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This thesis explores a theology of a three-fold form of proclamation of the Word of God, in which "proclamation" is both direct (i.e., sermon and sacraments) and indirect (i.e., witness in acts of love and mission), and seeks to identify... more
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It is a general belief that whenever there is a new invention or discovery, it usually comes up with an attendant challenge or consequence whether positive or negative. Different inventions and discoveries have flooded the nook and... more
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      ReligionReligion and PoliticsMissiology and Mission TheologyChildren and Youth
L'Unione Europea è nel mondo la regione con la più elevata proporzione di consumatori di bevande alcoliche e con i più alti livelli di consumo . L'alcol è, in ordine di rilevanza, il terzo fattore di rischio per malattia e morte prematura... more
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    • Mission
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    • Mission
Awareness of the narrative nature of educational formation can develop Christian professionals. Attempting to answer the question “what is worldview,” opens up new possibilities for truly holistic education of undergraduates, in... more
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      EducationTheologyProfessionalismCritical Pedagogy
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyMission StudiesMission
What is the relationship between discipleship and mission? In the last generation we didn’t make the connection very well, because in Christendom our lenses for thinking about church became inward lenses. We thought a lot about programs... more
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      TheologySpiritual FormationTheology and CultureDiscipleship
Montreal-based indie-rock band “Arcade Fire” have been lauded as the most important band of the last decade. In terms of their cultural and potentially theological significance it has been argued that Arcade Fire is to Gen Y what U2 is to... more
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      MissiologyContextual TheologiesMissiology and Mission TheologyMission Studies
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    • Mission
Dr. E Stanley Jones through his Kingdom of God perspective had a lasting impact on racism both in India and North America. Through his formation in India of the Christian Ashram movement in 1930 and transplanting it worldwide, Jones... more
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      History of IndiaIndian studiesMissiology and Mission TheologyMissionary History
During an ongoing reform of parish staff led by the Church authorities ofthe Russian Orthodox Church, new positions in parishes are establishing, that of religious educator (catechist), social worker and youth worker. The principal object... more
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      Youth WorkLay Catholic TheologyEcclesiologySecond Vatican Council
This article investigates the meanings of the word proselytism, and at the problematic forms of proselytism that have had a negative impact on the understanding of Christian mission in various parts of the world, not least in Central and... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyMission StudiesChristian Ethics
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    • Mission
100 Bible quotes arranged in 12 themes with additional passages and resources including an A-Z of key Bible verses.  A Renewal Journal resource for Christians and leaders. Blog and details are on
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      MissionChurch Leadership & MinistryRevivalRenewal
In the study of archaeological or historical cultural landscapes in the maritime environment, it is most important to see the landscape and settlement (more widely-the world) as the sea[people] and fisher[people] did in the past,... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIndigenous Archaeololgy
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyBiblical StudiesMissional HermeneuticsDeuteronomy
The term "fresh expressions of church" has been used since 2004 in the Church of England to refer to small contextual churches that start alongside but aim to be different to parish churches. What is characteristic of a fresh expression... more
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    • Mission
Firstly, the Roman Catholic «prehistory» of contact between the Panoan groups of Bolivian Amazonia and Jesuit, Franciscan and lay clergy missionaries is described. The paper then analyses the continuity of the evangelization process by... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionEthnohistory
In recent years, missionaries have discussed and strategized ways to catalyze “church planting movements” (CPMs) around the world. However, many people have challenged mission practices that are oriented on CPM-theory. Both sides of the... more
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      MissiologyMissions to AsiaMissiology and Mission TheologyMission Theory
Referate der afem-Jahrestagung 1999 Cover Ausbildung als missionarischer AuftragSelten sind so viele Experten und herausfordernde und hochaktuelle Beiträge zur theologischen Ausbildung und zur Vorbereitung auf die Missionsarbeit... more
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      MissionTHEOLOGIEEvangelische TheologieAusbildung
The text below -written more from a descriptive than analytical point of view -intends to present in historical perspective the ecumenical initiatives which took place since the mid-nineteenth century involving Protestants, Orthodox and... more
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      MusicMusicologyTheatre StudiesFilm Studies
This is a book review of Michael Gorman's 2015 work, 'Becoming the Gospel: Paul, Participation and Mission'. Working at the intersection of Biblical Studies and Missiology, Gorman shows how participation in the life of God is designed to... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyPauline LiteratureMissiology (Religion)
This is mainly an archival contribution whose purpose is to reassess the concrete phases of Nobili's education. Here I demonstrate that, contrary to what previous historians repeated, Nobili's involvement with the College Romano was very... more
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryClassics
The global Church through various gatherings and declarations has spoken a clear word about the essential factor of Christian partnership and collaboration. To witness this consensus, read the following excerpts found in selected major... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyChurchMissionPartnership
The present investigation has as its object the analysis of the language of documents that have been written in the context of the emergence of the Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata in which is still perceived the use of the typical... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American politicsHistory of MissionsMission Studies
Entertainment Industry is significant tools for relaxing and refreshing from any depressions. Entertainment Industry is also considered to be instrument for developing society or bringing social change. Presently, a number of media are... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionEducationMissiology
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    • Mission
This paper examines the development of evangelistic strategy as found in the New Testament and Early Patristic period. There is a special emphasis on the process of evangelism in the ealry Church.
