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In this paper we present a framework for realtime online signature verification scenarios. The proposed framework is based on state-of-the-art feature extraction and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) classification. While our signature... more
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      Computer ScienceForensicsBiometricsSynchronization
Early heart disease control can be achieved by high disease prediction and diagnosis efficiency. This paper focuses on the use of model based clustering techniques to predict and diagnose heart disease via Poisson mixture regression... more
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      PredictionUnsupervised Machine LearningMixture modelsSupervised Machine Learing
In many long-term clinical trials subjects often experience a number of events all of which might serve as important endpoints for medical studies. The analysis of such multiple events can be beneficial from both medical and statistical... more
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      Survival AnalysisMarkov Chain Monte CarloCensored dataMixture models
N-gram language modeling typically requires large quantities of in-domain training data, i.e., data that matches the task in both topic and style. For conversational speech applications, particularly meeting transcription, obtaining large... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceModelingAutomatic Speech Recognition
Large-scale multilocus studies have become common in molecular phylogenetics, but the best way to interpret these studies when their results strongly conflict with prior information about phylogeny remains unclear. An example of such a... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsSystematic BiologyConvergence
This paper is concerned with estimating preference functionals for choice under risk from the choice behaviour of individuals. We note that there is heterogeneity in behaviour between individuals and within individuals. By 'heterogeneity... more
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      EconometricsData AnalysisUtility TheoryHeterogeneity
We propose a methodology for joint feature learning and clustering of multichannel extracellular electrophysiological data, across multiple recording periods for action potential detection and classification ("spike sorting"). Our... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceBiomedical EngineeringNeurophysiology
In this paper we study how perturbing a matrix changes its non-negative rank. We prove that the non-negative rank is upper-semicontinuos and we describe some special families of perturbations. We show how our results relate to Statistics... more
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      Applied MathematicsJacobian MatrixMixture modelsMixture Model
x Our comments about the paper by Leeflang and Wittink Internat. J. Res. Marketing, 17 2000 105 comprise of two components: first, we address two issues on which we disagree with Leeflang and Wittink: soft versus hard data, and... more
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      MarketingDatabase IntegrationMixture modelsData Model
An experimentation of production of maggots starting from agro-alimentary waste was led to the research station on the diversification of the pisciculture of the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin). Seven substrates were used for the... more
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      Animal ScienceAgronomyHorticultureResearch Methodology
We consider the problem of feature-based face recognition in the setting where only a single example of each face is available for training. The mixture-distance technique we introduce achieves a recognition rate of 95% on a database of... more
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      StatisticsPattern RecognitionFace RecognitionStatistical Analysis
Multivariate hypothesis testing becomes more and more necessary when data is in the process of changing from scalar and univariate format to multivariate format, especially financial and biological data is often constituted of n-dimension... more
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      Maximum LikelihoodMixture modelsIncomplete Data
An unsupervised learning algorithm that can obtain a probabilistic model of an object composed of a collection of parts (a moving human body in our examples) automatically from unlabeled training data is presented. The training data... more
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      Information SystemsComputer VisionLabelingHuman Body
In many contexts, warning systems of law enforcement are used to let uninformed individuals learn what is illegal, while sanctions are applied only after a number of repeated violations. Surprisingly no em-pirical evidence is available so... more
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      Law EnforcementMixture modelsMixture ModelLongitudinal data
The WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring in Uppsala, Sweden, maintains and analyses the world's largest database of reports on suspected adverse drug reaction incidents that occur after drugs are introduced on the... more
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      Therapeutic drug monitoringData cleaningDuplicate DetectionRecord Linkage
In the high-temperature range, where the viscosity (η) of molten glass is b 10 3 Pa s, the activation energy (B) is virtually independent of temperature (T). Moreover, the coefficient A in the Arrhenius relationship, ln(η)=A + B/T, is... more
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      Materials EngineeringActivation EnergyNon crystalline solidsMixture models
T he mixed or heterogeneous multinomial logit (MIXL) model has become popular in a number of fields, especially marketing, health economics, and industrial organization. In most applications of the model, the vector of consumer utility... more
