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“In the year 1901 the latter rain began to fall in different parts of the world,” trumpeted the Missionary Manual of the Assemblies of God published three decades later. More importantly, the evangelistic zeal of “waiting, hungry-hearted... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionsHistory of Missions
This article appears in _Asian Missions Advance_ 35 (Jan. 2013): 3-7. It describes perhaps the largest "denomination" (which never will become due to their theological conviction) in Asia, perhaps double the combined membership of all... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyHistory of MissionsEcclesiologyMissional Ecclesiology
God's Missional Nature The important term Missio Dei (Mission of God) needs a biblical foundation. The sending of God by God is a foundational motive in the New Testament. Even at the very beginning of salvation history, shortly after... more
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      ChristianityTheologyMissiologySystematic Theology
This study for the sake of space will limit its scope to the book of Acts. We will look at Paul’s missionary theology and practice as seen through Luke’s writing in Acts. Thus this paper will be a sort of biographical sketch of Paul’s... more
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      ChristianityMissiologyHistory of MissionsPauline Theology
Mission is first and foremost about God and God’s historical redemptive initiative on behalf of creation. In this regard, the Third Lausanne Congress affirms that the Church is called to witness to Christ today by sharing in God’s mission... more
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      MissiologyMission StudiesPentecostal TheologyPentecostalism
An overview of British missionary agencies, drawn from published data.
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      MissiologyMissionary StudiesMissionsHistory of Christian Missions
My argument proceeds in three layers, which move from the more particular to the more general and from the concrete to the speculative. In a first, preliminary discussion, I briefly survey recent developments in Christian missiology... more
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      HinduismMissiology and Mission TheologyAdvaita VedantaMissions
In an hour where doctrine and doctrinal study is dismissed as lacking both significance and relevance, it is our belief that there has never been a time when truth must be proclaimed (preaching) and explained (teaching) loudly, clearly,... more
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      Early ChurchEarly ChristianityMissiology and Mission TheologyBaptism
Entre les VIIIe et IXe siècles, une volonté de convertir les païens du Nord de l’Europe s’affermit et de nombreuses initiatives missionnaires (politiques, religieuses et individuelles) sont lancées. Or, être missionnaire induit le risque... more
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      MissionsHagiographiePériode CarolingienneSainteté
Thousands of dollars are spent on Christian events and mission conferences globally. Very little has been researched on their impact. If results are discussed, they are often short-term goals. This article examines the long-lasting impact... more
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      Event impactsYouthMissions
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El Patronato de Misiones Pedagógicas desarrolló una importante labor de recuperación y difusión de la cultura musical, especialmente del folklore musical español, en los primeros años de la II República española, al poner en marcha un... more
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      Music EducationArtChristian MissionsHistoria
Biography of a Namibian child who was taken to Finland in the late 19th century, and emograted to the USA as an adult
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      Migration StudiesMissionsEducation in FinlandNamibian Studies
How might Christians from one honor-shame culture effectively serve as missionaries in another honor-shame culture? By answering this question, churches and mission organizations can better train cross-cultural workers whose cultural... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionsHonor-Shame culture
Short-term mission trips (STMs) are service trips, typically lasting from one week to a few months, which entails an individual travelling to a distant place to engage in a type of voluntary social service, often in tandem with... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionTransnationalismDiasporas
Over the past eight years I have been researching various aspects of leadership to gain a deeper understanding of how to lead mission movements within the globalized ecosystem in which we now live. This article presents a new theory on... more
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      LeadershipMissiology and Mission TheologyGlobal LeadershipMissions
This collection of studies by social anthropologists describes the complex and often controversial processes of religious change occurring in the postsocialist world. By critically examining the influx of missionaries, the adoption of... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionSociology of Religion
This article assesses the role of late nineteenth- to early twentieth-century Afrikaner missionaries in their ecological positioning in Nyasaland. As envoys of South Africa’s Dutch Reformed Church, they were predisposed to self-identify... more
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      EcologyAfrikaner historyMissionsDutch Reformed Church
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      MissionsMissions and ContextualizationContextualization
Ten worst practices to avoid when planning and implementing mission trips.
