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The observation, analysis and construction of cities and forms of mobility are not always in step with the complexity of urban systems and changes in contemporary societies. It is possible to use time as a key to reading the functioning... more
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      DesignDesign for Social InnovationRhythmUrbanism
Final report on the transnational South Sudan Diaspora Impacts Project (Juba, Melbourne & Cambridge)
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      MobilityRemittancesTransnationalitySouth Sudan
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      YogaDancingExercise therapyMuscle strength
Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through... more
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      ArchaeologyMobility/MobilitiesMedieval StudiesPilgrimage
Historical, artefactual and place-name evidence indicates that Scandinavian migrants moved to eastern England in the ninth century AD, settling in the Danelaw. However, only a handful of characteristically Scandinavian burials have been... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisBioarchaeologyAnthropology of MobilityMigration
We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistorySocial Movements
This paper comparatively analyses the impact and functionality of the Federal Recognition Act as well as the external examination. Both approaches can foster labour mobility into and within the German labour market. Focusing on horizontal... more
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      MobilityLabour MarketUpskilling
The Internet Protocol (IP) is currently used to provide internetworking among heterogeneous access networks. However, the evolution of and the innovation within these networks is greatly hindered by the geographical and topological... more
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      Computer ScienceFuture Internet ArchitectureInternet Routing ProtocolMobility
Starting from the approach proposed by Schluter and Trede we develop a continuous and alternative measure of mobility which first, allows to identify mobility over different parts of the earnings distribution and second, to distinguish... more
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      MobilityInequalityGini IndexIndexation
A systematic review and meta-analysis to determine the effect of age on lumbar range of motion (ROM). Assessment of lumbar ROM is commonly used in spinal clinical examination. Although known to reduce with advancing age, it is unclear how... more
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      AgingManual TherapyMobilityAge
An emerging problem in mission planning is consideration of the communication requirements of the mission participants. Determining the appropriate resources to satisfy the communication needs of a battle group requires detailed... more
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      Computational ModelingParallel ProgrammingStrategic PlanningSoftware Development
Mobile objects have gained a lot of attention in research and industry in the recent past, but they also have a long history. Security is one of the key requirements of mobile objects, and one of the most researched characteristics... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSecurityMiddlewareOPERATING SYSTEM
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease, resulting in physical and psychological distress. Little is known about the health of ALS patients in South Korea. The purpose of this study was to assess the degree of... more
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      NursingDepressionAmyotrophic Lateral SclerosisMobility
A joint design project for the 2006 MIT-Tsinghua University Beijing Urban Design Studio by Non Arkaraprasertkul, Alex H.C. Lee, Liang Sisi, Jue Wang, and Ai Yamamoto. The Beijing Studio is a Joint Program of the MIT School of Architecture... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyArchitectureChinese Studies
On 10th October 2014 (at Beursschouwburg in Brussels), a political scientist and sociologist Patrick Le Gales gave a talk 'Global Minds, Roots in the City' on his recently finished research project in which Alberta Andreotti, Francisco... more
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      Globalisation and DevelopmentUrban mobilityMobilityMotility
[Paper in Italian] The discovery of an ancient borrowing from Arabic in the domain of religion (FAKRU, the "name" of the she-camel of prophet Saleh, derived from "FA-‘AQARU..." i.e. the starting words of the quranic verses containing this... more
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      TransnationalismCosmopolitanismTuareg Pastoral NomadsHistory of the Islamic World
Since the 1970s, quotas have continually been used to control immigration to Switzerland. But the categories of foreigners subject to this quota system have changed over time, and the system itself has also undergone numerous... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyMigration StudiesMobilitySwitzerland
The key issue of the localization study is that how we can minimize the energy consumption of devices with guaranteeing high degree of accuracy. In this paper, we show that the collaboration among proxy devices with short range... more
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      Computer ScienceTopologyGlobal Positioning SystemOptimization
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      TourismMobilityConference ProceedingsGlocalisation
Purpose: This study aims to assess whether the Driving Decisions Workbook, a self-assessment instrument for older drivers, increased self-awareness and general knowledge. This study also assessed perceptions regarding its usefulness,... more
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In this paper, we present a set of optimizations for a spoken language interface for mobile devices that can improve the recognition accuracy and user interaction experience. A comparison between a speech and a graphical interface, when... more
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      Speech RecognitionUser eXperienceMobilityUsability Evaluation
The complexation properties of humic substances, the stability of the dissolved humic-metal complex, and the interaction of complex with other soil constituents determine the solubility and mobility of heavy metals. This study... more
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      KineticsMiddle EastBiological SciencesMobility
Urban mobility of the future: traffic calming in the city center Cities in all parts of the world are facing major challenges in the area of mobility. With the impulse paper, we take up central questions and show which aspects are... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesLogisticsOpen InnovationUrban mobility
Removal of antipersonnel landmines is a worldwide problem currently requiring the use of new technologies such as improved sensors and efficient mobile robots. This paper is focused on the description of a system that relies on a walking... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsMechatronicsLocalization
We carried out an international online survey about changes in everyday mobility during the COVID-19 outbreak in 21 languages, collecting more than 11,000 responses from more than 100 countries. In this paper, we present our analysis... more
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      Transportation EngineeringSustainable TransportationTransportationMobility
The messaging application WhatsApp is often adopted in urban neighbourhoods to distribute and discuss information as part of neighbourhood watch programmes. In this context, certain notions of information sharing and the cherishing this... more
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      Mobile PhonesAffect/EmotionMobilityWhatsapp
65 PERVASIVE computing