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      MarketingIndustrial OrganizationHealth EconomicsMarketing Science
An important goal of microarray studies is the detection of genes that show significant changes in observed expressions when two or more classes of biological samples such as treatment and control are compared. Using the c-fold rule, a... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceEconometricsStatistics
This paper estimates the risk preferences of cotton farmers in Southern Peru, using the results from a multiple-price-list lottery game. Assuming that preferences conform to two of the leading models of decision under risk|Expected... more
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      Experimental EconomicsRisk AversionMixture modelsD
The objective is to calculate the probability, P F , that a device will fail when its inputs, x, are randomly distributed with probability density, p (x), e.g., the probability that a device will fracture when subject to varying loads.... more
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      Probability TheoryMonte CarloUncertainty QuantificationMixture models
Economists and psychologists have recently been developing new theories of decision making under uncertainty that can accommodate the observed violations of standard statistical decision theoretic axioms by experimental subjects. We... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsDecision Making Under UncertaintyDecision Theory
Future prediction is a fundamental principle of intelligence that helps plan actions and avoid possible dangers. As the future is uncertain to a large extent, modeling the uncertainty and multimodality of the future states is of great... more
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      Machine LearningAutonomous RoboticsMultimodalityDeep Learning
Wavelet-based demosaicing techniques have the advantage of being computationally relatively fast, while having a reconstruction performance that is similar to state-of-the-art techniques. Because the demosaicing rules are linear, it is... more
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      Gaussian processesImage ReconstructionWavelet TransformsMixture models
This paper describes a multivariate Poisson mixture model for clustering supermarket shoppers based on their purchase frequency in a set of product categories. The multivariate nature of the model accounts for cross-selling effects... more
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The recent spate of theoretical models of behaviour under ambiguity can be partitioned into two sets: those involving multiple priors (in which the probabilities of the various events are not known but probabilities can be attached to the... more
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      Applied EconomicsExpected UtilityMixture modelsMixture Model
Because consumers are limited information processors seeking to conserve cognitive energy, it is likely that at least some use identical decision heuristics across product categories. This study develops a finite mixture logit model that... more
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      MarketingPanel DataHeterogeneitySegmentation
The Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is an iterative approach to maximum likelihood parameter estimation. Jordan and Jacobs (1993) recently proposed an EM algorithm for the mixture of experts architecture of Jacobs, Jordan, Nowlan... more
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      AlgorithmsArchitectureNonparametric StatisticsNeural Networks
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      StatisticsClusteringMarkov Chain Monte CarloMixture of Experts
Choice behavior is typically evaluated by assuming that the data is generated by one latent decision-making process or another. What if there are two (or more) latent decision-making processes generating the observed choices? Some choices... more
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      MarketingExperimental EconomicsApplied EconomicsProspect Theory
Based on census data linked to household surveys, we analyze the univariate and joint distribution of income, health and education at the municipality level in Mexico from 1990 to 2010 using Gaussian mixture models. The univariate... more
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      International TradeHuman DevelopmentConvergenceMexico
Dyadic data which is also called co-occurrence data (COD) contains co-occurrences of objects. Searching for statistical models to represent dyadic data is necessary. Fortunately, finite mixture model is a solid statistical model to learn... more
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      Mixture modelsDyadic data analysisExpectation Maximization (EM) Algorithmco-occurrence data
In this study, the effect of coarse aggregate shape characteristics on the compactability and microstructural properties of asphalt mixtures was virtually investigated using a discreet element method (DEM). Results reveal there is a... more
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      AsphaltDiscrete Element MethodAggregatesMixture models
Self‐compacting concrete (SCC) was developed in 1988 and introduced by Professor H. Okamura to achieve durability of structures with low skilled laborers. The three properties of SCC that differentiates it from traditional concrete are... more
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)RheologyCompressive StrengthSelf Compacting Concrete
This paper presents an unsupervised approach for feature selection and extraction in mixtures of generalized Dirichlet (GD) distributions. Our method defines a new mixture model that is able to extract independent and non-Gaussian... more
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      Information SystemsImage ProcessingInformation TheoryEM
Provides statistical tools for Bayesian estimation for the finite mixture of distributions, mainly for the mixture of Gamma, Normal and t-distributions.