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      Service LearningMissions
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      SociologyAnthropologyDevelopment StudiesPeace and Conflict Studies
The seminary was established in 1964 by the Division of Foreign Missions of the (US) Assemblies of God under the name of Far East Advanced School of Theology (FEAST). The founding president was Harold Kohl. In 1989 the name was changed to... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyPopular Culture and Religious StudiesMissionary Linguistics
Sir George Williams had a profound impact on the youth and business people of the 19th century. Out of this renewal movement was birthed the YMCA movement which has reached around the globe. This article explores the faith and values... more
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      ReligionChristianityMissiology and Mission TheologyPrayer
Discipleship is fundamental to developing Christian leaders. A discussion on Christian leadership requires we consider the importance of the church and personal character. Some people might not realize that these two topics correspond... more
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      ChristianityTheologyMissiologyMissiology and Mission Theology
A igreja já aprendeu a ir para a rua. Agora precisamos aprender a entrar na sociedade. Como? Oferecendo serviços relevantes às comunidades ao redor das nossas igrejas e instituições. Para fazermos isso, provavelmente precisaremos utilizar... more
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      MissiologyMobile TechnologyMissiology and Mission TheologyHistory of Missions
ÖZ Bu araştırmada, Türk Savunma Sanayi Firmalarının vizyon ve misyon ifadelerinde hangi ögelerin kullanıldığı ile bu ögelerin ulusal savunma sanayi yönlendirici dokümanlarıyla uyumu incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla 148 savunma sanayi firmasının... more
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      VisionMissionsDefense IndustrySavunma Sanayi
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyMission StudiesTeología
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      Bible TranslationChristian MissionsEvangelismMissions
A number of recent books examine the presentation of the gospel through the lens of honor-shame. This article assesses some of the arguments given in these books to see what they have to say is of valuable and what should be questioned... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionsMission StudiesEvangelism
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      Church GrowthMissions
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      Employment LawMissionsThird Culture KidsMissionary Kids
With this edition, the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) begins a year of celebrating its fiftieth anniversary which we are calling a Year of Jubilee. Like the biblical concept, APTS’s Jubilee will include a number of activities... more
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      TheologyMissiologyReligious EducationMissiology and Mission Theology
As we reflect on the past century, then, the stories of the evangelical world church deserve to be heard. In this volume, we do not have space to even begin to scratch the surface. Being forced to choose an orientation, we collected... more
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Dr. E Stanley Jones through his Kingdom of God perspective had a lasting impact on racism both in India and North America. Through his formation in India of the Christian Ashram movement in 1930 and transplanting it worldwide, Jones... more
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      History of IndiaIndian studiesMissiology and Mission TheologyMissionary History
Missionaries seek to be credible to the people whom they try to influence with the message of the gospel. Although Christ first and foremost calls missionaries to be humble servants who love and serve him, empirical evidence from the... more
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      ExpertiseChristian MissionsEvangelicalismChristian Apologetics
European Space Policy (ESP) in May 2007 put as priority the need to improve coordination and synergies between defence and civilian space programmes and technologies, in a user-driven approach and to set up a structured dialogue with all... more
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      European UnionEuropean Space AgencyMissionsEuropean Space policy
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      PreachingJesuit historyHistory of MissionsBrazil
Notas al programa para el proyecto «Ópera de San Ignacio». Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, 2018.
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      Early MusicTheatre HistoryPoetryBaroque Art and Literature
Mission Round Table 15:1 (Jan-Apr 2020): 42-43. In this insightful interview, Scott Callaham highlights key challenges issued in World Mission: Theology, Strategy, and Current Issues. The book was written not only for mission... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionsMission Studies
Today's generation of young adults in Central and Eastern Europe do not remember the events of 1989, let alone what came before. Their life experience has been wholly different from that of their parents, their educators, their... more
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      Mission StudiesY GenerationCentral and Eastern EuropeMissions
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This dissertation seeks to provide a solution to the declining Evangelical influence in the United States, particularly among Generation Z. The rise in number of those who do not subscribe to a particular religion (“nones”) has doubled in... more
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      SociologyTheologyYouth MinistryPedagogy
This article seeks to discover a common goal between inductive Bible study and “Mother-Tongue Biblical Hermeneutics” and will propose a viable biblical interpretation for Pentecostal/Charismatic ministries in Ghana. African Christians... more
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      PhilosophyBiblical StudiesBible TranslationPentecostalism
In this paper, King Artaxerxes’ action against Queen Vashti (Esther 1:1-2:1-18) is examined, and moral and ethical lessons for contemporary Christian morality are drawn. One can describe the decision of the King as contemptible,... more
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      Synoptic GospelsPentecostalismMissionsBiblical Hermeneutics
AS MISSÕES INTERNAS* « T O D O S COM TODA A ALMA SE ENTREGARAM à salvação dos próximos e a arrancar maus costumes e a meter os bons. Curaram-se e m toda a parte tantas palavras e mais que tudo com o exemplo.» 1 Pese o seu tom apologético... more
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      MissionsCounter Reformation ArchitecturePortuguese Religious History
The Franciscan missions of California have long proven a symbol for polarized portrayals of the Hispanic colonization of the region. Whether by virtue of the Spanish colonial legacy in other areas of the Americas or the founding... more
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      American HistoryLatin American StudiesAmerican StudiesCalifornia (American History)
Le Décret Missions (1997) est le document officiel définissant les missions prioritaires de l'enseignement fondamental (maternel et primaire) et secondaire et organisant les structures propres à les atteindre.
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      MissionsFédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyChurch plantingMissionsMissional Church Theology
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      Church HistoryMissions