Bu çalışma, üniversite öğrencilerinin sınıf dışı öğrenme faaliyetleri sırasında sergiledikleri siber aylaklık davranışlarını incelemekte ve ekran süresi, çoklu görev, içsel motivasyon ve öz-düzenleme faktörlerinin etkilerine... more
Meeting the needs of all students is of crucial concern for all teachers. As technology continues to change our culture and the ways students learn, it is important for teachers to embrace new pedagogies that meet the needs of both gifted... more
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται μία εκπαιδευτική πρόταση για την διεξαγωγή έρευνας από μαθητές της δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης με απλά υλικά και με χρήση του έξυπνου κινητού τους τηλεφώνου ως βασική συσκευή για την συλλογή και την... more
The trend towards distance learning has been increasing over the last few years, especially in the academic institutions. This increase is due to enabling technology that made learning materials accessible by students and professors at... more
In order to assist in delivering of courses in distance mode at Fiji National University a mobile learning app was designed and evaluated. The main objective of this app was to provide learning support to learners who are studying in... more
Several suggestions for the use of Mobile Phone (MP) sensors in science teaching are found in the literature, and most of them focus on proposing physics experiments that can be conducted with the aid of the sensors that commonly exist in... more
This chapter addresses two forces in contemporary societies. The first is that societies today are characterized by cultural and linguistic diversity and increasing human mobility. In this complex setting, language learning has acquired... more
This paper presents a comprehensive review of LiFi-based data transmission between mobile devices. It discusses the principles of LiFi technology and its potential applications in mobile communication. The paper reviews recent... more
This paper presents a comprehensive review of LiFi-based data transmission between mobile devices. It discusses the principles of LiFi technology and its potential applications in mobile communication. The paper reviews recent... more
This paper presents a comprehensive review of LiFi-based data transmission between mobile devices. It discusses the principles of LiFi technology and its potential applications in mobile communication. The paper reviews recent... more
This paper presents a comprehensive review of LiFi-based data transmission between mobile devices. It discusses the principles of LiFi technology and its potential applications in mobile communication. The paper reviews recent... more
This paper presents a comprehensive review of LiFi-based data transmission between mobile devices. It discusses the principles of LiFi technology and its potential applications in mobile communication. The paper reviews recent... more
This paper presents a comprehensive review of LiFi-based data transmission between mobile devices. It discusses the principles of LiFi technology and its potential applications in mobile communication. The paper reviews recent... more
This paper presents a comprehensive review of LiFi-based data transmission between mobile devices. It discusses the principles of LiFi technology and its potential applications in mobile communication. The paper reviews recent... more
This paper presents a comprehensive review of LiFi-based data transmission between mobile devices. It discusses the principles of LiFi technology and its potential applications in mobile communication. The paper reviews recent... more
The continuing global surge in various cloud services, IoT, and Edge (Fog) computing has led to a sudden increase in the demand for Datacenters. By definition, a data center is a physical facility that corporations/organizations use to... more
Given the huge growth of mobile phone access in Sub Saharan Africa (Minges, 2004) some of the most innovative uses of mobile devices are now to be found in the development context (Economist, 2005). Reviews of the use of mobile... more
Frequently, research on management education does not take into account the role of Information Technology as a key resource to support teaching and learning processes. In this article, we explore the current applications of Three... more
Frequently, research on management education does not take into account the role of Information Technology as a key resource to support teaching and learning processes. In this article, the authors explore the current applications of... more
The aim of this study is to determine current tendencies regarding mobile learning in published research between 2010 and 2015. In this study, 221 articles collected from the Web of Science Core Collection database with SSCI index were... more
The aim of this study is to determine current tendencies regarding mobile learning in published research between 2010 and 2015. In this study, 221 articles collected from the Web of Science Core Collection database with SSCI index were... more
The world of instructional delivery is experiencing transformation driven by the pervasiveness of mobile device and wireless communication technologies. The soul mate of responsive design considers scenario for instructional content with... more
This study is motivated by the attempt to regulate smart phone obsession by students in a classroom environment. Experience has shown that when students are allowed to bring these gadgets into the classroom, there is disturbance,... more
Distance Learning through game-based 3D virtual learning environments has promise for helping rural and other communities that have become increasingly dependent upon online learning to meet the Next Generation Science Standards. The team... more
This study compares the STEM Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Greek and Turkish preschool teachers. The present research is a comparative descriptive study that aims to determine the STEM Pedagogical Content Knowledge of preschool... more
Mobile information technology is changing the education landscape by offering learners the opportunity to engage in asynchronous, ubiquitous instruction. While there is a proliferation of mobile content management systems being developed... more
In the traditional instructional paradigm, faculty members act like actors on a stage. They memorize their speech and deliver it to the audience, many times with very little to no interaction at all with the audience. On the other hand,... more
As higher education evolves to meet the needs of the 21 st Century learner, often with technology in an online classroom, relevant questions related to course content and delivery inevitably emerge. This paper explores some of those... more
In recent years, there have been numerous studies and pilot-projects both in Serbia and around the world, dealing with on-line learning. This paper analyzes the possibilities of online learning theoretically and empirically. The... more
Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are becoming increasing popular among students, setting out a new way to communicate, collaborate and learn. The use of portable devices has the capability to inspire new approaches to... more
The aims of this study are to determine the meaning of the term blended learning in three different domains, in corporate sector, higher education sector, and in the field of foreign language learning and teaching, and to explore the... more
The main purpose of this chapter is to give information about the Distance Education System at Anadolu University (DESA), which has nearly two million students from diverse backgrounds. By the 1990s, the number of people of postgraduate... more
Presently, people are increasingly becoming screen jugglers and frequently involving multitasking through multiple screens. The current study is focused on explaining multi-screen multitasking behavior of the younger generation in China.... more
Social media technologies have recently gained remarkable popularity in the education sector. Recent research indicated that students rely on social media for educational purposes like social networking, chatting, and knowledge sharing.... more
In recent years, there have been numerous studies and pilot-projects both in Serbia and around the world, dealing with on-line learning. This paper analyzes the possibilities of online learning theoretically and empirically. The... more
Frequently, research on management education does not take into account the role of Information Technology as a key resource to support teaching and learning processes. In this article, we explore the current applications of Three... more
Due to various influences and developments, learning nowadays must be conceived as a lifelong process that occurs within and among different formal, non-formal, and informal contexts. However, learning poses new requirements for... more
This chapter covers a five-year research project using field observations to document mobile use in different contexts. The critical incident technique is used to interrogate the observation notes, discussions, interviews and reflections.... more
"'With Tension Comes a Little Work': Motivation and Safety in Online Peer Review" investigates whether the infringement of privacy inherent in using semi-public Web 2.0 platforms disrupts students' sense of safety. Grounded in the work of... more
Online teaching has not as yet penetrated too deeply into the undergraduate culture, and most successful programs are targeted towards vocational learning or postgraduate courses. This case study details the experiences of translating a... more
Посматрано са здравственог, етичког и социјалног аспекта мобилни телефони представљају опасност за децу предшколског и школског узраста. Неопходно је указати на ризике који постоје при употреби мобилног телефона код деце старости до 10... more
Mobil eğitim uygulamalarının en temel bileşenleri olan öğrenci ve akademisyenlerin tutumları çok fazla önem arz etmektedir. Bu teknolojileri hem akademik başarılarının artırılmasında, hem de öğrenme ve öğretme etkinliklerinde çok etkili... more
Current literature on m-learning refers to the lack of studies on real use of m-learning applications and how they can compete with current desktop counterparts. The study consists of an experiment involving one hundred and twelve... more