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      BayesianMCMCMixture Models (Mathematics)Bayesian Analysis
This paper is the …rst to apply a …nite mixture model to a sample of 64 nations to endogenously analyze the cross-country growth behavior over the period . Results show that growth patterns were segmented in two worldwide regimes, the one... more
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      EconomicsGlobalizationEconomic GrowthEuropean Economic Integration
Economic historians have stressed that income convergence was a key feature of the 'OECD-club' and that globalization was among the accelerating forces of this process in the long-run. This view has however been challenged, since it... more
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      GlobalizationEconomic GrowthMixture modelsMixture Model
Clustering is unsupervised learning where ideally class levels and number of clusters (K) are not known. Kclustering can be categorized as semi-supervised learning where K is known. Here we have considered K-Clustering with simultaneous... more
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      Information SystemsBioinformaticsCognitive ScienceAlgorithms
Data deposition: The new mtDNA sequences were deposited at the EMBL Bank under the accessions HF548556-HF548561. The sequence alignment and the Bayesian consensus tree were deposited at the Dryad Digital Repository... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsGenome assemblyNext generation sequencing
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      StatisticsCluster AnalysisStructure AnalysisBootstrap
Currency carry trade is the investment strategy that involves selling low interest rate currencies in order to purchase higher interest rate currencies, thus profiting from the interest rate differentials. This is a well known financial... more
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    • Mixture models
The paper proposes Bayesian framework in an M/G/1 queuing system with optional second service. The semi-parametric model based on a finite mixture of Gamma distributions is considered to approximate both the general service and re-service... more
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      MCMCBayesian InferenceMixture modelsQueueing Systems
We examine the problem of jointly selecting the number of components and variables in finite mixture regression models. We find that the Akaike information criterion is unsatisfactory for this purpose because it overestimates the number... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsModel SelectionVariable Selection
Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences were conducted to evaluate four alternative hypotheses of phrynosomatine sand lizard relationships. Sequences comprising 2871 aligned base pair positions representing the regions spanning ND1-COI and... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsMolecular EvolutionBiology
Most chord recognition systems share a common architecture comprising two main stages: feature extraction and pattern matching, and two optional sub stages: pre-filtering and post-filtering. Understanding the interaction between these... more
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      Computer ScienceGaussian processesHidden Markov ModelsPattern Matching
This paper investigates heterogeneity in the preferences/WTP (willingness to pay) to preserve marble monuments in Washington, D.C. This is done in the context of three different discrete-choice random-utility models. The main focus is to... more
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      Cultural EconomicsApplied EconomicsChoice ExperimentMixture models
This paper investigates recently proposed Stranded Gaussian Mixture acoustic Model (SGMM) for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). This model extends conventional hidden Markov model (HMM-GMM) by explicitly introducing dependencies between... more
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      Automatic Speech RecognitionSpeech RecognitionSpeechGaussian processes
We consider a mixture model approach to the regression analysis of competing-risks data. Attention is focused on inference concerning the e ects of factors on both the probability of occurrence and the hazard rate conditional on each of... more
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      AlgorithmsStatisticsRiskComputer Simulation
Mixture model-based methods assuming independence may not be valid for clustering growth trajectories arising from multilevel studies because longitudinal data collected from the same unit are often correlated. A mixture of mixed effects... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsEM algorithmMixture models
Finite mixture models (FMM) have received increasing attention in recent years and have proven to be useful in modeling heterogeneous data with a finite number of unobserved sub-population. FMM are a powerful and flexible tool for... more
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      Multivariate AnalysisMixture models