Mobile Marketing
Recent papers in Mobile Marketing
Where there was once delineation between banking processes that a consumer could do from the both the mobile and branch account opening experience. With 70% of likely checking account applicants saying they would prefer to submit a... more
Background Patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes often find it difficult to control their blood glucose level on a daily basis because of distance or physical incapacity. With the increase in Internet-enabled smartphone use, this... more
Today's society is increasingly digitalised, with mobile smartphones being routinely carried and used by a significant percentage of the population. This provides an augmented experience for the individual that does not depend on their... more
This research looks into the factors affecting the tracking strategies of e-commerce websites. Each of these factors is analyzed into a deeper view with every factor being sought to reveal its relevance to the topic of study. The factors... more
The rapid growth in the use of smart phones and respective mobile applications has created new ways for the tourism industry to connect with their visitors while travelling. This paper proposes a taxonomy of mobile apps in tourism from... more
The purpose of this conceptual paper is to discuss four main different tools which are: mobile marketing, E-mail marketing, web marketing and marketing through social networking sites, which use to distribute e-marketing promotion and... more
This paper is about clarifying the meaning of two concepts: mobile advertising and mobile marketing. The aim is to find a term that covers the essential elements of mobile commercial communication, which is sometimes referred to as mobile... more
Telecommunication industry in India has evolved many folds starting from the era of monopolistic structure providing basic telecom services in terms of landline to the industry fuelled with intense competition of mobile services. This... more
Personal financial management is undeniably a worthwhile practice to establish a financial security during a struggling economy and make intelligent monetary decisions regardless of the plethora of spending temptations. Monitoring... more
The unique characteristics of the mobile channel (e.g., high response rate, availability at anytime and anywhere, relatively low cost) and the technology savvy generation (Generation Z) compel marketers to consider mobile along with other... more
Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium...
The following definitions are taken from accepted and identified sources.
In widely spreading digital marketing market it has paramount important to understand the digital media and know how to reach the target prospects and customers online, how to interact with them and increase the conversions, and also how... more
This article provides a direction for future research in Mobile Marketing and specifically Consumer Behavior by developing a research agenda based on a census of recent articles published between 2008 and 2010. 126 articles were... more
Etika bisnis adalah seni dan disiplin dalam menerapkan prinsip-prinsip etika untuk mengkaji dan memecahkan masalah-masalah moral yang kompleks. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, mengidentifikasikan, dan menganalisis penerapan... more
New technologies and market competition have neglected a fundamental pillar in the finished product: design. When it comes to technology, design goes beyond the "morphology" also comes to functionality, interfaces and graphics. It seems... more
Lately, with the information technology improvements and broadband internet service spreading, the speed of access to shopping sites get high. Because of these changes, companies unavoidably entered to digital environment. Thus, while... more
Lately, with the information technology improvements and broad band internet service spreading, speed of access to shopping sites get high. Because of these changes, companies unavoidably entered to digital environment. Thus, while... more
Mobile phones have evolved to be smart computers (smartphones) supporting a wide range of information services that can be accessed anytime and from (almost) anywhere. With the increasing number of users and greater incursion into... more
Exposition gegenüber Handystrahlung auf das Blut aus? Wirkt sich eine kurzfristige Exposition gegenüber Handystrahlung auf das Blut aus? Blut ist die Essenz des Lebens. Es ist nützlich, das Blut unter einem Mikroskop zu untersuchen, um... more
Today, stores equipped with smart retailing technologies (SRT) are evolving and new trends affect consumer behaviors. Customers more frequently have smart shopping experiences (SSE) using mobile applications which offers smart retailing... more
Innovative marketers can now leverage augmented reality to craft immersive brand experiences, create more interactive advertising, and enable consumers to experience products and spaces in novel ways. Augmented reality (AR) is the... more
In today's business environment, technology has become the predominant indicator of growth and competitiveness. In recent time, every business has welcomed wireless and mobile technology into their boardroom to offer their customers the... more
Owing to the unprecedented advancements in digital technologies adopted for use in marketing tourism, their use in tourism is expected only to gain momentum. The purpose of this paper is to systematically review literature published in... more
Many teachers and students in Nigerian institutions of learning find teaching and learning a herculean task and very boring because of the obsolete methods of teaching and learning in this sector of the Nigerian economy. New innovative... more
This exploratory online questionnaire-based study confirms the findings from earlier studies in the pre smart phone era regarding consumers’ negative attitudes towards mobile marketing communications. This study shows that these attitudes... more
This study aims to understand the factors contributing to consumer attitude development towards and intention to use mobile payment systems. One of major mobile network operators' mobile wallet application in Turkey was used as a proxy of... more
Over the years electronic commerce has become one of the most famous method of making money online. It has also gain ground as an accepted and used business paradigm. Electronic commerce is defined as buying and selling of product,... more
Today, technology such as AI, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, IoT, Real-time stream processing, social media, psychometrics, and wearables are radically altering the Customer Experience (CX) landscape. Sports books need to jump... more
This research focused on the consumers’ attitudes toward mobile advertising. The aim of it is to contrast the consumers’ attitudes between Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom. Mobile advertising defined by the American Marketing Association... more
In mobile environments, mobile device users access and transfer a great deal of data through the online servers. In order to enhance users’ access speed in a wireless network, decentralizing replicated servers appropriately in the network... more
The escalation and convergence of distributed networks and wireless telecommunications has created a tremendous potential platform for providing business services. In consumer markets, mobile marketing is expected to be a key growth area.... more
A company is only as strong as its weakest customer relationship and Going Mobile: Going Social shows how companies large and small can use the mobile and social media platforms to develop and foster these relationships. Much more than a... more