block definition... more
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      Model Driven EngineeringCase StudyCode GenerationAtlas Transformation Language (ATL)
With the emergence of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), the increasing complexity in development and operation demands for an efficient engineering process. In the recent years DevOps promotes closer continuous integration of system... more
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      Software EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceModel-Driven DevelopmentMachine Learning
Business Intelligence or Decision Support System (DSS) is IT for decision-makers and business leaders. It describes the means, the tools and the methods that make it possible to collect, consolidate, model and restore the data, material... more
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      Model-Driven EngineeringBusiness IntelligenceNoSQLModel Driven Engineering
Satellite systems are becoming even more complex, making technical issues a significant cost driver. The increasing complexity of these systems makes requirements engineering activities both more important and more difficult.... more
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      Model Driven EngineeringRequirement EngineeringErLife Cycle
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringModel-Driven DevelopmentTelecommunications
Effective critical infrastructure protection requires methodologies and tools for the automated evaluation of the vulnerabilities of assets and the efficacy of protection systems. This paper presents a modeling language for vulnerability... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringComputer ScienceBayesian Networks
Based on top of Web protocols and XML language, Web services are emerging as a framework to provide applicationto-application interaction. An important challenge is their integration in order to provide new value-added composite services,... more
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      Service Oriented ArchitectureWeb ServicesBPELModel Driven Engineering
Automation industry is experiencing a boom in the deployment of FPGA based controlling systems, which beat the run-time characteristics and behavior of microprocessors-based systems and which will bring new possibilities to the sector.... more
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      Software DevelopmentHardware Description LanguagesField-Programmable Gate ArraysNew Technology
This paper presents our contribution to the specification and conception of interactive systems. In this framework, the TOOD+ method (Task Oriented Object Design) proposed in this paper relies on a generic model and based for its... more
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      Computer ScienceHCIAir traffic controlUML
The ecosystem of the Internet of Things is a set of physical devices such as sensors and actuators. It includes a set of servers and gateways that provide connectivity. These devices can be installed at three levels: the edge level, the... more
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      Model Driven EngineeringInternet of Things (IoT)Model Driven ArchitectureMicroservices
Model transformations are one of the core technologies needed to apply OMG's model driven engineering concept for the construction of real world systems. Several formalisms are currently proposed for the specification of these model... more
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      Software EngineeringGraph TransformationModel Driven EngineeringModel Transformation
A user interface description language (UIDL) consists of a specification language that describes various aspects of a user interface under development. A comparative review of some selected user interface description languages is produced... more
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      User Centred DesignUser InterfaceModel Driven EngineeringUser Interface Description Language
UML-based approaches provide abstraction to deal with the high complexity of embedded applications and when combined with Model-driven Engineering can also provide automation trough automatic code generation. This paper presents an... more
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      Embedded SoftwareModel Driven EngineeringCase StudyCode Generation
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceModel Driven EngineeringComputer Software
Model driven engineering community proposes the concepts and the tools to design more easily software applications. Complementary to the elements proposed, the use of a functional approach becomes more and more important in the field of... more
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      Model Driven EngineeringModel TransformationDomain specific language
Ce travail s'articule autour de trois grands axes : le premier axe décrit le fonctionnement du processus de production d'énergie électrique ainsi que les chaînes de régulation actuelles. Le second axe concerne l'étude critique visant à... more
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      Electrical EngineeringModeling and SimulationAutomatic ControlElectrical
Automotive  diagnosis by Mechatronics  Engineering
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechatronicsAutonomous RoboticsTheory Of Mechanisms
Abstract The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is meant to facilitate system development by using models for representing both the¿ problem¿ and its¿ solution¿. In its ideal form, software development based on MDA would follow a development... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentMethod Engineering
Abstract: The gap between the demand for complex system software and the supply of this demand has widened. This distance and complexity of software design has led software engineers to find a solution to these two problems as a crisis.... more
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      Model-Driven EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentSoftware ArchitectureSoftware Reuse
Nowadays, companies face more and more the problem of managing, maintaining, evolving or replacing their existing software systems. Reverse Engineering is the required phase of obtaining various representations of these systems to provide... more
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      Software EngineeringModel-Driven EngineeringReverse EngineeringModel Driven Engineering
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      Energy ConsumptionSystem DesignOPERATING SYSTEMOpen Source