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      PatristicsEarly ChurchEvangelismMission
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    • Mission
This paper will look at some of the strengths and weaknesses of church planting models and will assess several different popular church planting models that have been used in many different contexts. Also, emphasis will be placed on what... more
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      ChristianityTheologyChristian EducationMissiology
Paolo Aranha. ‘Roberto Nobili e Il Dialogo Interreligioso?’ In Roberto De Nobili (1577-1656): Missionario Gesuita Poliziano: Atti Del Convegno Montepuciano 20 Ottobre 2007, edited by Matteo Sanfilippo and Carlo Prezzolini, 137–50.... more
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      ReligionHistoryTheologyEarly Modern History
When it came to going to China, Robert Jaffray and his publisher father did not agree. His biographer AW Tozer commented, "Age, paternal authority and the strong leverage of economic pressure-all were on his (dad's) side, while Rob had... more
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      ChristianityMissions to AsiaMissiology and Mission TheologyMissionary History
Entre 1632 et 1672, les jésuites ont fait publier en France le récit annuel de leur entreprise missionnaire auprès des Amérindiens de la Nouvelle-France Destinées à édifier le public français et à favoriser la collecte de fonds auprès des... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesTravel WritingJesuit historyTravel Literature
This article demonstrates historically and statistically that conversionary Protestants (CPs) heavily influenced the rise and spread of stable democracy around the world. It argues that CPs were a crucial catalyst initiating the... more
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      Economic HistoryEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
Jesus is the head of the church. He wants the church to be able to carry out the mission of salvation to the whole world so that everyone can be saved. The ideal church services are always based on the mission of Jesus when He was on the... more
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      MissionChristian MinistryPlantingHolistic
Gone are the days when missionaries would pack their belongings in their coffin when they left for the mission field. Gone are the days, by and large, when the missionary would alternate four years in some far-flung land with a year in... more
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      GlobalizationMissionary HistoryCross-Cultural StudiesMission Studies
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      Indonesian HistoryIndonesian StudiesReligious ConversionJava
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    • Mission
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Drawing a line between the conservative and progressive thoughts and outcome of linking between the thread. Thus, this will help us to relocate the complexity they faced in order to work together.
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      DialogueOrthodox TheologyPolitical TheologyMission
This working paper provides a comprehensive bibliography of historical and ethnographic literature on Christianity in Nigeria, and a brief discussion of some of the gaps that need to be filled in that literature.
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      ReligionChristianityAfrican StudiesHistory of Religion
Since its founding thirty years ago, the church growth school of missiology had come to exert a pervasive influence over the world missionary movement. Many missionary leaders, particularly North Americans of a more conservative... more
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    • Mission
Bartolomé de Las Casas’ The Only Way: A Postcolonial Reading of At-One-Ment for Mission Dale Ann Gray, Ph.D. Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 2018 Advisors: José David Rodríguez & Gordon (Tim) Huffman What can sixteenth... more
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      MissiologyCatholic Missionary HistoryPostcolonial StudiesMissiology and Mission Theology
Hudson Taylor interacted with Chinese culture in a way that most westerners saw as unimaginable. What motivated Taylor to live in such a sacrificial way among the Chinese people? What can we learn from his life story that can impact our... more
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      History of ChristianityChinese ReligionsMissiology and Mission TheologyMissionary History
One of the most facile assumptions about religions, especially in the West, is that concepts of "God" would be more or less the same in the various famous scriptures. What would actual study and analysis of the scriptures, however, reveal... more
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      Comparative ReligionIslamic LawComparative LiteratureEthics
Developing a theology of mission faithful to the Scriptures which reveal God to man requires an examination of God's missional attributes, the missio dei, and God's people on mission throughout history.
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      TheologyMissiologyHistorical TheologyPractical theology
Elias Riggs was a missionary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) in Greece between 1832-1838. This article reviews the early life of Elias Riggs, investigates how he became an American missionary in the... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryAmerican StudiesGreek History
Purpose – The aim of this paper is to develop a better understanding of the pressures that can cause mission drift among social enterprises and some of the steps that social enterprises can take combat these pressures.... more
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      Corporate GovernanceInstitutional TheorySocial EnterpriseMission