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      Distributed ComputingDistributed AlgorithmsUbiquitous ComputingIterative Methods
We tested the hypothesis that vibratory thresholds in the elderly are related to mobility. In all, 629 older persons without dementia underwent testing including 11 lower extremity performance measures and modified United Parkinson's... more
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      CognitionSkeletal muscle biologyPerformanceVibration
Event-based mobile social networks (MSNs) are a special type of MSN that has an immanently temporal common feature, which allows any smart phone user to create events to share group messaging, locations, photos, and insights among... more
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      MultimediaInternet of ThingsMobile ComputingMobility
Handheld computers are increasingly being used by hospital workers. With the integration of wireless networks into hospital information systems, handheld computers can provide the basis for a pervasive computing hospital environment; to... more
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      Information ManagementWorkplace StudiesPervasive ComputingContext-Aware Computing
Smartphones, those handheld devices that connect us via telephone and the Internet to virtually everyone and everything in the world, are becoming an integral part of everyday life. While there are significant individual and collective... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation TechnologyManagement Information Systems
This paper explores how a 'learning' algorithm can be added to UGV's by giving it the ability to test the terrain through 'feeling' using incorporated sensors, which would in turn increase its situational awareness. Once the conditions... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSituation awarenessMobilitySITUATIONAL AWARENESS
The Swedish code concerning car drivers' responsibility to give way to pedestrians was strengthened in 2000. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the short-term effects of the change in code. Another goal is to look at the effects... more
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Jusqu’au debut du xxie siecle, tres peu d’etudiants chinois venaient faire des etudes superieures en France. Ils constituent aujourd’hui la plus importante communaute etudiante etrangere issue d’un pays non francophone (ils sont 27 315 en... more
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      Chinese Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Mobility
The effect of twelve weeks of composting on the mobility and bioavailability of cadmium in six composts containing sewage sludge, wood chips and grass was studied, along with the cadmium immobilization capacity of compost. Two different... more
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      Environmental EngineeringSoilBiomassWaste Management
According to Sahih Muslim, a Sunni Muslim hadith collection, women are obliged to perform their pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina in today’s Saudi Arabia solely together with a legal male chaperone (mahram), i.e. one of their immediate... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryMigration mobilitiesAnthropology of Pilgrimage
The concept of family is a social construct, and the one used in Western countries fails to accommodate the complex systems of interaction between parenthood practices, relationships between spouses and siblings, vertical and horizontal... more
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      Kinship (Anthropology)Marriage Transactions (Anthropology of Kinship)Kinship and Relatedness (Anthropology)Translocality
Long-distance commuting (also called fly-in/fly-out or FIFO) is a system of labour-force provision for industrial operations in remote regions; e. g., at oil and gas extraction sites in the Russian Arctic. Employees commute on a... more
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      Sociology Of DevianceHuman GeographySocial GeographyAnthropology
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      ModelingProductivityVibration ControlMobility
Between 1970 and 1995, the total distance traveled by the Dutch population grew from over 100 to almost 190 billion kilometers a year. The increase in mobility is mainly due to the increase in passenger kilometers with the passenger car.... more
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      HistoryTransportationMobilityFactor analysis
Partiendo de la exploracion de los vinculos que se establecen entre las variables movilidad cotidiana, pobreza y exclusion social en un contexto de profunda segregacion funcional y socio espacial, este articulo analiza, para la ciudad de... more
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      SociologyPovertySocial ExclusionPobreza
d'Antropologia Social i Cultural 1 Resumen Existeix un ampli debat sobre la pràctica de nomadisme històric i contemporani als estats europeus. El que ens ocupa però, no és la tradició nòmada de diversos grups gitanos, ni les... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesSocial RepresentationsNomadismMobility
Although past research on the African American community has focused primarily on issues of discrimination, segregation, and other forms of deprivation, there has always been some recognition of class diversity within the black community.... more
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      Race and EthnicityDiscriminationEthnicityStratification
Partindo de uma reflexão sobre a multiplicidade disciplinar, teórica, metodológica e terminológica e utilizando uma analogia com o modelo multivariado da correlação canônica, propõe-se o rótulo Estudos Pessoa-Ambiente para englobar as... more
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      PsychologyEnvironmental PsychologyMobilityAffordance
With Malinkés of Guinea, home place lies both in the search of continuity over the time and a strong spatial anchorage.That explains why some locals from Guirlan village -in the north east of the country -say that household « never dies... more
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Difficulty in transferring, the ability to rise in and out of a bed and chair, is a common problem in older adults, particularly those residing in skilled nursing facilities. Focusing on one aspect of transferring, rising from supine to... more
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      AutonomyActivities of Daily LivingMobilityMovement
Aims/hypothesis Gait characteristics and balance are altered in diabetic patients. Little is known about possible treatment strategies. This study evaluates the effect of a specific training programme on gait and balance of diabetic... more
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      Quality of lifeRiskMuscle strengthMobility
The Baccu Locci stream catchment (Sardinia, Italy) is affected by serious As contamination as a consequence of past mining. The presence of both point and widespread sources of contamination (waste-rock dumps and flotation tailings,... more
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Phosphate compounds of Pb [e.g., pyromorphite Pb 5 (PO 4) 3-(X) where X) OH, F, or Cl] are comparatively insoluble, and inducing their formation in contaminated soils may be a means of reducing the bioavailability and chemical lability of... more
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      Environmental ScienceTransmission Electron MicroscopyMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental science and technology
Nearly a century of metal deposition adjacent to a metal refinery in Prescot, north-west England has led to highly elevated metal levels in soils at a dominantly Acer pseudoplatanus woodland, but with incongruously and perplexingly few... more
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      SpeciationEnvironmental PollutionMultidisciplinarySoil Pollution