Mobile Agent

7,502 papers
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A mobile agent is a software program that can autonomously move across different networked environments, executing tasks on behalf of a user or system. It is designed to operate independently, adapting to varying conditions and resources while facilitating distributed computing and communication.
Now a day's Heterogeneous wireless network is a promising field of research interest. Various challenges exist in this hybrid combination like load balancing, resource management and so on. In this paper we introduce a reliable load... more
The aim of this paper is to present a distributed algorithm for big data classification, and its application for Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) segmentation. We choose the well-known classification method which is the c-means method. The... more
We consider k mobile agents of limited energy that are initially located at vertices of an edge-weighted graph G and have to collectively deliver data from a source vertex s to a target vertex t. The data are to be collected by an agent... more
We consider k mobile agents of limited energy that are initially located at vertices of an edge-weighted graph G and have to collectively deliver data from a source vertex s to a target vertex t. The data are to be collected by an agent... more
Covert channel attacks utilize shared resources to indirectly transmit sensitive information to unauthorized parties. Current security mechanisms such as SELinux rely on tagging the filesystem with access control properties. However, such... more
Growing recognition of the benefits of mobile agents in distributed systems, such as military C4ISR, has led to a proliferation of mobile agent systems. However, incompatibilities between proprietary systems prevent the greater potential... more
In the past few years, mobile agent (MA) paradigm has received a great deal of attention. While MAs have generated considerable excitement in the research community, they have not translated into a significant number of real-world... more
We propose in this paper a generic architecture to support, develop, manage, and interact with agentbased applications. In this context, we detail two main components of the architecture, namely: the AES (Agent Execution System) and the... more
We present AntNet-QoS, a novel approach for Quality of Service routing which allows dynamic scheduling and forwarding among multiple packet classes in a differentiated service (DiffServ) network. The algorithm takes inspiration from the... more
Infrastructure composed of two "modules": -message transport (gray) -communicator (white) • Action (transition) pass_on is a part of the message transport module
Multilevel petrinets are proposed for facilitating flexible modeling and control of complicated dynamic processes. A metapetrinet is able not only to change the marking of a petrinet but also to reconfigure dynamically its structure. Each... more
Nowadays the information contained in networks increases constantly, and the way to access this information and to gather important data to the users becomes a tedious task. The purpose of this work is to show the use of mobile agents to... more
Entity Resolution and Data Fusion are fundamental tasks in a Data Integration process. Unfortunately, these tasks cannot be completely addressed by purely automated methods and, then, a "humanin-the-loop" approach, i.e., the interaction... more
The traditional learning paradigm invoving face-to-face interaction with students is shifting to highly data-intensive electronic learning with the advances in Information and Communication Technology. An important component of the... more
We introduce an energy-efficient Cooperative target tracking framework for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). A Biological Independent Task Allocation (BITA) algorithm is presented to execute an application using a group of nodes. BITA is... more
We introduce an energy-efficient Cooperative target tracking framework for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). A Biological Independent Task Allocation (BITA) algorithm is presented to execute an application using a group of nodes. BITA is... more
This paper challenges the classical notion of undecidability in computation, demonstrating that problems traditionally considered "non-computable" collapse under structured recursion. By reframing recursion as inherently constrained... more
The author has granted a non-L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence ailowing the exclusive permettant a la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduse, loan, distribute or seil reproduire,... more
Mobile agents are an imminent technology for developing applications in mobile, distributed and pervasive computing. They offer a broad spectrum of features like autonomy; migrate to remote computers and process data to save remote... more
Programs based on code mobility, in particular on Mobile Agents, are an alternative approach to conventional distributed systems. Many aspects of Mobile Agent development have been addressed. In special, languages and environments to... more
linux, 802.21, gestão de ligações Avanços recentes nas telecomunicações conduziram a uma combinação de várias interfaces de acesso à rede num único dispositivo. Os programas de gestão de ligações atuais lidam com as diferentes tecnologias... more
Application of Mobile Agents in MANET is growing day by day to solve various network and user related problems in more efficient manner. However, before mobile agent's viable use in MANET, major performance issues such as reliability of... more
Mobile agent (MA) is a composition of software paradigm, having the capability to move from one host to another across dynamic network environment and execute task assigned by its user. Reliability is one of the most important issues in... more
Mobile agents are software entities consisting of code, data, state and itinerary that can migrate autonomously from host to host executing their code. Despite its benefits, security issues strongly restrict the use of code mobility. The... more
Some of the most difficult questions to answer when designing a distributed application are related to mobility: what information to transfer between sites and when and how to transfer it. Networktransparent distribution, the property... more
Recently, researchers have created many platforms and applications for mobile agents; however, current Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) methodologies have yet not fully integrated the unique properties of these mobile agents.... more
This paper analyzes the performance differences between static and mobile multiagent systems. To do so, we developed solutions to a distributed text search problem, each using a different approach to multiagent systems (static versus... more
This paper analyzes the performance differences between static and mobile multiagent systems. To do so, we developed solutions to a distributed text search problem, each using a different approach to multiagent systems (static versus... more
Two mobile agents, starting at arbitrary, possibly different times from arbitrary nodes of an unknown network, have to meet at some node. Agents move in synchronous rounds: in each round an agent can either stay at the current node or... more
Two mobile agents, starting from different nodes of an unknown network, have to meet at the same node. Agents move in synchronous rounds using a deterministic algorithm. Each agent has a different label, which it can use in the execution... more
We establish a classification of decision problems that are to be solved by mobile agents operating in unlabeled graphs, using a deterministic protocol. The classification is with respect to the ability of a team of agents to solve the... more
We consider the task of rendezvous in networks modeled as undirected graphs. Two mobile agents with different labels, starting at different nodes of an anonymous graph, have to meet. This task has been considered in the literature under... more
Two mobile agents (robots) have to meet in an a priori unknown bounded terrain modeled as a polygon, possibly with polygonal obstacles. Robots are modeled as points, and each of them is equipped with a compass. Compasses of robots may be... more
The aim of rendezvous in a graph is meeting of two mobile agents at some node of an unknown anonymous connected graph. In this paper, we focus on rendezvous in trees, and, analogously to the efforts that have been made for solving the... more
We investigate the Church-Kalmár-Kreisel-Turing Theses concerning theoretical (necessary) limitations of future computers and of deductive sciences, in view of recent results of classical general relativity theory. We argue that (i) there... more
The intersection between Computational Intelligence and Agent technology opens new significant scenarios in many fields where the representation and management of complex systems play a fundamental role. In the formulation of Agent-based... more
The performance of the combined guard channels and mobile handoff call admission control is studied. If a handoff call arrives, and there are not enough channels for its service, it is queued in a finite buffer. Two customer types,... more
Within the last two years, the Java technology has largely entered the world of element, network, and service management and has undoubtedly proven useful in combination with the SNMP framework for both manager and agent side... more
The paper presents "Any Input XML Output" (AIXO), a general and flexible software architecture for wrappers. The architecture has been designed to present data sources as collections of XML documents. The use of XSLT as extraction... more
Hermes is a middleware system for design and execution of activity-based applications in distributed environments. It supports mobile computation as an application implementation strategy. While middleware for mobile computing has... more