Titre : Knowledge-based system for collaborative process specification
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      Distributed ComputingComputer Aided DesignKnowledge Based SystemModel Driven Engineering
Ubiquitous computing has amplified the need for interactive systems to be able to adapt to their context of use (<User, Platform, Environment>) while preserving usability. This property is called plasticity. Until now, efforts have been... more
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      User InterfaceModel Driven EngineeringModel TransformationMeta-model
The competitive market forces organizations to be agile and flexible so as to react robustly to complex events. Modeling helps managing this complexity. However, in order to model an enterprise, many stakeholders, with different... more
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      Information SystemsEnterprise ArchitectureTelecommunicationsDomain Specific Languages
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      RIch Internet ApplicationsModel Driven EngineeringUsiXML
In the era of information, humanity produces huge quantities of data measured in terms of terabytes or petabytes that is yet growing exponentially with time. This situation led to the emergence of a large number of big data systems and... more
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      Model-Driven EngineeringModel Driven EngineeringBig DataBig Data Analytics
Testing software in air traffic control systems costs much more than building them. Software engineers strive to find methodological and process-level solutions to balance costs and to better distribute verification efforts among all... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringSoftware Process Improvement and AssessmentSoftware Testing
Currently, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is considered one of the most promising approaches for software development. In this paper, a simple but complete example based on state-machines will be used to demonstrate the benefits of this... more
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      Software DevelopmentModel Driven EngineeringUnified Modelling LanguageLiquid State Machine
The workshop OCLApps 2006 was organized as a part of MoDELS/UML Conference in Genova, Italy. It continues the series of five OCL (Object Constraint Language) workshops held at previous UML/MoDELS conferences between 2000 - 2005. Similar... more
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      Model CheckingModelingSemantic WebProlog
Software development process has a several challenges for development teams, challenges such as to understand business or client requirements and to provide global solutions covering all the organizational enviroment, keeping down the... more
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      Model-Driven DevelopmentModel-Driven EngineeringModel-Driven Analysis and DesignModel Driven Engineering
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      Computer ScienceSoftware TestingSoftware DevelopmentReliability Engineering
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringModel-Driven DevelopmentService Design
As software evolution researchers, we are well aware of two facts, formulated even as laws back in 1976 by Belady and Lehman: First, successful software systems are subjected to continuous change -in fact, the competetive advantage of a... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSoftware EngineeringRelational DatabaseConflict Resolution
Organization-based Multiagent Systems are a promising way to develop complex multiagent systems. However, it is still difficult to create large multiagent organizations from scratch. Multiagent organizations created using current AOSE... more
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      Multi Agent SystemModel Driven EngineeringAgent Oriented Software EngineeringUnified Modelling Language
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
Software development is witnessing the increasing need of version management techniques for supporting the evolution of model-based artefacts. In this respect, metamodels can be considered one of the basic concepts of Model-Driven... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentHigher Order ThinkingModel Driven Engineering
The paper extends the AUTOSAR meta-model to enable feasibility predictions on the provision of faulttolerant support for application components. We focus on a fault-tolerant support based on software replication techniques. The meta-model... more
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      Software ArchitectureModel Driven EngineeringCase StudyMeta-model
RÉSUMÉ. Aujourd&#39;hui, la transformation de modèles est unanimement reconnue comme étant au cœur des approches de l&#39;ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (MDE, Model Driven Engineering). Malgré la multitude de langages de... more
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      Model Driven EngineeringModel TransformationModel Driven Architecture
Preface VII conference. Dominik Madon did a superb job in organizing an attractive tutorial program. Luigi Zaffalon took on the difficult task of preparing the industrial track. We would also like to thank Dirk Craeynest and Ahlan... more
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      TurtleModel Driven EngineeringModel TransformationReal Time Embedded Systems
Domain modeling promotes the description of various facets of information systems by a coordinated set of domain-specific languages (DSL). Some of them have visual/graphical and other may have textual concrete syntaxes. Model Driven... more
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      Visual LanguageModel Driven EngineeringModel TransformationCase Study
Context: Managing Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) in software projects is challenging, and projects that adopt Model-Driven Development (MDD) are no exception. Although several methods and techniques have been proposed to face this... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringModel-Driven DevelopmentRequirements Engineering
Nowadays, the magnitude of data generated daily through the technological environment has increased enormously. This massive amount of heterogeneous data led to the emergence of a large number of big data systems and technologies that... more
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      Model-Driven EngineeringModel Driven EngineeringBig DataBig Data Analytics